nem_ATI sectionDir sectionPrefix sectionName Nemo Notes * Updated for Nautilus August/Vol. 3-8 * On this disc you'll find drivers for ATI's VGA cards, accelerator cards, and audio cards. Read the files on the list at the left for installation information for each of the driver sets. On this disc, MACH32 drivers are in the \NEMO\ATI\M32W20 directory, VGA drivers are in the \NEMO\ATI\W31VGA directory, accelerator drivers are in the \NEMO\ATI\W31ACC directory, Mach8 drivers are in \NEMO\ATI\M8W20 and audio drivers are in the \NEMO\ATI\W31SFX directory.? ATI Technologies 416/756-0711 Fax: 416/756-0720 CompuServe: GO ATITECH Nemo Notes Page 149 of 157 DRIVERS W31ACC.TXT TEXT,NEMO\ATI\W31ACC.TXT W31SFX.TXT TEXT,NEMO\ATI\W31SFX.TXT W31VGA.TXT TEXT,NEMO\ATI\W31VGA.TXT MACH32.TXT TEXT,NEMO\ATI\MACH32.TXT MACH8.TXT TEXT,NEMO\ATI\MACH8.TXT ATIO\ATI# W31ACC.TXT sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown W31ACC.TXT 3537 This file contains information about installing the Accelerator drivers. Use Windows SETUP to install these drivers from the \NEMO\ATI\W31ACC directory on this disc.# W31SFX.TXT sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown W31SFX.TXT 8879 This file contains information about installing the SFX drivers. Use Windows SETUP to install these drivers from the \NEMO\ATI\W31SFX directory on this disc. W31VGA.TXT sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown W31VGA.TXT 1142 This file contains information about installing the VGA drivers. Run INSTALL.BAT within DOS from the \NEMO\ATI\W31VGA directory on this disc. MACH32.TXT sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown MACH32.TXT 1894 This file contains information about installing the Mach32 drivers. Run WININST.EXE within DOS from the \NEMO\ATI\M32W20 directory on this disc. MACH8.TXT sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown MACH8.TXT 1893 This file contains information about installing the Mach8 drivers. Run WININST.EXE within DOS from the \NEMO\ATI\M8W20 directory on this disc. nem_Tseng Labs sectionDir sectionPrefix sectionName Nemo Notes * Updated for Nautilus June/Vol. 3-6 * On this disc we have included the most recent drivers for a number of Tseng Labs cards. The text files on the list at the left contain instructions for installing the drivers on your hard drive using the Windows Setup program. The actual files are contained in the \NEMO\TSENG\ directory. Tseng Labs 215/968-0502 CompuServe: GRAPHVEN Forum Nemo Notes Page 150 of 157 DRIVERS Tseng Labs W31ET3.TXT TEXT,NEMO\TSENG\W31ET3.TXT W31ET4.TXT TEXT,NEMO\TSENG\W31ET4.TXT ET424B.TXT TEXT,NEMO\TSENG\ET424B.TXT W31W32.TXT TEXT,NEMO\TSENG\W31W32.TXT TSENGTSENGU W31ET3.TXT sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown W31ET3.TXT 3084 This file contains instructions for installing drivers for the ET3000 chipset. These files are contained in the \NEMO\TSENG\W31ET3 directory on this disc. W31ET4.TXT sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown W31ET4.TXT 3688 This file contains instructions for installing drivers for the ET4000 chipset. These files are contained in the \NEMO\TSENG\W31ET4 directory on this disc. ET424B.TXT sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown ET424B.TXT 3611 This file contains instructions for installing 16.7 million color drivers for the ET4000 chipset. These files are contained in the \NEMO\TSENG\W31ET424B directory on this disc. W31W32.TXT sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown W31W32.TXT 3677 This file contains instructions for installing drivers for the ET4000/W32 accelerator chipset. These files are contained in the \NEMO\TSENG\W31W32 directory on this disc. nem_Media Vision sectionDir sectionPrefix sectionName Nemo Notes * Originally appeared on Nautilus January/Vol. 3-1 * Included here is version 1.45 of the Media Vision drivers for all of their audio cards. Their "Pocket" series, included with these drivers, contains Pocket Mixer, Pocket Recorder, and Pocket CD Player. Run the setup program from the list at left to install the drivers. Media Vision 47221 Fremont Blvd. Fremont, CA 94538 510/770-9905 Nemo Notes Page 151 of 157 DRIVERS Media Vision SETUP.EXE APP,NEMO\MVISION\SETUP.EXE UPDATE.WRI WRITE,NEMO\MVISION\UPDATE.WRI README.WRI WRITE,NEMO\MVISION\README.WRI MVISIONISION5 SETUP.EXE sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown SETUP.EXE 241664 Run this program to install version 1.44 of the Media Vision audio drivers. UPDATE.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown UPDATE.WRI 22912 Read this file for information on this version of the Media Vision audio drivers. README.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown README.WRI 4096 General information about Media Vision's drivers. menuL nem_Your Drivers Here sectionDir sectionPrefix sectionName Nemo Notes Nemo Notes DRIVERS Your Drivers HereI Page 152 of 157 With so many audio, video, CD ROM drive, SCSI host adapter... (the list goes on) manufacturers out there, it's not so easy for a Windows user (or a multimedia magazine) to keep up. If you have a device or card installed in your system, or perhaps you are a hardware manufacturer and would like to have the most recent version of your audio, video, etc., drivers distributed each month on Nautilus, please let us know. See the Nautilus Services section for additional information about having Nautilus publish your drivers on a regular basis. Software sectionDir SOFTWARE sectionPrefix sectionName Software :PHYSSIZE menubar :PHYSSIZE goNext buttonUp buttonUp goNext helpText Go to the next page. index setHelp ohelpText oselectedTextLines (x = keyEnter) clickIndex leaveField enterField keyUp buttonUp enterField @setHelp helpText leaveField keyUp buttonUp buttonUp clickIndex j helpText Click once to go to the selected page. WordPerfect 6.0 Lotus 1-2-3 Release 4 VISTAPRO Street Wizard popSectionList (x = (x = keyEnter); buttonStillDown buttonUp keyUp buttonStillDown popSectionList buttonUp popSectionList keyUp popSectionList helpText Pop up a list of sections to Go to. doSearch buttonUp buttonUp ZdoSearch helpText Find text within the Nautilus Shell. Print doPrint buttonUp buttonUp IdoPrint helpText Print text from this page. newLinkMessage buttonUp buttonUp vnewLinkMessage helpText Create a Link Note. doHelp buttonUp buttonUp doHelp helpText Go to 'Quick Help'. upLevel goSectionHdr buttonUp buttonUp goSectionHdr helpText Go to Table of Contents. goPrev buttonUp buttonUp goPrev helpText Go to the previous page. sof_WordPerfect 6.0 sectionName Software sectionPrefix sectionDir SOFTWARE Software WordPerfect 6.0 WordPerfect 6.0 for DOS is the newest version of the best-selling word processing software. It adds a new enhanced interface as well as other features. :PHYSSIZE WORDPER.DIB WORDPRF6\WORDPRF6 ASD.EXE sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown ASD.EXE 81136 View this self-running demo of WordPerfect for DOS to find out what the new WordPerfect has to offer. System requirements: 480K RAM sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown FEATURES.WRI FEATURES.WRI 6656 This file lists the features that make WordPerfect 6.0 better than ever. sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown README.TXT README.TXT 391 An important message for users of QEMM from Quarterdeck. ASD.EXE DOS,SOFTWARE\WORDPRF6\ASD.EXE FEATURES.WRI WRITE,SOFTWARE\WORDPRF6\FEATURES.WRI README.TXT TEXT,SOFTWARE\WORDPRF6\README.TXT Page 154 of 157 sof_Lotus 1-2-3 Release 4 sectionDir SOFTWARE sectionPrefix sectionName Software This improved version of Lotus has refined spreadsheet "choreography" to optimize the efficiency of hand and eye motions. Software Page 155 of 157 Lotus 1-2-3 Release 4 123TOUR.EXE APP,SOFTWARE\LOTUS\123TOUR.EXE FEATURES.WRI WRITE,SOFTWARE\LOTUS\FEATURES.WRI LOTUSARE\LOTUS LOTUS.DIB :PHYSSIZE 123TOUR.EXE sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown 123TOUR.EXE 353568 Take a look at Lotus 1-2-3 in this self-running Windows demo. FEATURES.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown FEATURES.WRI 6528 Find out more about Lotus 1-2-3 in this file. sof_VISTAPRO sectionDir SOFTWARE sectionPrefix sectionName Software Recreate and explore real-world landscapes in vivid detail with this three-dimensional landscape simulation program. Software Page 156 of 157 VISTAPRO VPDEMO.EXE DOS,SOFTWARE\VRL\VPDEMO.EXE VISTA.AVI MOVIE,SOFTWARE\VRL\VISTA.AVI FEATURES.WRI WRITE,SOFTWARE\VRL\FEATURES.WRI VRLTWARE\VRL VISTAGI.DIB :PHYSSIZE VPDEMO.EXE sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown VPDEMO.EXE 411070 This working model and tutorial of VISTAPRO shows you how you can create detailed views of the world using data from the U.S. Geological Survey and NASA spacecraft. This working model does not allow you to save your work. System requirements: VESA driver for Super VGA resolutions display, 386 or better, 4MB RAM, Microsoft compatible mouse. VISTA.AVI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown VISTA.AVI 31049992 Take a wild ride through a virtual landscape in this video created with VISTAPRO. Length 04:52 / 15 frames per sec FEATURES.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown FEATURES.WRI 4608 Find out what features VISTAPRO offers and what landscapes are included. sof_Street Wizard goNext goNext goNext sectionDir SOFTWARE sectionPrefix sectionName Software Can't read those hand-written directions? Tired of those bulky, hard-to-fold maps? Street Wizard allows you to print maps & directions and locate addresses.Q Softwareo Page 157 of 157 Street Wizard SETUP.EXE APP,SOFTWARE\WIZARD\SETUP.EXE FEATURES.WRI WRITE,SOFTWARE\WIZARD\FEATURES.WRI+ WIZARDRE\WIZARD WIZARD.DIB :PHYSSIZE SETUP.EXE sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown SETUP.EXE 50176 Open this file to install this working model of Street Wizard 3.1 to your hard drive. FEATURES.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown FEATURES.WRI 3456 Find out how Street Wizard can help you find addresses, print maps, display grids, highlight the shortest route, and print directions. ser_Publish on Nautilus sectionDir SERVICES sectionPrefix sectionName Nautilus Services Nautilus is a unique medium: a multimedia magazine designed to be a forum for your comments, software, reviews, Video For Windows clips, MediaBlitz! scores, photos, graphics, templates, MIDI files, and more. We encourage you to submit your materials for publication on Nautilus. Select PUBLISH.WRI for an overview of opportunities, GUIDE.WRI for specific submission guidelines, and SUBMIT.WRI for the Nautilus Submission Authorization form required with every contribution. We look forward to receiving your submissions. Your shareware, photos, ToolBook books, MIDI files, video clips.... Publish your work on Nautilus! Nautilus Services Page 133 of 157 Publish on Nautilus PUBLISH.WRI WRITE,SERVICES\PUBLISH.WRI GUIDE.WRI WRITE,SERVICES\GUIDE.WRI SUBMIT.WRI WRITE,SERVICES\SUBMIT.WRI SERVICES+ PUBLISH.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown PUBLISH.WRI 3456 How to publish your information, software, and more on Nautilus. GUIDE.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown GUIDE.WRI 4992 Specific guidelines on how to have your information published on Nautilus. SUBMIT.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown SUBMIT.WRI 8064 Important! Here's the Nautilus Submission Authorization form, required for every item published on Nautilus. ser_CD ROM Forum sectionDir SERVICES sectionPrefix sectionName Nautilus Services The CD ROM Forum, sponsored by Metatec Corporation, the parent company of Nautilus, and the Optical Publishing Association, is available on CompuServe. Open CDRFORUM.WRI for more information. (Or, if you're one to take a short-cut, log on to CompuServe and type GO CD ROM.) The CD ROM Forum on CompuServe is another ongoing resource for you. Nautilus Services Page 134 of 157 CD ROM Forum- CDRFORUM.WRI WRITE,SERVICES\CDRFORUM.WRIm SERVICES CDRFORUM.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown CDRFORUM.WRI 4608 Open this file for information from Rich Bowers, executive director of the Optical Publishing Association, about the CD ROM Forum on CompuServe, sponsored by Metatec/Nautilus and the OPA. ser_Free Use and You! sectionDir SERVICES sectionPrefix sectionName Nautilus Services What do I do with all this stuff, anyway? Many files are available for your free, non-commercial use. Additional information appears below. Nautilus Services Page 135 of 157 Free Use and You! FREEUSE.WRI WRITE,SERVICES\FREEUSE.WRI NASA.WRI WRITE,SERVICES\NASA.WRI SERVICES STUFF.DIB :PHYSSIZE FREEUSE.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown FREEUSE.WRI 2432 This file contains information regarding copyrights and the Nautilus free-use policy. NASA.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown NASA.WRI 1536 This file contains copyright information for materials from NASA. ser_Credits & Legal Stuff sectionDir SERVICES sectionPrefix sectionName Nautilus Services The Nautilus Team 7001 Discovery Boulevard Dublin, OH 43017 (Voice) 614/766-3165 (Fax) 614/761-4110 Nautilus Services Page 136 of 157 Credits & Legal Stuff MASTHEAD.WRI WRITE,SERVICES\MASTHEAD.WRI DISCLAIM.WRI WRITE,SERVICES\DISCLAIM.WRI SERVICES SHELL.DIB :PHYSSIZE MASTHEAD.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown MASTHEAD.WRI 3712 The people behind the creation and publication of Nautilus. DISCLAIM.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown DISCLAIM.WRI 6144 Nautilus copyright information, warranties, and liabilities. Nemo Notes sectionDir sectionPrefix sectionName Nemo Notes :PHYSSIZE menubar :PHYSSIZE goNext buttonUp buttonUp goNext helpText Go to the next page. index setHelp ohelpText oselectedTextLines (x = keyEnter) clickIndex leaveField enterField keyUp buttonUp enterField @setHelp helpText leaveField keyUp buttonUp buttonUp clickIndex h helpText Click once to go to the selected page. About This Section Cruisin' New Waters... TrueType Fonts Treasure Chest Tech Notes Errata Notes Reference Windows UnArchive Vendor Notes TrueType Installer Drivers Tseng Labs Media Vision Your Drivers Here popSectionList (x = (x = keyEnter); buttonStillDown buttonUp keyUp buttonStillDown popSectionList buttonUp popSectionList keyUp popSectionList helpText Pop up a list of sections to Go to. doSearch buttonUp buttonUp ZdoSearch helpText Find text within the Nautilus Shell. Print doPrint buttonUp buttonUp IdoPrint helpText Print text from this page. newLinkMessage buttonUp buttonUp vnewLinkMessage helpText Create a Link Note. doHelp buttonUp buttonUp doHelp helpText Go to 'Quick Help'. upLevel goSectionHdr buttonUp buttonUp goSectionHdr helpText Go to Table of Contents. goPrev buttonUp buttonUp goPrev helpText Go to the previous page. nem_About This Section sectionDir sectionPrefix sectionName Nemo Notes Nemo Notes About This SectionA Page 138 of 157 What is Nemo Notes anyway? That's a good question, and it might be answered differently with each issue of Nautilus. Generally speaking, Nemo Notes offers technical "stuff" arranged in a variety of sections. In Cruisin' New Waters, you will always find a variety of new "stuff." This might include technical information and tips, ToolBook books or notes, TrueType fonts, or whatever else Captain Nemo has recently discovered. If you have contributions for this section, be sure to send them in. The Nautilus Treasure Chest contains valuable information and utilities stockpiled by Nemo and crew to make your Nautilus cruise smooth. Frequently, references and items from various sections of previous discs might show up here. These can include device drivers, additional information on multimedia and your PC, and technical information specific to Nautilus. If there is specific information or materials you'd like to see here, by all means, let Nemo know! Send a note to Captain Nemo (or the C Faring columnists) using Nautilus Link, fax, voice mail, or even regular mail. (Notes in bottles, optional.) nem_Cruisin' New Waters... sectionName Nemo Notes sectionPrefix sectionDir Nemo Notes Cruisin' New Waters... Cruise down the river for a view of what's new. :PHYSSIZE WATERS.DIB Page 139 of 157 nem_TrueType Fonts sectionDir sectionPrefix sectionName Nemo Notes This month, Captain Nemo presents five new TrueType fonts for your use. These fonts are distributed as shareware or freeware. Each .WRI file contains the registration information as well as a sample of the font in action. The actual font files are in the \NEMO\TTYPE\FONTS directory on this disc and can be installed using the TrueType Installer found in the "Nautilus Treasure Chest" elsewhere in this section or the Windows 3.1 Control Panel. Questions regarding specific fonts should be directed to the font authors. Here are five more fonts to consider for your font library. Mind your manners: send shareware fees! Nemo Notes Page 140 of 157 CRUISIN' NEW WATERS... TrueType FontsU COMMSCTT.WRI WRITE,NEMO\TTYPE\FONTS\COMMSCTT.WRI CTOONTT.WRI WRITE,NEMO\TTYPE\FONTS\CTOONTT.WRI MFFINEPT.WRI WRITE,NEMO\TTYPE\FONTS\MFFINEPT.WRI MFTHINTT.WRI WRITE,NEMO\TTYPE\FONTS\MFTHINTT.WRI MFWIDETT.WRI WRITE,NEMO\TTYPE\FONTS\MFWIDETT.WRIk TTYPE\FONTSFONTS COMMSCTT.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown COMMSCTT.WRI 202240 "ComScriptTT" font by DTP-Software Cost: Free DTP-Software Manfred Albracht Luisenstr. 39 D-52070 Aachen Germany CTOONTT.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown CTOONTT.WRI 234496 "ComicsCarToon" font by Pat Snyder Shareware: $14.00 Pat Snyder 1797 Ross Inlet Road Coos Bay, OR 97420W MFFINEPT.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown MFFINEPT.WRI 277632 "MarkerFinePoint" font by Pat Snyder Shareware: $12.00 Pat Snyder 1797 Ross Inlet Road Coos Bay, OR 97420 MFTHINTT.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown MFTHINTT.WRI 327296 "MarkerFeltThin" font by Pat Snyder Shareware: $10.00 Pat Snyder 1797 Ross Inlet Road Coos Bay, OR 97420 MFWIDETT.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown MFWIDETT.WRI 326912 "MarkerFeltWide" font by Pat Snyder Shareware: $10.00 Pat Snyder 1797 Ross Inlet Road Coos Bay, OR 97420 nem_Treasure Chest sectionName Nemo Notes sectionPrefix sectionDir Nemo Notes Treasure Chest There are some things that seem too valuable to put on only one disc. So, here's a collection of recurring information. From time to time, we'll add useful tips, information, or whatever to our "Treasure Chest" in hopes that you'll discover something of worth, too. :PHYSSIZE CHEST.DIB Page 141 of 157 nem_Tech Notes sectionDir sectionPrefix sectionName Nemo Notes The idea is simple: to let you know everything we know about things you are likely to encounter when using Nautilus -- and how to solve them. Many of you have already helped define what you will find here simply by calling Tech Support or sending us Link messages. If there are other items you'd like to see here, just let us know and we'll see if we can find a solution for you as well. Nautilus Tech Support Team Nemo Notes Page 142 of 157 TREASURE CHEST Tech Notesq TECHSUP.HLP APP,NEMO\NAUTILUS\TECHSUP.HLP NAUTILUSTILUS TECHSUP.HLP sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown TECHSUP.HLP 52640 This Windows Help file contains a collection of Nautilus tech tips and entries used by our Tech Support Team to help answer your questions. nem_Errata Notes sectionDir sectionPrefix sectionName Nemo Notes Once in a while you may encounter something on Nautilus that doesn't run as expected (as you expected or perhaps as we expected when we sent the disc to you). When this happens, our subscribers usually let us know in no time flat. Since we have the benefit of sending a new disc to you every month, we are frequently able to correct those undocumented "features" in a timely manner. On this page you'll find our ongoing list of these occurrences so that when you refer to previous issues, you'll know how to deal with problems that you may run across.q It may seem hard to believe, but even Nautilus isn't perfect. Nemo Notes Page 143 of 157 TREASURE CHEST Errata Notes= ERRATA.HLP APP,NEMO\NAUTILUS\ERRATA.HLP NAUTILUSTILUS ERRATA.HLP sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown ERRATA.HLP 18856 Errata listings from Nautilus Vol. 2-7 through Vol. 3-8 / August 1993 in Windows Help format. nem_Reference sectionDir sectionPrefix sectionName Nemo Notes We want to keep you up to date on the goings-on with that Nautilus disc in your CD ROM drive. Some of the files on this page will help you do that, while others will give you explanations of the file formats and icons used within Nautilus. Also, be sure to see the Tech Notes page, where you'll find information regarding the most commonly asked questions, and the Errata Notes page, where we list documented problems and answers for previous discs. From the Nautilus Team, an assortment of info and tips. Nemo Notesw Page 144 of 157 TREASURE CHEST Reference INDEX.TBK HYPERFILE,NEMO\NAUTILUS\INDEX.TBK,NAUTAPPS\TBOOK.EXE REFERNCE.HLP APP,NEMO\NAUTILUS\REFERNCE.HLP NAUTILUSTILUS INDEX.TBK sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown INDEX.TBK 90936 A collection of the indexes to previous issues of Nautilus (Vol. 1-1 through Vol. 3-8). (Indexes are found on the last page of each disc's Table of Contents.) REFERNCE.HLP sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown REFERNCE.HLP 30978 The Nautilus Reference Help file contains information about using sounds and images from the Nautilus disc as well as useful reference information about the Nautilus Shell itself. <: 8 8 ) nem_Windows UnArchive sectionDir sectionPrefix sectionName Nemo Notes One of the most useful tools we've encountered is James Hughes' Windows UnArchive 2.21, a program that is used to extract and decompress files from .ZIP and .ARJ format archives. In addition to its licensed use throughout the Nautilus Shell, we are pleased to make this shareware utility available to you.w James N. Hughes 1100 Fair Park Blvd. #2 Little Rock, AR 72204 501/663-5901 Nemo Notes Page 145 of 157 TREASURE CHEST Windows UnArchive WUNA22.ZIP NAUTFILE,NEMO\WUNA\WUNA22.ZIP,NAUTAPPS\NWUNA.EXE,-M999 -D WUNA.WRI WRITE,NEMO\WUNA\WUNA.WRI ORDRFRM.WRI WRITE,NEMO\WUNA\ORDRFRM.WRI WUNA\WUNA WUNA22.ZIP sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown WUNA22.ZIP 140558 Windows UnArchive 2.21, an archive file extraction utility for Windows 3.x, by James N. Hughes. Click Open to have WUNA 2.21 extract itself. Cost: Shareware $10.00 WUNA.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown WUNA.WRI 9984 Description, registration information, and legal stuff relating to WUNA 2.21. ORDRFRM.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown ORDRFRM.WRI 3584 Printable order form for WUNA 2.21. nem_Vendor Notes sectionDir sectionPrefix sectionName Nemo Notes LASER3.WRI is a compilation of messages (republished with permission from the CD ROM Forum on CompuServe) regarding the Sony Laser Library in particular and CD ROM drives in general. See WDLINFO.WRI for a recent Windows driver library listing. The files listed here are available through the Microsoft Product Support Download Service at 206/637-9009, as well as CompuServe and GEnie. MIDIMAP.TXT and MPLAYMID.TXT are articles about configuring MIDI on your system. Both articles, reprinted by permission, are from Microsoft's Knowledge Base, which can be found on CompuServe. Here is information, provided from various sources, to help enhance your system. Nemo Notes Page 146 of 157 TREASURE CHEST Vendor Notesk LASER3.WRI WRITE,NEMO\VENDOR\LASER3.WRI WDLINFO.WRI WRITE,NEMO\VENDOR\WDLINFO.WRI MIDIMAP.TXT TEXT,NEMO\VENDOR\MIDIMAP.TXT MPLAYMID.TXT TEXT,NEMO\VENDOR\MPLAYMID.TXT1 VENDORENDOR LASER3.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown LASER3.WRI 113536 This file is a compilation of messages that were posted in the CD ROM Forum on CompuServe regarding the Sony Laser Library in particular and CD ROM drives in general. Submitted by Kevin Kelly -- 76650,351 * Updated on Nautilus August 1993/Vol. 3-8 * WDLINFO.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown WDLINFO.WRI 39040 Information about accessing Microsoft's Windows Driver Library. * Updated for Nautilus August 1993/Vol. 3-8. * MIDIMAP.TXT sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown MIDIMAP.TXT 6053 "Using the MIDI Mapper" How to customize MIDI Setups to meet special needs. MPLAYMID.TXT sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown MPLAYMID.TXT 4160 "When Media Player Won't Play MIDI Files" Information to help you determine why you can't play a MIDI file from your multimedia PC using Media Player (or Nautilus, for that matter). buildB nem_TrueType Installer sectionDir sectionPrefix sectionName Nemo Notes TrueType Installer picks up where the Windows Control Panel left off. Not only does it let you add TrueType fonts to your system, but it even gives you the ability to preview them in advance. Coupled with the other features, TrueType Installer is a great add-on to any Windows system.c Kai Kaltenbach 15015 Main Street Suite 103-137 Bellevue, WA 98007 Nemo Notes Page 147 of 157 TREASURE CHEST TrueType Installer; SETUP.EXE APP,NEMO\TTYPE\TTINSTAL\SETUP.EXE TTYPE\TTINSTALNSTAL SETUP.EXE sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown SETUP.EXE 14848 Install TrueType Installer to your hard drive by running this file. Cost: Shareware $15.00 nem_Drivers sectionDir sectionPrefix sectionName Nemo Notes Nemo Notes Drivers Page 148 of 157 Drivers are the programs that let Windows talk to your specific hardware. Without the correct drivers, you would have a very difficult time reading text on your screen, hearing .WAV files, and accessing your CD ROM drive.S In this subsection, we have attempted to provide some of the common drivers to help our subscribers get the most out of their systems. You may find a more recent driver for your sound card here or perhaps a new video driver that will improve your video performance. Take a look at the "Your Drivers Here" page to be sure that your drivers are included on a future Nautilus disc. let_Windows Sound Recorder sectionDir LETTERS sectionPrefix sectionName Nautilus Letters .WAV files play differently through Sound Recorder and Media Player. Here's why. Nautilus Letters Page 118 of 157 TECH Q&A Windows Sound Recorder COLLIER.WRI WRITE,LETTERS\COLLIER.WRI COLLIER.WAV WAVE,LETTERS\COLLIER.WAV LETTERS COLLIER.DIB :PHYSSIZE COLLIER.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown COLLIER.WRI 1664 Alan Collier asks why .WAV files sound "jerky" when played through Media Player, plus the Nautilus response. COLLIER.WAV sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown COLLIER.WAV 428076 Audio version of the Nautilus response to Alan Collier. Length 00:19 / Mono/ 8 bit/ 22 kHz let_MIDI Problem sectionDir LETTERS sectionPrefix sectionName Nautilus Letters MIDI files won't play from Nautilus but will play from other programs. Why? Nautilus Letters Page 119 of 157 TECH Q&A MIDI Problem BRIDI.WRI WRITE,LETTERS\BRIDI.WRI BRIDI.WAV WAVE,LETTERS\BRIDI.WAV LETTERS BRIDI.DIB :PHYSSIZE BRIDI.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown BRIDI.WRI 2560 Daniel Bridi asks why he cannot play MIDI files from Nautilus, plus the Nautilus response. BRIDI.WAV sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown BRIDI.WAV 764972 Audio version of the Nautilus response to Daniel Bridi. Length 00:35 / Mono/ 8 bit/ 22 kHz let_Problems with 24 bit Color sectionDir LETTERS sectionPrefix sectionName Nautilus Letters One subscriber has problems running Nautilus in high resolutions and colors. Nautilus Letters Page 120 of 157 TECH Q&A Problems with 24 bit Color MOUNT.WRI WRITE,LETTERS\MOUNT.WRI MOUNT.WAV WAVE,LETTERS\MOUNT.WAV LETTERS MOUNT.DIB :PHYSSIZE MOUNT.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown MOUNT.WRI 2560 Paul Mount has trouble running Nautilus with 24 bit color, plus the Nautilus response. MOUNT.WAV sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown MOUNT.WAV 1236268 Audio version of the Nautilus response to Paul Mount. Length 00:56 / Mono/ 8 bit/ 22 kHz let_User Tips sectionName Nautilus Letters sectionPrefix sectionDir LETTERS Nautilus Letters User Tips This subsection contains useful tips 'n tricks submitted by Nautilus subscribers. Don't be shy! If you have information that you feel would benefit other subscribers, please send it in. :PHYSSIZE USRTIPS.DIB Page 121 of 157 let_QuickTime Sound Problem sectionDir LETTERS sectionPrefix sectionName Nautilus Letters Here are two suggestions for working around the maximum sound problem encountered with QuickTime videos. Nautilus Letters Page 122 of 157 USER TIPS QuickTime Sound Problem5 WEAVER.WRI WRITE,LETTERS\WEAVER.WRI WEAVER.WAV WAVE,LETTERS\WEAVER.WAV LETTERS WEAVER.DIB :PHYSSIZE WEAVER.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown WEAVER.WRI 1920 David Weaver provides a kluge for the QuickTime sound problem, plus the Nautilus response. WEAVER.WAV sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown WEAVER.WAV 415916 Audio version of the Nautilus response to David Weaver. Length 00:19 / Mono/ 8 bit/ 22 kHz let_CD ROM Drive Problems sectionName Nautilus Letters sectionPrefix sectionDir LETTERS Nautilus Letters USER TIPS CD ROM Drive Problems For this subscriber, the trouble he had using Nautilus stemmed not from the CD or his drivers, but from the drive itself. :PHYSSIZE SAVAGE.DIB LETTERS sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown SAVAGE.WRI SAVAGE.WRI 1408 Kent Savage describes his problem and the solution, and sends kudos to the Nautilus Technical Support team. SAVAGE.WRI WRITE,LETTERS\SAVAGE.WRI Page 123 of 157 let_CD ROM Drive Problems let_First Time Link User sectionName Nautilus Letters sectionPrefix sectionDir LETTERS Nautilus Letters USER TIPS First Time Link User If you think using the Nautilus Link might be onerous, here's one subscriber's experience. :PHYSSIZE HALEY2.DIB LETTERS sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown HALEY2.WRI HALEY2.WRI 1792 Bruce Haley says he's embarrassed he hasn't been using the Nautilus Link before now. HALEY2.WRI WRITE,LETTERS\HALEY2.WRI Page 124 of 157 let_Encartaphillia sectionName Nautilus Letters sectionPrefix sectionDir LETTERS Nautilus Letters USER TIPS Encartaphillia If you plan on using Microsoft's Encarta, here are a few tips. :PHYSSIZE SIMPSON.DIB LETTERS sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown SIMPSON.WRI SIMPSON.WRI 1664 Richard Simpson provides these tips for users of Encarta. SIMPSON.WRI WRITE,LETTERS\SIMPSON.WRI Page 125 of 157 Nautilus Services sectionDir SERVICES sectionPrefix sectionName Nautilus Services :PHYSSIZE menubar :PHYSSIZE goNext buttonUp buttonUp goNext helpText Go to the next page. index setHelp ohelpText oselectedTextLines (x = keyEnter) clickIndex leaveField enterField keyUp buttonUp enterField @setHelp helpText leaveField keyUp buttonUp buttonUp clickIndex r helpText Click once to go to the selected page. New System Requirements Announcements About Nautilus Services Customer Service Subscriber ID, Nautilus Link Subscribe or Renew Here Publish on Nautilus CD ROM Forum Free Use and You! Credits & Legal Stuff popSectionList (x = (x = keyEnter); buttonStillDown buttonUp keyUp buttonStillDown popSectionList buttonUp popSectionList keyUp popSectionList helpText Pop up a list of sections to Go to. doSearch buttonUp buttonUp ZdoSearch helpText Find text within the Nautilus Shell. Print doPrint buttonUp buttonUp IdoPrint helpText Print text from this page. newLinkMessage buttonUp buttonUp vnewLinkMessage helpText Create a Link Note. doHelp buttonUp buttonUp doHelp helpText Go to 'Quick Help'. upLevel goSectionHdr buttonUp buttonUp goSectionHdr helpText Go to Table of Contents. goPrev buttonUp buttonUp goPrev helpText Go to the previous page. ser_New System Requirements sectionDir SERVICES sectionPrefix sectionName Nautilus Services Nautilus Services New System Requirements Page 127 of 157 New system requirements for the NautilusCD Shell are: multimedia PC or equivalent PC, Windows 3.1 or greater, 4 megabytes RAM, 256 colors. Recommended: a modem, external speakers, 8 megabytes of RAM. Files will still be accessible from File Manager or an equivalent. Next month you'll get your first taste of the new NautilusCD. It still has all the same great articles, software, video, and music you've come to expect each month as well as a few new surprises. And, we think you'll find that the new interface adds functionality to the magazine and opens new windows on the world. Some subscribers may need to upgrade their systems to use the new NautilusCD; however, all content will continue to be accessible from File Manager or an equivalent.clic ser_Announcements sectionDir SERVICES sectionPrefix sectionName Nautilus Services Backpac 3 Released! Find out about a new product from Nautilus, Backpac 3, and learn how to submit material to us via the Internet. Nautilus Services Page 128 of 157 Announcements BACKPAC3.WRI WRITE,SERVICES\BACKPAC3.WRI INTERNET.WRI WRITE,SERVICES\INTERNET.WRI SERVICES ANNOUNCE.DIB :PHYSSIZE BACKPAC3.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown BACKPAC3.WRI 1536 Find out what Nautilus Backpac 3 (issues 3-1 through 3-6, January through June 1993) has to offer. INTERNET.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown INTERNET.WRI 2432 Nautilus now has an Internet address. Learn how to submit materials to us via Internet in this file. ser_About Nautilus Services sectionDir SERVICES sectionPrefix sectionName Nautilus Services Nautilus Services About Nautilus Services Page 129 of 157 This issue: * The inside scoop on your SI * Nautilus Customer Service & Technical Support * How to Subscribe or Renew * Free Use and You * How to publish on Nautilus? We created this section to provide you with ongoing information to enhance your Nautilus experience. Here you'll find "how-to" information on a variety of topics, from Linking to renewing your subscription. When necessary, we'll include corrections to materials previously published on Nautilus. The Nautilus Services section is for you. Please let us know how we can make it even better and more useful. ser_Customer Service sectionDir SERVICES sectionPrefix sectionName Nautilus Services Need some answers fast? Nautilus Customer Service can help. Learn how and when you can reach Nautilus Customer Service. Nautilus Services Page 130 of 157 Customer Service7 NAUTSVC.WRI WRITE,SERVICES\NAUTSVC.WRI MAILING.WRI WRITE,SERVICES\MAILING.WRI SERVICES SUPPORT.DIB :PHYSSIZE NAUTSVC.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown NAUTSVC.WRI 1792 This file tells you how and when you can reach Nautilus Customer Service. MAILING.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown MAILING.WRI 1536 Our subscribers often ask for more information on CD ROM and CD ROM-related products. Our new mailing list policy means that you'll soon see more computer-related information coming in your mailbox. Learn more about the policy, including information on how to stop receiving mailings, in this file. ser_Subscriber ID, Nautilus Link sectionName Nautilus Services sectionPrefix sectionDir SERVICES Nautilus Services Subscriber ID, Nautilus Link Use your unique Subscriber Identification number (SI) when contacting us and when using the Nautilus Link facility. Find out more below. :PHYSSIZE SI.DIB SERVICES SI.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown SI.WRI 1792 Open this document for a description of Subscriber Identification numbers, or SIs. sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown LINK.WRI LINK.WRI 6656 Open this document for specific information on linking messages to (and receiving messages from) the Nautilus Team via modem. SI.WRI WRITE,SERVICES\SI.WRI LINK.WRI WRITE,SERVICES\LINK.WRI Page 131 of 157 ser_Subscribe or Renew Here sectionName Nautilus Services sectionPrefix sectionDir SERVICES Nautilus Services Subscribe or Renew Here Nautilus 7001 Discovery Boulevard Dublin, OH 43017-3299 Phone: 800/637-3472 FAX: 614/761-4110 SUB.TBK Is it time for you to renew your Nautilus subscription? Use the form labelled SUB.TBK from the list on the left to Link us your renewal right away. And while you're at it, extend that Nautilus subscription -- FREE! Do you know someone who would enjoy Nautilus? Why not help them subscribe? Sign up a friend and we'll extend your subscription with one FREE issue. Sign up two friends and receive two FREE discs, and so on. Sign up a friend using the subscription form, SUB.TBK, from the list at left. Be sure to let us know that the new subscription is courtesy of you so that we can schedule your free disc(s). (Simply Link an extra message with the subscription form, or print out the form and write in your name and Subscriber Identification number as reference.) For information regarding current Nautilus subscription rates, see PRICING.WRI. SERVICES sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown SUB.TBK 43682 Open this ToolBook book to access, complete, and electronically Link your Nautilus subscription/renewal form directly to us (or print it out and fax or mail it to Nautilus using the information above). sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown PRICING.WRI PRICING.WRI 3200 Current Nautilus subscription rates. SUB.TBK HYPERFILE,SERVICES\SUB.TBK,NAUTAPPS\TBOOK.EXE PRICING.WRI WRITE,SERVICES\PRICING.WRI Page 132 of 157 Nautilus Letters sectionDir LETTERS sectionPrefix sectionName Nautilus Letters :PHYSSIZE menubar :PHYSSIZE goNext buttonUp buttonUp goNext helpText Go to the next page. index setHelp ohelpText oselectedTextLines (x = keyEnter) clickIndex leaveField enterField keyUp buttonUp enterField @setHelp helpText leaveField keyUp buttonUp buttonUp clickIndex p helpText Click once to go to the selected page. This Issue Editorial Q&A Tutorials CD ROM Directory Use of Commercial Demos .MOD Files International Link Exploring the Internet Celestial Navigations Photography What a Difference! Your Drivers Here Planet of the Month Just What I'm Looking For Tech Q&A Windows Sound Recorder MIDI Problem Problems with 24 bit Color User Tips QuickTime Sound Problem CD ROM Drive Problems First Time Link User Encartaphillia popSectionList (x = (x = keyEnter); buttonStillDown buttonUp keyUp buttonStillDown popSectionList buttonUp popSectionList keyUp popSectionList helpText Pop up a list of sections to Go to. doSearch buttonUp buttonUp ZdoSearch helpText Find text within the Nautilus Shell. Print doPrint buttonUp buttonUp IdoPrint helpText Print text from this page. newLinkMessage buttonUp buttonUp vnewLinkMessage helpText Create a Link Note. doHelp buttonUp buttonUp doHelp helpText Go to 'Quick Help'. upLevel goSectionHdr buttonUp buttonUp goSectionHdr helpText Go to Table of Contents. goPrev buttonUp buttonUp goPrev helpText Go to the previous page. let_This Issue sectionDir LETTERS sectionPrefix sectionName Nautilus Letters Nautilus Letters' This IssueG Page 103 of 157 The stamp used as a background this month recently arrived at our offices from Poland. In this section you'll find subscribers' letters to Nautilus, as well as comments to subscribers from the Nautilus Team. In addition to the two regular subsections (Editorial Q&A and Tech Q&A), we divide the technical questions into three categories, as applicable: General, Corrections/Fixes, and User Tips. Please let us know if these distinctions are helpful, and watch for others in the future. If you have questions or comments, feel free to contact us via Link, fax or phone. Our voice mail is an excellent option and allows us to make this section multimedia by including your voice! (Call 614/761-4112.) Details on all the ways to reach us are available in the Nautilus Services section on this disc. We look forward to hearing from you. let_Editorial Q&A sectionName Nautilus Letters sectionPrefix sectionDir LETTERS Nautilus Letters Editorial Q&A This subsection contains general questions: those regarding Nautilus content, suggestions, comments between subscribers, and more. See Tech Q&A for questions regarding how Nautilus works, questions about using specific programs, and other technical information. :PHYSSIZE EDITOR.DIB Page 104 of 157 let_Tutorials sectionDir LETTERS sectionPrefix sectionName Nautilus Letters One subscriber appreciates demos and shareware on Nautilus, but would like to learn how to use this "stuff." Nautilus Letters Page 105 of 157 EDITORIAL Q&A Tutorials/ HALEY.WRI WRITE,LETTERS\HALEY.WRI HALEY.WAV WAVE,LETTERS\HALEY.WAV LETTERS HALEY.DIB :PHYSSIZE HALEY.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown HALEY.WRI 2432 Bruce Haley requests tutorials, plus the Nautilus response. HALEY.WAV sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown HALEY.WAV 445996 Audio version of the Nautilus response to Bruce Haley. Length 00:20 / Mono/ 8 bit/ 22 kHz let_CD ROM Directory sectionDir LETTERS sectionPrefix sectionName Nautilus Letters Here's information for sending us updates for the CD ROM Directory. Nautilus Letters Page 106 of 157 EDITORIAL Q&A CD ROM Directory ROSS.WRI WRITE,LETTERS\ROSS.WRI ROSS.WAV WAVE,LETTERS\ROSS.WAV LETTERS ROSS.DIB :PHYSSIZE ROSS.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown ROSS.WRI 1408 Jerry Ross wants to send titles for the CD ROM Directory, plus the Nautilus response. ROSS.WAV sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown ROSS.WAV 497964 Audio version of the Nautilus response to Jerry Ross. Length 00:23 / Mono/ 8 bit/ 22 kHz let_Use of Commercial Demos sectionDir LETTERS sectionPrefix sectionName Nautilus Letters May you upload commercial demos from Nautilus to BBSs? Nautilus Letters Page 107 of 157 EDITORIAL Q&A Use of Commercial Demos ROSS2.WRI WRITE,LETTERS\ROSS2.WRI ROSS2.WAV WAVE,LETTERS\ROSS2.WAV LETTERS ROSS.DIB :PHYSSIZE ROSS2.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown ROSS2.WRI 1280 Jerry Ross wonders how he can use commercial software demos, plus the Nautilus response. ROSS2.WAV sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown ROSS2.WAV 277676 Audio version of the Nautilus response to Jerry Ross. Length 00:13 / Mono/ 8 bit/ 22 kHz let_.MOD Files sectionDir LETTERS sectionPrefix sectionName Nautilus Letters If you like .MOD files, here's where you can find more. Nautilus Letters Page 108 of 157 EDITORIAL Q&A .MOD Files BRISTOL.WRI WRITE,LETTERS\BRISTOL.WRI BRISTOL.WAV WAVE,LETTERS\BRISTOL.WAV LETTERS BRISTOL.DIB :PHYSSIZE BRISTOL.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown BRISTOL.WRI 1536 Andy Bristol asks where to find .MOD files, plus the Nautilus response. BRISTOL.WAV sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown BRISTOL.WAV 657708 Audio version of the Nautilus response to Andy Bristol. Length 00:30 / Mono/ 8 bit/ 22 kHz let_International Link sectionDir LETTERS sectionPrefix sectionName Nautilus Letters A subscriber from Israel, and frequent Link user, asks the status of our new international Link. Nautilus Letters Page 109 of 157 EDITORIAL Q&A International Link ISHSHALM.WRI WRITE,LETTERS\ISHSHALM.WRI ISHSHALM.WAV WAVE,LETTERS\ISHSHALM.WAV LETTERS SHALOM.DIB :PHYSSIZE ISHSHALM.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown ISHSHALM.WRI 2048 Moshe Ish-Shalom inquires about the status of the new international Link, plus the Nautilus response. ISHSHALM.WAV sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown ISHSHALM.WAV 1185836 Audio version of the Nautilus response to Moshe Ish-Shalom. Length 00:54 / Mono/ 8 bit/ 22 kHz let_Exploring the Internet sectionDir LETTERS sectionPrefix sectionName Nautilus Letters add wav fileW A request for more information about the Internet. Nautilus Letters Page 110 of 157 EDITORIAL Q&A Exploring the Internet ARONOV.WRI WRITE,LETTERS\ARONOV.WRI ARONOV.WAV WAVE,LETTERS\ARONOV.WAV LETTERS ARONOV.DIB :PHYSSIZE ARONOV.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown ARONOV.WRI 1664 Lawrence Aronovitch suggests we carry more information about the Internet, plus the Nautilus response. ARONOV.WAV sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown ARONOV.WAV 449452 Audio version of the Nautilus response to Lawrence Aronovitch. Length 00:20 / Mono/ 8 bit/ 22 kHz let_Celestial Navigations sectionDir LETTERS sectionPrefix sectionName Nautilus Letters add bellman Two subscribers comment on Celestial Navigations: one prefers video to audio; one would like to see a performance schedule. Nautilus Letters Page 111 of 157 EDITORIAL Q&A Celestial Navigationso DENEAULT.WRI WRITE,LETTERS\DENEAULT.WRI DENEAULT.WAV WAVE,LETTERS\DENEAULT.WAV BELLMAN.WRI WRITE,LETTERS\BELLMAN.WRI BELLMAN.WAV WAVE,LETTERS\BELLMAN.WAV) LETTERS DENEAULT.DIB :PHYSSIZE DENEAULT.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown DENEAULT.WRI 1408 Le Roy De Neault prefers video to CD audio for Celestial Navigations selections, plus the Nautilus response.u DENEAULT.WAV sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown DENEAULT.WAV 404268 Audio version of the Nautilus response to Le Roy De Neault. Length 00:18 / Mono/ 8 bit/ 22 kHz BELLMAN.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown BELLMAN.WRI 1408 Sander Bellman would like to see a Celestial Navigations live performance, plus the Nautilus response. BELLMAN.WAV sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown BELLMAN.WAV 472748 Audio version of the Nautilus response to Sander Bellman. Length 00:21 / Mono/ 8 bit/ 22 kHz let_Photography sectionDir LETTERS sectionPrefix sectionName Nautilus Letters Appreciation and suggestions for the Photography & Images section. Nautilus Letters Page 112 of 157 EDITORIAL Q&A Photography CAMMISO.WRI WRITE,LETTERS\CAMMISO.WRI CAMMISO.WAV WAVE,LETTERS\CAMMISO.WAV LETTERS CAMMISO.DIB :PHYSSIZE CAMMISO.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown CAMMISO.WRI 1792 Joseph Cammiso comments on the Photography & Images section, plus the Nautilus response. CAMMISO.WAV sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown CAMMISO.WAV 646572 Audio version of the Nautilus response to Joseph Cammiso. Length 00:29 / Mono/ 8 bit/ 22 kHz let_What a Difference! sectionDir LETTERS sectionPrefix sectionName Nautilus Letters add wav Nautilus came alive for this subscriber when he added a sound card to his system. Nautilus Letters Page 113 of 157 EDITORIAL Q&A What a Difference! ZIELKE.WRI WRITE,LETTERS\ZIELKE.WRI ZIELKE.WAV WAVE,LETTERS\ZIELKE.WAV LETTERS ZIELKE.DIB :PHYSSIZE ZIELKE.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown ZIELKE.WRI 2304 John Zielke is enjoying Nautilus more after a system upgrade, plus the Nautilus response. ZIELKE.WAV sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown ZIELKE.WAV 491308 Audio version of the Nautilus response to John Zielke. Length 00:22 / Mono/ 8 bit/ 22 kHz let_Your Drivers Here sectionDir LETTERS sectionPrefix sectionName Nautilus Letters A suggestion for drivers in the Nemo Notes section. Nautilus Letters Page 114 of 157 EDITORIAL Q&A Your Drivers Here JAQUAY.WRI WRITE,LETTERS\JAQUAY.WRI JAQUAY.WAV WAVE,LETTERS\JAQUAY.WAV LETTERS JAQUAY.DIB :PHYSSIZE JAQUAY.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown JAQUAY.WRI 1280 David Jaquay suggests we carry the MSCDEX driver, plus the Nautilus response. JAQUAY.WAV sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown JAQUAY.WAV 388908 Audio version of the Nautilus response to David Jaquay. Length 00:18 / Mono/ 8 bit/ 22 kHz let_Planet of the Month sectionName Nautilus Letters sectionPrefix sectionDir LETTERS Nautilus Letters EDITORIAL Q&A Planet of the Month Words of appreciation for the Planet of the Month column in the Education section. :PHYSSIZE MCKEE.DIB LETTERS sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown MCKEE.WRI MCKEE.WRI 1024 Joseph McKee enjoys the Planet of the Month column. MCKEE.WRI WRITE,LETTERS\MCKEE.WRI Page 115 of 157 let_Just What I'm Looking For sectionName Nautilus Letters sectionPrefix sectionDir LETTERS Nautilus Letters EDITORIAL Q&A Just What I'm Looking For Nautilus came through for this subscriber! :PHYSSIZE SABAJ.DIB LETTERS sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown SABAJ.WRI SABAJ.WRI 1280 Martin Sabaj found a sound effect on Nautilus just when he was looking for it. SABAJ.WRI WRITE,LETTERS\SABAJ.WRI Page 116 of 157 let_Tech Q&A sectionName Nautilus Letters sectionPrefix sectionDir LETTERS Nautilus Letters Tech Q&A This subsection contains technical questions: those regarding hardware configurations, error messages, drivers, compatibility, and more. Move to the Editorial Q&A subsection for non-technical questions and information. :PHYSSIZE TECH.DIB Page 117 of 157 Anti-Virus Solutions sectionDir VIRUS sectionPrefix sectionName Anti-Virus Solutions :PHYSSIZE menubar :PHYSSIZE goNext buttonUp buttonUp goNext helpText Go to the next page. index setHelp ohelpText oselectedTextLines (x = keyEnter) clickIndex leaveField enterField keyUp buttonUp enterField @setHelp helpText leaveField keyUp buttonUp buttonUp clickIndex r helpText Click once to go to the selected page. About This Section HyperText VSUM McAfee General Info OS2SCAN WSCAN VSHIELD NETSHIELD popSectionList (x = (x = keyEnter); buttonStillDown buttonUp keyUp buttonStillDown popSectionList buttonUp popSectionList keyUp popSectionList helpText Pop up a list of sections to Go to. doSearch buttonUp buttonUp ZdoSearch helpText Find text within the Nautilus Shell. Print doPrint buttonUp buttonUp IdoPrint helpText Print text from this page. newLinkMessage buttonUp buttonUp vnewLinkMessage helpText Create a Link Note. doHelp buttonUp buttonUp doHelp helpText Go to 'Quick Help'. upLevel goSectionHdr buttonUp buttonUp goSectionHdr helpText Go to Table of Contents. goPrev buttonUp buttonUp goPrev helpText Go to the previous page. vir_About This Section sectionDir VIRUS sectionPrefix sectionName Anti-Virus Solutions Anti-Virus Solutions- About This SectionU Page 87 of 157y New update this issue: - VSUM We hope you never run into a virus, but just in case.... This section's collection of virus detection and removal utilities is provided for your convenience. Use these programs against viruses that may have already infected your system and to keep away new viruses. In addition to software, we regularly publish a database of virus and anti-virus related information to help you determine what may be plaguing your system and what to do about it. Note that all of the programs in this section are distributed in .ZIP format. "This is to ensure that the software is authentic and free of tampering," as McAfee Associates so aptly explains. vir_HyperText VSUM sectionDir VIRUS sectionPrefix sectionName Anti-Virus Solutions *Updated for Nautilus Sept. / Vol. 3-9* HyperText VSUM is a HyperText database of the "Virus Information Summary List." It allows quick HyperText searches of many different viruses as well as cross reference searching by Common Names. The Appendices also include cross referencing by Length, Origin, Boot Sector, Infectors and Stealth, and Sub-Stealth viruses. Patricia M. Hoffman 3333 Bowers Avenue #130 Santa Clara, CA 95054 Anti-Virus Solutions? Page 88 of 157c HyperText VSUM VSUM.EXE DOS,VIRUS\VSUM\VSUM.EXE READ_ME.1ST TEXT,VIRUS\VSUM\READ_ME.1ST VSUM_REG.DOC TEXT,VIRUS\VSUM\VSUM_REG.DOC VSUMX307.ZIP NAUTFILE,VIRUS\VSUM\VSUMX307.ZIP,NAUTAPPS\NWUNA.EXE,-M999 -D VSUMS\VSUM VSUM.EXE sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown VSUM.EXE 77141 Run this file to use the VSUM database. Cost: Shareware $30.00C READ_ME.1ST sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown READ_ME.1ST 5191 Basic information about the HyperText VSUM database. VSUM_REG.DOC sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown VSUM_REG.DOC 2721 Registration information for VSUM.O VSUMX307.ZIP sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown VSUMX307.ZIP 929971 All of the files in the VSUM directory in one .ZIP file. Click Open to extract the contents of this file to your hard drive. Nautilu vir_McAfee General Info sectionDir VIRUS sectionPrefix sectionName Anti-Virus Solutions In order to provide the global community with anti-virus coverage in a timely manner, McAfee Associates has established an "Agents" program to provide service, sales, and support for their products around the world. AGENTS.TXT is a list of McAfee Associates agents.W McAfee Associates 2710 Walsh Avenue, 2nd Floor Santa Clara, CA 95051 Anti-Virus Solutions Page 89 of 157 McAfee General Info AGENTS.TXT TEXT,VIRUS\AGENTS.TXTe VIRUS AGENTS.TXT sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown AGENTS.TXT 36769 A listing of agents who provide service, sales, and support for McAfee Associates products worldwide. vir_SCAN sectionDir VIRUS sectionPrefix sectionName Anti-Virus Solutions *Updated for Nautilus July / Vol. 3-7* VIRUSCAN (SCAN) is a virus detection and identification program for the IBM PC and compatible computers. VIRUSCAN will search a PC for computer viruses in memory, the boot sector, the partition table, and the files of a PC and its disks. VIRLIST.TXT outlines the major characteristics of the known IBM PC and compatible virus strains identified by SCAN. CLEAN-UP (CLEAN) is a virus disinfection program. In most instances it is able to repair infected areas and restore normal usage. McAfee Associates 2710 Walsh Avenue, 2nd Floor Santa Clara, CA 95051 Anti-Virus Solutions Page 90 of 1575 SCANO SCN106.ZIP NAUTFILE,VIRUS\SCAN\SCN106.ZIP,NAUTAPPS\NWUNA.EXE,-M999 -D SCAN106.DOC NOLAUNCH,VIRUS\SCAN\SCAN106.DOC CLN106.ZIP NAUTFILE,VIRUS\SCAN\CLN106.ZIP,NAUTAPPS\NWUNA.EXE,-M999 -D CLEAN106.DOC TEXT,VIRUS\SCAN\CLEAN106.DOC REGISTER.DOC TEXT,VIRUS\SCAN\REGISTER.DOC VIRLIST.TXT NOLAUNCH,VIRUS\SCAN\VIRLIST.TXT README.1ST TEXT,VIRUS\SCAN\README.1ST VALIDATE.DOC TEXT,VIRUS\SCAN\VALIDATE.DOC SCANS\SCANK SCN106.ZIP sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown SCN106.ZIP 239522 This ZIP file contains VIRUSCAN, VALIDATE, and all of the related documentation. Click Open to extract the contents of this file to your hard drive. Cost: Shareware $35.00 SCAN106.DOC sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown SCAN106.DOC 56333 Documentation for VIRUSCAN Version 9.15V106. Includes detailed instructions for authenticating, installing and using SCAN. Also includes registration and technical support information. This file is too large for Notepad. Access it with your own word processor. CLN106.ZIP sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown CLN106.ZIP 256297 This ZIP file contains CLEAN.EXE and all of the related documentation. Click Open to extract the contents of this file to your hard drive. Cost: Shareware $35.00 CLEAN106.DOC sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown CLEAN106.DOC 21358 Documentation for CLEAN-UP Version 9.15V106 including detailed instructions for authenticating, installing, and using CLEAN, plus registration and technical support information. REGISTER.DOC sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown REGISTER.DOC 10187 The McAfee Associates VIRUSCAN series is distributed as shareware for home use but must be licensed for use within a business, corporation, or organization. Document includes usage and registration information such as registration forms and 900 number information.1 VIRLIST.TXT sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown VIRLIST.TXT 86229 A text listing of the major characteristics of the known IBM PC and compatible virus strains identified by SCAN. This file is too large for Notepad. Access it with your own word processor.K README.1ST sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown README.1ST 5012 These instructions tell you how to identify a virus with VIRUSCAN and remove it with the CLEAN-UP program. They are intended to provide emergency instructions only; they are not meant to replace the program documentation. For full instructions read the program documentation. VALIDATE.DOC sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown VALIDATE.DOC 2415 Documentation for VALIDATE Version 0.4. VALIDATE is a file-authentication program used to check other programs for signs of tampering. This is the accompanying documentation and also includes information about a free online database of validation values for shareware authors. vir_OS2SCAN sectionDir VIRUS sectionPrefix sectionName Anti-Virus Solutions *Updated for Nautilus Aug. / Vol. 3-8* OS2SCAN Version 9.15V106 is a virus detection program for OS/2. It identifies all 1,353 known computer viruses and their variants. OS2SCAN checks files, subdirectories, diskettes or entire systems for pre-existing computer virus infections. It will identify the virus infecting the system and the area where it was found, giving the name of the virus as well as the I.D. code used with CLEAN-UP to remove it. In most cases, CLEAN-UP will eliminate the virus and fully restore infected programs or system areas to normal operation. The accompanying VIRLIST.TXT file describes all viruses identified by OS2SCAN and their associated I.D. codes for removal by CLEAN-UP. McAfee Associates 2710 Walsh Avenue, 2nd Floor Santa Clara, CA 95051 Anti-Virus Solutions Page 91 of 157 OS2SCAN OSC106.ZIP NAUTFILE,VIRUS\OS2SCAN\OSC106.ZIP,NAUTAPPS\NWUNA.EXE,-M999 -D OSCN106.DOC NOLAUNCH,VIRUS\OS2SCAN\OSCN106.DOC OCL106.ZIP NAUTFILE,VIRUS\OS2SCAN\OCL106.ZIP,NAUTAPPS\NWUNA.EXE,-M999 -D OCLN106.DOC TEXT,VIRUS\OS2SCAN\OCLN106.DOC REGISTER.DOC TEXT,VIRUS\OS2SCAN\REGISTER.DOC VIRLIST.TXT NOLAUNCH,VIRUS\OS2SCAN\VIRLIST.TXT} OS2SCANS2SCAN OSC106.ZIP sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown OSC106.ZIP 246622 This ZIP file contains OS2SCAN and all of the related documentation. Click Open to extract the contents of this file to your hard drive. Cost: Shareware $35.00 OSCN106.DOC sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown OSCN106.DOC 44129 Documentation for OS2SCAN. Includes detailed instructions for authenticating, installing, and using OS2SCAN. Also includes registration and technical support information. This file is too large for Notepad. Access it with your own word processor. OCL106.ZIP sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown OCL106.ZIP 272467 This ZIP file contains OS2CLEAN and all of the related documentation. Click Open to extract the contents of this file to your hard drive. Cost: Shareware $35.00 OCLN106.DOC sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown OCLN106.DOC 20502 Documentation for OS2CLEAN. Includes detailed instructions for authenticating, installing and using OS2CLEAN. Also includes registration and technical support information. REGISTER.DOC sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown REGISTER.DOC 10187 The McAfee Associates VIRUSCAN series is distributed as shareware for home use but must be licensed for use within a business, corporation, or organization. Document includes usage and registration information such as registration forms and 900 number information. VIRLIST.TXT sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown VIRLIST.TXT 86229 A text listing of the major characteristics of the known IBM PC and compatible virus strains identified by SCAN. This file is too large for Notepad. Access it with your own word processor. r r r ) vir_WSCAN sectionDir VIRUS sectionPrefix sectionName Anti-Virus Solutions *Updated for Nautilus July / Vol. 3-7* VIRUSCAN for the Windows environment (WSCAN) is a virus detection and identification program for the IBM PC and compatible computers. VIRUSCAN will search a PC for computer viruses in memory, the boot sector, the partition table, and the files of a PC and its disks. McAfee Associates 2710 Walsh Avenue, 2nd Floor Santa Clara, CA 95051 Anti-Virus Solutions Page 92 of 157/ WSCAN WINSTALL.EXE APP,VIRUS\WSCAN\WINSTALL.EXE WSC106.ZIP NAUTFILE,VIRUS\WSCAN\WSC106.ZIP,NAUTAPPS\NWUNA.EXE,-M999 -D REGISTER.DOC TEXT,VIRUS\WSCAN\REGISTER.DOC WSCAN\WSCAN WINSTALL.EXE sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown WINSTALL.EXE 19606 Open this file to install all WSCAN files to your hard drive. Cost: Shareware $35.00 WSC106.ZIP sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown WSC106.ZIP 299124 This ZIP file contains all files and documentation you will need to run VIRUSCAN for Windows (WSCAN). Click Open to extract the contents of this file to your hard drive. REGISTER.DOC sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown REGISTER.DOC 10187 This file contains the registration form for VIRUSCAN for Windows. vir_VSHIELD sectionDir VIRUS sectionPrefix sectionName Anti-Virus Solutions *Updated for Nautilus July / Vol. 3-7* VSHIELD is a virus prevention program for IBM PC and compatible computers. When VSHIELD first loads, it will search the PC for known computer viruses in memory, the partition table, the boot sector, system files, and itself. It will then install itself as a Terminate-and-Stay-Resident (TSR) program and scan all programs before allowing the system to execute them. McAfee Associates 2710 Walsh Avenue, 2nd Floor Santa Clara, CA 95051 Anti-Virus Solutionso Page 93 of 157 VSHIELD VSH106.ZIP NAUTFILE,VIRUS\VSHIELD\VSH106.ZIP,NAUTAPPS\NWUNA.EXE,-M999 -D VSHLD106.DOC NOLAUNCH,VIRUS\VSHIELD\VSHLD106.DOC REGISTER.DOC TEXT,VIRUS\VSHIELD\REGISTER.DOCu VSHIELDSHIELD VSH106.ZIP sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown VSH106.ZIP 140805 This ZIP file contains VSHIELD and all of the related documentation. VSHIELD software is distributed in ZIP format to ensure that the software is authentic and free of tampering. See related documentation for authentication details. Click Open to extract the contents of this file to your hard drive. Cost: Shareware $35.00a VSHLD106.DOC sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown VSHLD106.DOC 43592 Documentation for VSHIELD Version 5.22V106 and VSHIELD1 Version 0.6. Includes detailed instructions for authenticating, installing, and using VSHIELD and VSHIELD1. Also includes registration and technical support information. This file is too large for Notepad. Access it with your own word processor. REGISTER.DOC sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown REGISTER.DOC 10187 The McAfee Associates VIRUSCAN series is distributed as shareware for home use but must be licensed for use within a business, corporation, or organization. Document includes usage and registration information such as registration forms and 900 number information. ens new vir_NETSHIELD sectionDir VIRUS sectionPrefix sectionName Anti-Virus Solutions *Updated for Nautilus Aug. / Vol. 3-8* NETSHIELD is an anti-virus NLM (NetWare Loadable Module) for Novell NetWare/386 Version 3.11. It checks network file servers for both known and unknown viruses. Known virus detection, including stealth and polymorphic (mutation engine) viruses, is done using McAfee Associates' VIRUSCAN virus scanning technology. Unknown virus detection is handled by computing two 16-bit Cyclic Redundancy Checks (CRC) against files and then periodically comparing the file against its CRC for changes. Key features of NETSHIELD include: checking files for viruses as they are accessed on the server; performing a scheduled scan; notifying users if a virus is found; automatically updating all servers running NETSHIELD with the latest virus pattern file; and unknown virus detection by CRC comparison. NETSHIELD does not change the Last Accessed Date when scanning files. NETSHIELD runs on any Novell NetWare/386 3.11 file server with a minimum of 660Kb of free memory and should utilize less than 10% of the CPU, on average, over a 24 hour period. NETSHIELD is not compatible with version 3.10 of Novell NetWare/386. NETSHIELD's On-Access scanning feature may not be compatible with NetWare Version 4.0. A 4.0-specific version of NETSHIELD will be available after we determine what does not work, why it doesn't work, and how to fix it so that it does work. McAfee Associates 2710 Walsh Avenue, 2nd Floor Santa Clara, CA 95051 Anti-Virus SolutionsS Page 94 of 157w NETSHIELD NSH106.ZIP NAUTFILE,VIRUS\NETSHLD\NSH106.ZIP,NAUTAPPS\NWUNA.EXE,-M999 -D NETSHLD.DOC TEXT,VIRUS\NETSHLD\NETSHLD.DOC REGISTER.DOC TEXT,VIRUS\NETSHLD\REGISTER.DOCU NETSHLDETSHLD NSH106.ZIP sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown NSH106.ZIP 157450 This ZIP file contains NETSHIELD and all of the related documentation. NETSHIELD software is distributed in ZIP format to ensure that the software is authentic and free of tampering. See related documentation for authentication details. Click Open to extract the contents of this file to your hard drive. Cost: Shareware $35.00 NETSHLD.DOC sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown NETSHLD.DOC 33767 Documentation for NETSHIELD Version 1.5V106 Includes detailed instructions for authenticating, installing and using NETSHIELD. Also includes registration and technical support information.a REGISTER.DOC sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown REGISTER.DOC 10187 The McAfee Associates VIRUSCAN series is distributed as shareware for home use but must be licensed for use within a business, corporation, or organization. Document includes usage and registration information such as registration forms and 900 number information. CD ROM Directory sectionDir CDROMDIR sectionPrefix sectionName CD ROM Directory :PHYSSIZE menubar :PHYSSIZE goNext buttonUp buttonUp goNext helpText Go to the next page. index setHelp ohelpText oselectedTextLines (x = keyEnter) clickIndex leaveField enterField keyUp buttonUp enterField @setHelp helpText leaveField keyUp buttonUp buttonUp clickIndex r helpText Click once to go to the selected page. Directory of CD ROM Titles Nautilus CD ROM Offers popSectionList (x = (x = keyEnter); buttonStillDown buttonUp keyUp buttonStillDown popSectionList buttonUp popSectionList keyUp popSectionList helpText Pop up a list of sections to Go to. doSearch buttonUp buttonUp ZdoSearch helpText Find text within the Nautilus Shell. Print doPrint buttonUp buttonUp IdoPrint helpText Print text from this page. newLinkMessage buttonUp buttonUp vnewLinkMessage helpText Create a Link Note. doHelp buttonUp buttonUp doHelp helpText Go to 'Quick Help'. upLevel goSectionHdr buttonUp buttonUp goSectionHdr helpText Go to Table of Contents. goPrev buttonUp buttonUp goPrev helpText Go to the previous page. cdr_Directory of CD ROM Titles sectionDir CDROMDIR sectionPrefix sectionName CD ROM Directory The Nautilus CD ROM Directory is a cumulative listing of some available CD ROM titles (which you can access by selecting CDROMDIR.TBK from the list on the left). As an on-going service for Nautilus subscribers, it needs to be updated on a continuous basis, and this is where we could use your input. Are there additional CD ROMs you've seen which you would recommend to your fellow Nautilus subscribers? Select INPUT.WRI (left) to find out how to have your listing included in a future CD ROM Directory. Thanks to those of you who have already contacted us! You can make the Nautilus CD ROM Directory even better... CD ROM Directory Page 96 of 157 Directory of CD ROM TitlesM CDROMDIR.TBK HYPERFILE,CDROMDIR\CDROMDIR.TBK,NAUTAPPS\TBOOK.EXE INPUT.WRI WRITE,CDROMDIR\INPUT.WRI CDROMDIR CDROMDIR.TBK sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown CDROMDIR.TBK 726944 A ToolBook book of the cumulative Nautilus CD ROM Directory. INPUT.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown INPUT.WRI 1664 Open this document for several options on how to reach Nautilus with your input to the CD ROM Directory. cdr_Nautilus CD ROM Offers sectionDir CDROMDIR sectionPrefix sectionName CD ROM Directory We offer a variety of Nautilus-related items in a range of prices. They're good for your own enjoyment and use, and great for gift-giving. - The three-disc Nautilus Mini-Subscription Kit makes an affordable and unique gift. For every Kit you order, your current subscription will be extended by one disc: a gift for you with every gift you give! - Backpacs (collections of six previously-published issues of Nautilus) are an economical way to dive into Nautilus -- or complete your own collection. Backpacs 1, 2, and 3 are currently available. - "Best of" compilation discs provide single-subject area samplings of the on-going Nautilus service. - Binders, jewel boxes, plastic sleeves, and other storage options for your CDs and CD ROMs are available through Nautilus Customer Service. You can find overview information about these discs in the CD ROM Directory on the previous page, or by opening the files at left: * Nautilus Mini-Subscription Kit - open MINISUB.WRI and KITOFFER.WRI * Nautilus Backpacs - open BACKPAC.WRI and BPOFFER.WRI (Note: Single issues are available to Nautilus subscribers; see BACKPAC.WRI for details.) * Best of MIDI Connection two-disc set - open MIDI2D.WRI and OFFERS2.WRI * Best of Photography two-disc set - open PHOTO2D.WRI and OFFERS2.WRI * Best of Sound Bytes Volume 1 - open SBYTES.WRI and SBOFFER.WRI * Disc storage products - open STORAGE.WRI As always, we invite your comments about Nautilus, our compilation disc products, and special offers. Contact Nautilus Customer Service (800/637-3472 or 614/766-3165) for Nautilus Mini-Subscription Kits, Backpacs, & "Best of" CD ROMs. CD ROM Directory- Page 97 of 157Q Nautilus CD ROM Offers} MINISUB.WRI WRITE,CDROMDIR\MINISUB.WRI KITOFFER.WRI WRITE,CDROMDIR\KITOFFER.WRI BACKPAC.WRI WRITE,CDROMDIR\BACKPAC.WRI BPOFFER.WRI WRITE,CDROMDIR\BPOFFER.WRI MIDI2D.WRI WRITE,CDROMDIR\MIDI2D.WRI PHOTO2D.WRI WRITE,CDROMDIR\PHOTO2D.WRI OFFERS2.WRI WRITE,CDROMDIR\OFFERS2.WRI SBYTES.WRI WRITE,CDROMDIR\SBYTES.WRI SBOFFER.WRI WRITE,CDROMDIR\SBOFFER.WRI STORAGE.WRI WRITE,CDROMDIR\STORAGE.WRI3 CDROMDIRy MINISUB.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown MINISUB.WRI 2688 A description of the Nautilus Mini-Subscription Kit. KITOFFER.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown KITOFFER.WRI 3200 Ordering information for the Nautilus Mini-Subscription Kit. BACKPAC.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown BACKPAC.WRI 2688 A description of Backpacs 1, 2, and 3. (Remember, you can use the free Intro disc available through the Backpac 1 and 3 offers to share Nautilus with a friend. When you bring a new subscriber to Nautilus, your subscription is extended by one issue -- free!) BPOFFER.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown BPOFFER.WRI 2816 Ordering information for Backpacs 1, 2, and 3. MIDI2D.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown MIDI2D.WRI 1920 A description of the "Best of MIDI" two-volume set. PHOTO2D.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown PHOTO2D.WRI 2048 A description of the "Best of Photography " two-volume set. OFFERS2.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown OFFERS2.WRI 2944 Ordering information for the "Best of MIDI" two-volume set and the "Best of Photography " two-volume set.e SBYTES.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown SBYTES.WRI 2560 A description of the "Best of Sound Bytes Volume 1" CD ROM. SBOFFER.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown SBOFFER.WRI 2816 Ordering information for the "Best of Sound Bytes Volume 1." STORAGE.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown STORAGE.WRI 1792 Looking for better ways to store your discs? Check out the options in this file. :PHYSSIZE Industry News sectionDir sectionPrefix sectionName Industry News :PHYSSIZE menubar :PHYSSIZE goNext buttonUp buttonUp goNext helpText Go to the next page. index setHelp ohelpText oselectedTextLines (x = keyEnter) clickIndex leaveField enterField keyUp buttonUp enterField @setHelp helpText leaveField keyUp buttonUp buttonUp clickIndex j helpText Click once to go to the selected page. Newsbytes Reports Events Calendar Press Room popSectionList (x = (x = keyEnter); buttonStillDown buttonUp keyUp buttonStillDown popSectionList buttonUp popSectionList keyUp popSectionList helpText Pop up a list of sections to Go to. doSearch buttonUp buttonUp ZdoSearch helpText Find text within the Nautilus Shell. Print doPrint buttonUp buttonUp IdoPrint helpText Print text from this page. newLinkMessage buttonUp buttonUp vnewLinkMessage helpText Create a Link Note. doHelp buttonUp buttonUp doHelp helpText Go to 'Quick Help'. upLevel goSectionHdr buttonUp buttonUp goSectionHdr helpText Go to Table of Contents. goPrev buttonUp buttonUp goPrev helpText Go to the previous page. new_Newsbytes Reports sectionDir sectionPrefix sectionName Industry News Here is the latest set of Newsbytes reports published by Newsbytes News Network, a comprehensive international computer and telecommunications information service. All articles are copyright (c) 1993 by Newsbytes News Network and are republished with permission. Stay up to date on industry trends, announcements, and news. Industry News Page 99 of 157 Newsbytes Reports NEWS3_9.TBK HYPERFILE,NEWS\NEWSBYTE\NEWS3_9.TBK,NAUTAPPS\TBOOK.EXEk NEWSBYTESBYTE NEWS3_9.TBK sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown NEWS3_9.TBK 2188424 Newsbytes reports published from July 23 to August 23, 1993. new_Events Calendar sectionDir sectionPrefix sectionName Industry News This is the Nautilus "Insiders' Info" schedule of conferences and shows, featuring the latest information on upcoming industry events. If you know of any events we've omitted, give us a call at 614/766-3165 or use the Nautilus Link to let us know and we'll spread the news.Y September '93 update to the Nautilus listing of industry trade shows and events. Industry News Page 100 of 157 Events Calendar EVENTS.WRI WRITE,NEWS\EVENTS.WRIg EVENTS.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown EVENTS.WRI 5760 A list of upcoming computer-related trade shows and seminars. new_Press Room sectionDir sectionPrefix sectionName Industry News In the Nautilus Press Room, you'll find a collection of straight-from-the-source, late-breaking, unedited national and international industry news and product information to read and copy as needed. These new releases will keep you up to date on the products and events that will be hitting the pages of other magazines in the coming weeks and months. A collection of unedited press releases promoting industry efforts. Industry News Page 101 of 157 Press Room ARIS.WRI WRITE,NEWS\RELEASES\ARIS.WRI COMDEX.WRI WRITE,NEWS\RELEASES\COMDEX.WRI INDEO.WRI WRITE,NEWS\RELEASES\INDEO.WRI LOGITECH.WRI WRITE,NEWS\RELEASES\LOGITECH.WRI MICROSFT.WRI WRITE,NEWS\RELEASES\MICROSFT.WRI NORTON.WRI WRITE,NEWS\RELEASES\NORTON.WRI QUARK.WRI WRITE,NEWS\RELEASES\QUARK.WRI VENTANA.WRI WRITE,NEWS\RELEASES\VENTANA.WRI VIDEO2.WRI WRITE,NEWS\RELEASES\VIDEO2.WRI VIDEOL.WRI WRITE,NEWS\RELEASES\VIDEOL.WRIi RELEASESEASES ARIS.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown ARIS.WRI 3328 Aris Entertainment announces the launch of its second major series of multimedia CD ROM software titles, Video Cube: Space, an interactive puzzle incorporating 126 Microsoft Video for Windows videos, CD-quality music sound effects and Rubik's cube-like series of cubic puzzles ranging from easy to exceptionally challenging.M COMDEX.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown COMDEX.WRI 4480 COMDEX/Fall predicts that more than 150,000 attendees from 100+ countries will view the latest computer and communications products and services from over 2,000 companies exhibiting at COMDEX/Fall '93, November 15-19, in Las Vegas. INDEO.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown INDEO.WRI 2048 Indeo announces the release of the Indeo Video R3.0 Driver. LOGITECH.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown LOGITECH.WRI 2816 Logitech announces CyberMan(tm) 3-D Controller, a major technological advance in navigation devices for PC games. MICROSFT.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown MICROSFT.WRI 4096 Microsoft Corporation announces a worldwide pre-release of the Microsoft Visual C++ development system for Windows and Windows NT 32-bit Edition. NORTON.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown NORTON.WRI 4736 The new Close-Up 5.0 from Norton-Lambert Corp. sets speed records.s QUARK.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown QUARK.WRI 4608 Quark announces the upcoming release of QuarkXPress 3.2 for Windows. VENTANA.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown VENTANA.WRI 2816 Ventana Press announces the publication of their book, "Desktop Publishing With WordPerfect 6" by Richard Mansfield. VIDEO2.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown VIDEO2.WRI 5760 VideoLogic and Motorola announce that they will cooperate in the development of multimedia semi-conductors as part of the Motorola-BT Multimedia Communications Chip Set programme. VIDEOL.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown VIDEOL.WRI 4480 BT and VideoLogic announce cooperation in multimedia communications. edu_Mathplot sectionDir sectionPrefix sectionName Education Mathplot allows you to enter math functions using ordinary algebraic notation and immediately plot them. Cartesian, polar, and parametric functions are supported, and up to four functions may be displayed simultaneously. Functions may also be plotted on an HP LaserJet printer. Mathplot is an excellent program for anyone who needs to quickly visualize math functions. An ideal tool for engineers, scientists, math and science teachers, and anyone else who needs to quickly visualize mathematical functions.U Education Page 72 of 157 HIGHER MATH Mathplot MATHPLOT.EXE DOS,EDUC\MATHPLOT\MATHPLOT.EXE READ.ME TEXT,EDUC\MATHPLOT\READ.ME MATHPLOT.DOC NOLAUNCH,EDUC\MATHPLOT\MATHPLOT.DOC REGISTER.DOC TEXT,EDUC\MATHPLOT\REGISTER.DOC MATHPL33.ZIP NAUTFILE,EDUC\MATHPLOT\MATHPL33.ZIP,NAUTAPPS\NWUNA.EXE,-M999 -D MATHPLOTHPLOT MATHPLOT.EXE sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown MATHPLOT.EXE 139814 Click Open to run Mathplot. System requirements: 512K memory available to DOS and CGA, EGA, or VGA. An 80x87 numeric coprocessor is recommended but not required. Cost: Shareware $20.00M READ.ME sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown READ.ME 3186 This file contains a general description of Mathplot. MATHPLOT.DOC sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown MATHPLOT.DOC 65463 This is the user manual for Mathplot. Note: This file is too large to open in Notepad. Please access it with another text editor. REGISTER.DOC sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown REGISTER.DOC 2276 Use this form to register your version of Mathplot. MATHPL33.ZIP sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown MATHPL33.ZIP 129569 This file is included for your convenience; it contains all the files found in the MATHPLOT directory on this disc. If you prefer to run Mathplot on your hard drive, click Open to easily copy these files now. Commentary sectionDir COMMENT sectionPrefix sectionName Commentary :PHYSSIZE menubar :PHYSSIZE goNext buttonUp buttonUp goNext helpText Go to the next page. index setHelp ohelpText oselectedTextLines (x = keyEnter) clickIndex leaveField enterField keyUp buttonUp enterField @setHelp helpText leaveField keyUp buttonUp buttonUp clickIndex j helpText Click once to go to the selected page. This Issue CD-ROM World Nerd's Eye View Dr. Tomorrow popSectionList (x = (x = keyEnter); buttonStillDown buttonUp keyUp buttonStillDown popSectionList buttonUp popSectionList keyUp popSectionList helpText Pop up a list of sections to Go to. doSearch buttonUp buttonUp ZdoSearch helpText Find text within the Nautilus Shell. Print doPrint buttonUp buttonUp IdoPrint helpText Print text from this page. newLinkMessage buttonUp buttonUp vnewLinkMessage helpText Create a Link Note. doHelp buttonUp buttonUp doHelp helpText Go to 'Quick Help'. upLevel goSectionHdr buttonUp buttonUp goSectionHdr helpText Go to Table of Contents. goPrev buttonUp buttonUp goPrev helpText Go to the previous page. com_This Issue sectionDir COMMENT sectionPrefix sectionName Commentary Commentary This Issue; Page 74 of 157_ * From CD-ROM World magazine comes "Multimedia Applications: The Market" * The Nerd lives on "The Bleeding Edge" * Dr. Tomorrow ends his visit CD-ROM World provides a market backgrounder from AimTech Corporation regarding the growing use of multimedia. The Nerd summarizes his experiences with computer hardware and software in a new column titled "The Bleeding Edge." And we end Dr. Tomorrow's column on Nautilus with ten final "Lessons from the Future." com_CD-ROM World sectionDir COMMENT sectionPrefix sectionName Commentary "For the multimedia market to grow at expected rates, applications must be easy to create and maintain." Commentary Page 75 of 157 CD-ROM World MARKET.WRI WRITE,COMMENT\CDRWORLD\MARKET.WRI SEPTTOC.WRI WRITE,COMMENT\CDRWORLD\SEPTTOC.WRI SUBSCRIB.WRI WRITE,COMMENT\CDRWORLD\SUBSCRIB.WRI CDRWORLDCDRWORLD CDWORLD.DIB :PHYSSIZE MARKET.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown MARKET.WRI 5120 "Multimedia Applications: The Market" by AimTech Multimedia--the combination of text, graphics, animation, motion video, and sound--has been used in corporations and educational institutions for years.... The now commonplace implementation of LANs and WANs, coupled with the recent advances in digital video and digital audio technologies, will catapult multimedia into the corporate mainstream. SEPTTOC.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown SEPTTOC.WRI 4224 This is the September 1993 CD-ROM World magazine table of contents, the issue from which the "Multimedia Applications: The Market" article is reprinted. SUBSCRIB.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown SUBSCRIB.WRI 1536 Subscription information for CD-ROM World magazine. Is it com_CD-ROM World vir_NETSHIELD cdr_Directory of CD ROM Titles let_Use of Commercial Demos let_Windows Sound Recorder com_Nerd's Eye View sectionName Commentary sectionPrefix sectionDir COMMENT Commentary Nerd's Eye View The Nerd Contact via Nautilus Link :PHYSSIZE NERD.DIB NERDENT\NERD sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown NERD0008.TBK NERD0008.TBK 169742 This month's column, "The Bleeding Edge," discusses the trials and tribulations of being a computer user. NERD0008.TBK HYPERFILE,COMMENT\NERD\NERD0008.TBK,NAUTAPPS\TBOOK.EXE Page 76 of 157 com_Dr. Tomorrow sectionDir COMMENT sectionPrefix sectionName Commentary Frank Ogden 548 Cardero Street Vancouver, BC V6G 2W6 Canada Fax: 604/224-8906 Commentary Page 77 of 157) Dr. TomorrowK ABOUT.WRI WRITE,COMMENT\DR_T\ABOUT.WRI DR_T_240.WRI WRITE,COMMENT\DR_T\DR_T_240.WRI DR_T_241.WRI WRITE,COMMENT\DR_T\DR_T_241.WRI DR_T_242.WRI WRITE,COMMENT\DR_T\DR_T_242.WRI DR_T_243.WRI WRITE,COMMENT\DR_T\DR_T_243.WRI DR_T_244.WRI WRITE,COMMENT\DR_T\DR_T_244.WRI DR_T_245.WRI WRITE,COMMENT\DR_T\DR_T_245.WRI DR_T_246.WRI WRITE,COMMENT\DR_T\DR_T_246.WRI DR_T_247.WRI WRITE,COMMENT\DR_T\DR_T_247.WRI DR_T_248.WRI WRITE,COMMENT\DR_T\DR_T_248.WRI DR_T_249.WRI WRITE,COMMENT\DR_T\DR_T_249.WRIi DR_TENT\DR_T DR_T.DIB :PHYSSIZE ABOUT.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown ABOUT.WRI 6912 A few words about Dr. Tomorrow from a person who knows him well: his agent. DR_T_240.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown DR_T_240.WRI 4480 COMPUTERIZED SAILING -- VIA WINGSAIL Ever since the days of Cleopatra's barge, operating a sailing ship has demanded a great deal of human muscle to continually adjust sails for what used to be considered optimum efficiency. Now the 1990s are bringing a better way to ride the waves ... THE WALKER WINGSAIL. DR_T_241.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown DR_T_241.WRI 7296 BIO-HACKERS FOR A BIOWORLD The surprises that emerge after any development almost always astound even creators of the inventions. No one expected the micro computer to evolve so quickly and certainly no one forecast desktop publishing or the desktop video phenomenon. Today we are seeing the first results of the exploding field of biotechnology. DR_T_242.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown DR_T_242.WRI 5504 SUNRISE INDUSTRY -- CREATING NEW FLAGS As modern communications, through new technologies, operate at the speed of light and radically change the way people see their nation "tribe," many more countries will be created during the coming decades. Flag designers and manufacturers will just love it.g DR_T_243.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown DR_T_243.WRI 5760 LIGHTNING CAN LOOK SLOW One hundred and fifty years ago the Pony Express had a booming business. It appeared that the Pony Express had done everything right. Within 15 months they already had established the legend that still exists. Then Samuel Morse came out with the telegraph. In 90 days the Pony Express went bankrupt for two million U.S. dollars, the largest corporate failure of the times. DR_T_244.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown DR_T_244.WRI 4224 THE POWER GLOVE If you went through pangs of remorse when you were not able to provide your kids with a Cabbage Patch doll in ages past, don't let that happen again, with this year's "hot" item -- the "Power Glove" by Mattel. DR_T_245.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown DR_T_245.WRI 5760 WILL FARMLAND BE NECESSARY? For years we have been hearing dire tales of farmland lost in conversion to housing and commercial developments. In several countries, organic innovations underway suggest that the farmland we are spending so much energy to protect may be the very last place to grow food in the future! In light of this potential global change, are we being realistic? DR_T_246.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown DR_T_246.WRI 10240 VANCOUVER - 2001 Vancouver is different than it was way back in 1990. "The time famine" is visible in a definite speed-up in the walking index (WI) of downtown pedestrians as the city adapts to the dynamic intensity brought about by the increased business activity from a continuing wave of affluent Asian and South Pacific island immigrants. In many ways Vancouver is now an Asian city. DR_T_247.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown DR_T_247.WRI 4864 COMMUNICATIONS AGE DISSOLVES NATIONS If the suddeness of events in Eastern Europe during recent months seems shocking, stay tuned. Changes will become far more pervasive. New changes will occur in the Soviet Union, China, India, the United States and even in Canada. Mere decades ago, empires reigned. None remain. Centralized governments are struggling to survive. DR_T_248.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown DR_T_248.WRI 5376 THE FUTURE OF CHRISTMAS You would think that a traditional religious celebration like Christmas, that has lasted 2,000 years, would go on forever, wouldn't you? Religion, like customs, societies, political forms and individual views, changes. Today is no exception.y" DR_T_249.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown DR_T_249.WRI 5632 IS OUR FUTURE WITH CALIFORNIA? It is just 470 miles south (750 km) from the southern boundary of British Columbia to the California border. Heading south puts us in contact with the tenth largest "country" on the planet. Has our nationalism of the past and our east/west political orientation led us into an economic cul-de-sac that has to change in the coming decade? I say "yes." HighFive sectionDir HIGHFIVE sectionPrefix sectionName HighFive :PHYSSIZE menubar :PHYSSIZE goNext buttonUp buttonUp goNext helpText Go to the next page. index setHelp ohelpText oselectedTextLines (x = keyEnter) clickIndex leaveField enterField keyUp buttonUp enterField @setHelp helpText leaveField keyUp buttonUp buttonUp clickIndex j helpText Click once to go to the selected page. Cursors, Not Foiled Again Big Cursor Blinky Carets & Cursors Demo Meta Mouse Mouse Warp Mouse Pad popSectionList (x = (x = keyEnter); buttonStillDown buttonUp keyUp buttonStillDown popSectionList buttonUp popSectionList keyUp popSectionList helpText Pop up a list of sections to Go to. doSearch buttonUp buttonUp ZdoSearch helpText Find text within the Nautilus Shell. Print doPrint buttonUp buttonUp IdoPrint helpText Print text from this page. newLinkMessage buttonUp buttonUp vnewLinkMessage helpText Create a Link Note. doHelp buttonUp buttonUp doHelp helpText Go to 'Quick Help'. upLevel goSectionHdr buttonUp buttonUp goSectionHdr helpText Go to Table of Contents. goPrev buttonUp buttonUp goPrev helpText Go to the previous page. hig_Cursors, Not Foiled Again sectionDir HIGHFIVE sectionPrefix sectionName HighFive HighFive Cursors, Not Foiled Again Page 79 of 157m If you've ever wanted to change your mouse screen cursor but you've been foiled in the past, we've got the solution(s). On the next few pages you'll find the tools and utilities you need to customize your cursor. These five programs will flash, colorize, enlarge, and change your cursor to suit your needs. Some features that stand out include horizontal and vertical cursor wrapping in Mouse Warp, color changing capabilities of Meta Mouse, and the larger-than-life free cursor that comes with Big Cursor. If you have suggestions for a program or topic that should be covered in a future HighFive section, remember to let me know. (See the "Mouse Pad" page at the end of this section for details.) And by the way, please pay the requested fees if you choose to continue to use these shareware programs. -- The (Anon.) HighFive Editor hig_Big Cursor sectionName HighFive sectionPrefix sectionDir HIGHFIVE HighFive Big Cursor James F. Cuddy :PHYSSIZE STEVE.DIB BCURSORE\BCURSOR sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown BCURSOR.EXE BCURSOR.EXE 10240 Big Cursor changes the default arrow cursor to twice its original size. Cost: Free BCURSOR.EXE APP,HIGHFIVE\BCURSOR\BCURSOR.EXE Page 80 of 157 hig_Blinky sectionDir HIGHFIVE sectionPrefix sectionName HighFive Blinky is a Windows program whose purpose is to improve the visibility of the mouse cursor. This is accomplished in two ways: 1) the cursor can be made to blink on and off, and 2) the cursor can be made much larger, displaying a large black arrow with a white border, a large white arrow with a black border, or numerous other color combinations. Farpoint Software 2501 Afton Court League City, TX 77573-3438 713/332-3782 HighFive# Page 81 of 157G Blinkyc BLINKY.ZIP NAUTFILE,HIGHFIVE\BLINKY\BLINKY.ZIP,NAUTAPPS\NWUNA.EXE,-M999 -D -RBLINKY.EXE BLINKY.DOC TEXT,HIGHFIVE\BLINKY\BLINKY.DOC BLINKYVE\BLINKY BLINKY.ZIP sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown BLINKY.ZIP 13158 Click Open to extract the contents of this file to your hard drive and run BLINKY.EXE. Cost: Shareware $12.00 BLINKY.DOC sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown BLINKY.DOC 3784 Distribution and usage information for Blinky. hig_Carets & Cursors Demo sectionDir HIGHFIVE sectionPrefix sectionName HighFive Carets & Cursors provides custom control over the text editing carets and mouse cursors for all Windows applications. This will provide easier recognition and more meaningful representations. A system-wide replacement caret can be chosen, providing consistency across applications. It is possible to assign various cursors to window classes. Class definitions are easily added or removed, and class assignments are made with visual selection menus. Instant Replay Corporation Salt Lake City, UT 800/388-8086_ HighFive} Page 82 of 157 Carets & Cursors Demo SETUP.EXE APP,HIGHFIVE\CCDEMO\SETUP.EXE CCDEMOVE\CCDEMO SETUP.EXE sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown SETUP.EXE 51434 Install the Carets & Cursors demo to your hard drive with this file. Cost: List price $60.00 (receive $25.00 off if you mention this demo). hig_Meta Mouse sectionDir HIGHFIVE sectionPrefix sectionName HighFive Meta Mouse improves the visibility of the mouse cursor by providing options for continuous blinking, increased size, altered appearance, dynamic shape change, and, in most cases, color. Farpoint Software 2501 Afton Court League City, TX 77573-3438 713/332-3782 HighFive Page 83 of 157 Meta Mouse MMOU13.ZIP NAUTFILE,HIGHFIVE\MMOU13\MMOU13.ZIP,NAUTAPPS\NWUNA.EXE,-M999 -D -RMETAMOUS.EXE METAMOUS.DOC TEXT,HIGHFIVE\MMOU13\METAMOUS.DOC MMOU13VE\MMOU13 MMOU13.ZIP sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown MMOU13.ZIP 18816 Click Open to extract the contents of this file to your hard drive and run METAMOUS.EXE. Cost: Shareware $12.00. METAMOUS.DOC sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown METAMOUS.DOC 5698 Distribution and usage information for Meta Mouse. hig_Mouse Warp sectionDir HIGHFIVE sectionPrefix sectionName HighFive Some features included in Mouse Warp are a "Coordinate Display" that optionally displays a window showing the exact coordinates of the cursor, "Hourglass replacement" to let the user replace the hourglass icon with one of many shapes, and even "Button function assignment" to assign functions like Exit Windows, Double Click, or Start Notepad with just one button click. TOGGLE BOOLEANS P.O. Box 4204 Station E Ottawa, Ontario K1S 5B2 Canada HighFive7 Page 84 of 157[ Mouse Warp{ MOUSWARP.EXE APP,HIGHFIVE\WARP20\MOUSWARP.EXE WARP20.ZIP NAUTFILE,HIGHFIVE\WARP20\WARP20.ZIP,NAUTAPPS\NWUNA.EXE,-M999 -D WARP20VE\WARP20 MOUSWARP.EXE sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown MOUSWARP.EXE 80848 Warp your mouse with this file. Cost: Shareware $20.00. WARP20.ZIP sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown WARP20.ZIP 47204 Click Open to extract the contents of this file to your hard drive. This file contains the entire contents of the WARP20 directory on this disc. hig_Mouse Pad sectionDir HIGHFIVE sectionPrefix sectionName HighFive HighFive Mouse Pad Page 85 of 157] There's a lot of great software out there and although I'm going to try to see all of it (tough job, isn't it?), I'm sure there's some stuff I'll miss unless you tell me about it. So how 'bout it? Do you know of something that should be featured in HighFive? Send any suggestions for public domain or shareware programs that should be considered for HighFive to me and receive a Nautilus mouse pad or shirt if your suggestion ends up on the disc. Upload your suggestion(s) using Nautilus Link, accessible from the Note button above. Or give Nautilus a call at 614/766-3165, fax us at 614/761-4110, call our voice mail line at 614/761-4112, or add a stamp and mail it to us. We look forward to receiving your ideas. -- The (Anon.) HighFive Editor hig_Mouse Pad vir_McAfee General Info let_This Issue let_Encartaphillia ser_CD ROM Forum mme_Titles Catalog Preview sectionDir MMEDIA sectionPrefix sectionName Multimedia Last month we promised you a look at the new electronic version of the MPC Titles catalog; here is a sneak preview containing nine sample listings. Look for the completed titles catalog next month. If you have comments or suggestions, please send them to the MPC Marketing Council at the address to the left or via Nautilus. Multimedia PC Marketing Council 1730 M Street, Suite 707 Washington, D.C. 20036 202/331-0494 Multimedia# Page 58 of 157G MULTIMEDIA PC Titles Catalog Preview MPC2.MVB APPFILE,MMEDIA\MPC\CATALOG\MPC2.MVB,MMEDIA\MPC\CATALOG\MVIEWER.EXE MPC\CATALOGCATALOG7 MPC2.MVB sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown MPC2.MVB 6645769 This is the sneak preview of the new electronic version of the MPC Titles Catalog due out next month. mme_WPA sectionName Multimedia sectionPrefix sectionDir MMEDIA Multimedia The WPA Film Library, a wholly owned subsidiary of Maljack Productions, Inc., is among the world's largest film and video archives, holding rights and original materials to over one million individual moving-image sequences. Nautilus is pleased to bring you these samples. :PHYSSIZE WPA1.DIB wpa1 grc here Page 59 of 157 mme_WPA Samples sectionDir MMEDIA sectionPrefix sectionName Multimedia wpa2 grc here MPI Multimedia 5525 West 159th Street Oak Forest, IL 60452 800/777-2223 Multimedia Page 60 of 157 WPA SamplesE JOUSTING.MOV MOVIE,MMEDIA\WPA\JOUSTING.MOV ROADSTER.MOV MOVIE,MMEDIA\WPA\ROADSTER.MOV SAFARI.MOV MOVIE,MMEDIA\WPA\SAFARI.MOV ABOUTWPA.WRI WRITE,MMEDIA\WPA\ABOUTWPA.WRI INFO.WRI WRITE,MMEDIA\WPA\INFO.WRI LICENSE.WRI WRITE,MMEDIA\WPA\LICENSE.WRI_ WPADIA\WPA WPA2.DIB :PHYSSIZE JOUSTING.MOV sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown JOUSTING.MOV 1327955 A medieval joust with a twist. From the WPA Film Archives' "Wild, Weird, and Wacky" CD ROM. Length 00:08 / 20 frames per sec ROADSTER.MOV sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown ROADSTER.MOV 1644501 Test drive a Mercedes SL convertible in this video clip. From the WPA Film Archives' "Cars, Cars, Cars" CD ROM product. Length 00:08 / 20 frames per sec SAFARI.MOV sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown SAFARI.MOV 3979473 Historical footage of president Theodore Roosevelt on an African safari. From the WPA Film Archives' "The Archives of History" CD ROM. Length 00:14 / 20 frames per sec ABOUTWPA.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown ABOUTWPA.WRI 1920 Valuable information about the WPA Film Library archives. INFO.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown INFO.WRI 2304 Information about the WPA Multimedia Collection products and how to order them. LICENSE.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown LICENSE.WRI 5504 Read this important licensing agreement information if you'd like to use any WPA film clips in your own projects. orld. AGENTS. mme_Pixel Movie War sectionDir MMEDIA sectionPrefix sectionName Multimedia The Movie Makers Guild is a computer user group that helps you learn movie making on your personal computer. Here are hardware and software reviews and some samples of what you can do with your computer, the right hardware, and the right software. In addition, last month we included the introduction to the "Pixel Movie War" from the Clevenger Kids. This month, see the movie. Movie Makers Guild ATTN: Robert Purser P.O. Box 893 El Dorado, CA 95623 916/622-52883 MultimediaS Page 61 of 157w Pixel Movie War INTRO.WRI WRITE,MMEDIA\MMG\INTRO\INTRO.WRI REVIEW.WRI WRITE,MMEDIA\MMG\INTRO\REVIEW.WRI TESTVFW.AVI MOVIE,MMEDIA\MMG\INTRO\TESTVFW.AVI PIXELWAR.MOV MOVIE,MMEDIA\MMG\INTRO\PIXELWAR.MOVu MMG\INTROG\INTRO INTRO.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown INTRO.WRI 3328 An introduction to the Movie Makers Guild. REVIEW.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown REVIEW.WRI 2688 Review of VideoSpigot and Virtus Walkthrough. (Ed. Note: Learn more about VideoSpigot in the Hardware Spotlight elsewhere in this section.) TESTVFW.AVI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown TESTVFW.AVI 7508374 Here is a movie made with Virtus Walkthrough and Creative Labs' VideoSpigot. Length 01:33 / 10 frames per sec PIXELWAR.MOV sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown PIXELWAR.MOV 17663760 "Pixel Movie War" video in QuickTime format created by the Clevenger Kids Motion Picture Studio on the Macintosh and edited in Premiere. Originally appeared on the February 1993 Macintosh edition of Nautilus. Length 02:36 / 10 frames per sec f(F(F(y mme_Nightmare Storyboard sectionDir MMEDIA sectionPrefix sectionName Multimedia Here are the blank storyboard sheets for the movie "The Nightmare." Before we can begin to make the movie, we need you to draw the storyboard. You can print out the storyboards and draw them by hand, or you can open them in Windows Paintbrush and draw your storyboards directly into the file. When you are finished, please send your completed storyboard, either on paper or disk, to the Movie Makers Guild. Placerville Amateur Film Club ATTN: Robert Purser P.O. Box 893 El Dorado, CA 95623 916/622-5288 Multimedia Page 62 of 157 Nightmare StoryboardA SCRIPT.WRI WRITE,MMEDIA\MMG\STORYBD\SCRIPT.WRI INSTRSB.WRI WRITE,MMEDIA\MMG\STORYBD\INSTRSB.WRI 00STORYB.DIB DIB,MMEDIA\MMG\STORYBD\00STORYB.DIB 01STORYB.DIB DIB,MMEDIA\MMG\STORYBD\01STORYB.DIB 02STORYB.DIB DIB,MMEDIA\MMG\STORYBD\02STORYB.DIB 03STORYB.DIB DIB,MMEDIA\MMG\STORYBD\03STORYB.DIB 04STORYB.DIB DIB,MMEDIA\MMG\STORYBD\04STORYB.DIB 05STORYB.DIB DIB,MMEDIA\MMG\STORYBD\05STORYB.DIB 06STORYB.DIB DIB,MMEDIA\MMG\STORYBD\06STORYB.DIB 07STORYB.DIB DIB,MMEDIA\MMG\STORYBD\07STORYB.DIB 08STORYB.DIB DIB,MMEDIA\MMG\STORYBD\08STORYB.DIB 09STORYB.DIB DIB,MMEDIA\MMG\STORYBD\09STORYB.DIB 10STORYB.DIB DIB,MMEDIA\MMG\STORYBD\10STORYB.DIB 11STORYB.DIB DIB,MMEDIA\MMG\STORYBD\11STORYB.DIB 12STORYB.DIB DIB,MMEDIA\MMG\STORYBD\12STORYB.DIB 13STORYB.DIB DIB,MMEDIA\MMG\STORYBD\13STORYB.DIB 14STORYB.DIB DIB,MMEDIA\MMG\STORYBD\14STORYB.DIB 15STORYB.DIB DIB,MMEDIA\MMG\STORYBD\15STORYB.DIB 16STORYB.DIB DIB,MMEDIA\MMG\STORYBD\16STORYB.DIB/ MMG\STORYBDSTORYBD SCRIPT.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown SCRIPT.WRI 2816 The script for "The Nightmare" by the Placerville Amateur Film Club. INSTRSB.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown INSTRSB.WRI 2048 Instructions for creating a storyboard. The blank storyboard frames can be found below. 00STORYB.DIB sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown 00STORYB.DIB 73846 Storyboard frame for scene 0 of "The Nightmare." 4 bit DIB / 384x384/ 16 Colors 01STORYB.DIB sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown 01STORYB.DIB 73846 Storyboard frame for scene 1 of "The Nightmare." 4 bit DIB / 384x384/ 16 Colors 02STORYB.DIB sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown 02STORYB.DIB 73846 Storyboard frame for scene 2 of "The Nightmare." 4 bit DIB / 384x384/ 16 Colors 03STORYB.DIB sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown 03STORYB.DIB 73846 Storyboard frame for scene 3 of "The Nightmare." 4 bit DIB / 384x384/ 16 Colors 04STORYB.DIB sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown 04STORYB.DIB 73846 Storyboard frame for scene 4 of "The Nightmare." 4 bit DIB / 384x384/ 16 Colors 05STORYB.DIB sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown 05STORYB.DIB 73846 Storyboard frame for scene 5 of "The Nightmare." 4 bit DIB / 384x384/ 16 Colors 06STORYB.DIB sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown 06STORYB.DIB 73846 Storyboard frame for scene 6 of "The Nightmare." 4 bit DIB / 384x384/ 16 Colors 07STORYB.DIB sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown 07STORYB.DIB 73846 Storyboard frame for scene 7 of "The Nightmare." 4 bit DIB / 384x384/ 16 Colors 08STORYB.DIB sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown 08STORYB.DIB 73846 Storyboard frame for scene 8 of "The Nightmare." 4 bit DIB / 384x384/ 16 Colors 09STORYB.DIB sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown 09STORYB.DIB 73846 Storyboard frame for scene 9 of "The Nightmare." 4 bit DIB / 384x384/ 16 Colors 10STORYB.DIB sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown 10STORYB.DIB 73846 Storyboard frame for scene 10 of "The Nightmare." 4 bit DIB / 384x384/ 16 Colors] 11STORYB.DIB sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown 11STORYB.DIB 73846 Storyboard frame for scene 11 of "The Nightmare." 4 bit DIB / 384x384/ 16 Colors 12STORYB.DIB sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown 12STORYB.DIB 73846 Storyboard frame for scene 12 of "The Nightmare." 4 bit DIB / 384x384/ 16 Colors 13STORYB.DIB sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown 13STORYB.DIB 73846 Storyboard frame for scene 13 of "The Nightmare." 4 bit DIB / 384x384/ 16 Colorsm# 14STORYB.DIB sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown 14STORYB.DIB 73846 Storyboard frame for scene 14 of "The Nightmare." 4 bit DIB / 384x384/ 16 Colors 15STORYB.DIB sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown 15STORYB.DIB 73846 Storyboard frame for scene 15 of "The Nightmare." 4 bit DIB / 384x384/ 16 Colors 16STORYB.DIB sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown 16STORYB.DIB 73846 Storyboard frame for scene 16 of "The Nightmare." 4 bit DIB / 384x384/ 16 Colors mme_Nightmare Storyboard Education let_Tech Q&A mme_Hardware Spotlight sectionDir MMEDIA sectionPrefix sectionName Multimedia Creative Labs, Inc. 2050 Duane Avenue Santa Clara, CA 95054 408/986-1777 Multimedia Page 63 of 157 Hardware Spotlight SPIGOT1.WRI WRITE,MMEDIA\HARDWARE\SPIGOT1.WRI SPIGOT2.WRI WRITE,MMEDIA\HARDWARE\SPIGOT2.WRI VIDSPIG.DIB DIB,MMEDIA\HARDWARE\VIDSPIG.DIB HARDWAREARDWARE CLABSGI.DIB :PHYSSIZE SPIGOT1.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown SPIGOT1.WRI 3456 A listing of the key features and specs for VideoSpigot. SPIGOT2.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown SPIGOT2.WRI 3712 The announcement of the new VideoSpigot for Windows. VIDSPIG.DIB sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown VIDSPIG.DIB 277560 A photograph of the VideoSpigot package. 8 bit DIB / 640x432/ 256 Colors Education sectionDir sectionPrefix sectionName Education :PHYSSIZE menubar :PHYSSIZE goNext buttonUp buttonUp goNext helpText Go to the next page. index setHelp ohelpText oselectedTextLines (x = keyEnter) clickIndex leaveField enterField keyUp buttonUp enterField @setHelp helpText leaveField keyUp buttonUp buttonUp clickIndex f helpText Click once to go to the selected page. This Month Teachers' Resources Planet of the Month: Neptune The Mars Observer The Columbus Zoo Higher Math Nonlin MathplotM popSectionList (x = (x = keyEnter); buttonStillDown buttonUp keyUp buttonStillDown popSectionList buttonUp popSectionList keyUp popSectionList helpText Pop up a list of sections to Go to. doSearch buttonUp buttonUp ZdoSearch helpText Find text within the Nautilus Shell. Print doPrint buttonUp buttonUp IdoPrint helpText Print text from this page. newLinkMessage buttonUp buttonUp vnewLinkMessage helpText Create a Link Note. doHelp buttonUp buttonUp doHelp helpText Go to 'Quick Help'. upLevel goSectionHdr buttonUp buttonUp goSectionHdr helpText Go to Table of Contents. goPrev buttonUp buttonUp goPrev helpText Go to the previous page. edu_This Month sectionDir sectionPrefix sectionName Education Education This Month7 Page 65 of 157[ * Neptune * Mars Explorer * Australian animals * Math programs This month we feature two sections here in Education: Teachers' Resources and Higher Math. In Teachers' Resources you'll find our Planet of the Month, Neptune, as well as information concerning the recently defunct Mars Explorer mission. At the time of publication of this issue, NASA presumed that faulty transistors in the Explorer's central clock may have caused a breakdown in communication with the satellite. Information for Neptune and the Mars Observer was collected from SpaceLink, NASA's educational BBS, available to the public. Additionally, from the Columbus Zoo comes part two of our virtual field trip to visit the animals of Australia. Hop on board and enjoy the ride! Finally, you'll find two high-level mathematics shareware programs in the Higher Math section. edu_Teachers' Resources sectionName Education sectionPrefix sectionDir Education Teachers' Resources From NASA's SpaceLink BBS, we bring you this month's Planet of the Month, Neptune, and provide a brief review of the recently aborted Mars Explorer mission. In addition, we conclude our virtual field trip to the Australian Outback at the Columbus Zoo. :PHYSSIZE TEACHER.DIB Page 66 of 157 edu_Planet of the Month: Neptune sectionDir sectionPrefix sectionName Education SpaceLink, Nat'l Aeronautics and Space Administration Educational Affairs Division, Marshall Space Flight Center (Modem) 205/895-0028 Education Page 67 of 1575 TEACHERS' RESOURCES Planet of the Month: Neptune NEPTUNE.WRI WRITE,EDUC\SPC_LNK\NEPTUNE\NEPTUNE.WRI NEPTUNE.SPF SCORE,EDUC\SPC_LNK\NEPTUNE\NEPTUNE.SPF NEPRINGS.SPF SCORE,EDUC\SPC_LNK\NEPTUNE\NEPRINGS.SPF NEPCLOUD.SPF SCORE,EDUC\SPC_LNK\NEPTUNE\NEPCLOUD.SPF TRITON.SPF SCORE,EDUC\SPC_LNK\NEPTUNE\TRITON.SPF ABTSPCLK.WRI WRITE,EDUC\SPC_LNK\NEPTUNE\ABTSPCLK.WRI SPC_LNK\NEPTUNEPTUNE PLANET.DIB :PHYSSIZE NEPTUNE.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown NEPTUNE.WRI 3072 The Nautilus Planetary Travel Advisory for Neptune. Learn about this turquoise colored planet. NEPTUNE.SPF sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown NEPTUNE.SPF 606 This image of Neptune shows its characteristic blue surface. NEPRINGS.SPF sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown NEPRINGS.SPF 375 This image of Neptune's rings shows their clumpy nature. Material in the inner ring extends down into the cloud tops. NEPCLOUD.SPF sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown NEPCLOUD.SPF 375 This image shows Neptune's high altitude clouds. TRITON.SPF sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown TRITON.SPF 489 The surface of Neptune's moon Triton is heavily cratered. ABTSPCLK.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown ABTSPCLK.WRI 1408 Learn more about SpaceLink, NASA's useful and informative BBS for educators. buttonDow edu_Planet of the Month: Neptune hig_Meta Mouse let_Celestial Navigations nem_Your Drivers Here edu_The Mars Observer sectionDir sectionPrefix sectionName Education On August 22, 1993 the multi-million dollar Mars Observer spacecraft failed to respond to radio transmissions from Earth. Faulty transistors may be the cause. Education Page 68 of 157K TEACHERS' RESOURCES The Mars Observer MOBSFACT.WRI WRITE,EDUC\SPC_LNK\MARS\MOBSFACT.WRI MOBS.DIB DIB,EDUC\SPC_LNK\MARS\MOBS.DIB MLAUNCH.DIB DIB,EDUC\SPC_LNK\MARS\MLAUNCH.DIB MNEWS.WRI WRITE,EDUC\SPC_LNK\MARS\MNEWS.WRI MIMAGE1.DIB DIB,EDUC\SPC_LNK\MARS\MIMAGE1.DIB MLOST.WRI WRITE,EDUC\SPC_LNK\MARS\MLOST.WRI SPC_LNK\MARS\MARS MARSGI.DIB :PHYSSIZE MOBSFACT.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown MOBSFACT.WRI 8064 This file contains the technical specifications and statement of mission for the Mars Observer. MOBS.DIB sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown MOBS.DIB 162360 Technicians tend to the Mars Observer spacecraft prior to installation on its launch vehicle. 8 bit DIB / 336x480/ 256 Colors MLAUNCH.DIB sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown MLAUNCH.DIB 248720 The launch of the Mars Observer spacecraft. 8 bit DIB / 515x480/ 256 Colors MNEWS.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown MNEWS.WRI 18688 This Mars Observer newsletter details the unfolding mission and the spacecraft's progress during the summer of 1993.M MIMAGE1.DIB sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown MIMAGE1.DIB 308280 Photograph of the planet Mars taken at 8: 52 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time on July 26 by the high resolution, narrow-angle telescope of the Mars Observer camera. At that time, the Mars Observer spacecraft was 5.8 million kilometers and 28 days from its encounter with destiny. 8 bit DIB / 640x480/ 256 Greyscale MLOST.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown MLOST.WRI 10112 These recent press releases detail NASA's loss of contact with the Mars Observer spacecraft and the subsequent efforts to re-establish communications. sectio edu_The Columbus Zoo sectionDir sectionPrefix sectionName Education Last month you took a "Virtual Field Trip" to the plains of the Australian outback. Here's Part two, featuring koalas and lizards. Education Page 69 of 157/ TEACHERS' RESOURCES The Columbus Zoo ZOO.AVI MOVIE,EDUC\ZOO\ZOO.AVI ZOO_TEXT.WRI WRITE,EDUC\ZOO\ZOO_TEXT.WRI OVERVIEW.WRI WRITE,EDUC\ZOO\OVERVIEW.WRI ZOO_MAP.DIB DIB,EDUC\ZOO\ZOO_MAP.DIB ZOOTOURS.WRI WRITE,EDUC\ZOO\ZOOTOURS.WRIM ZOOC\ZOOm ZOO.DIB :PHYSSIZE ZOO.AVI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown ZOO.AVI 14538828 A video tour featuring several of the animals in the Australian Exhibit at the Columbus Zoo. Length 02:01 / 15 frames per sec ZOO_TEXT.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown ZOO_TEXT.WRI 2048 This text from ZOO.AVI could be useful in the classroom.5 OVERVIEW.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown OVERVIEW.WRI 8320 Find out more about the history and development of the Columbus Zoo. ZOO_MAP.DIB sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown ZOO_MAP.DIB 241718 Take a look at the layout of exhibits available for you to tour at the Columbus Zoo. 8 bit DIB / 640x376/ 256 Colors ZOOTOURS.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown ZOOTOURS.WRI 6656 Find out how you can take part in an African Safari and other adventures through the Columbus Zoo. edu_Higher Math sectionName Education sectionPrefix sectionDir Education Higher Math Phillip H. Sherrod 4410 Gerald Place Nashville, TN 37205-3806 615/292-2881 CompuServe: 76166,2640 Member, Association of Shareware Professionals. :PHYSSIZE NONLINGI.DIB Page 70 of 157 edu_Nonlin sectionDir sectionPrefix sectionName Education Nonlin is a state-of-the-art linear and nonlinear statistical regression program. Nonlin determines the values of parameters for an equation, whose form you specify, that cause the equation to best fit a set of data values. Nonlin can handle linear, multivariate, polynomial, and general nonlinear functions. You specify the form of the function using normal algebraic notation. Plots of the data and fitted function can be displayed on the screen. The forty-eight page manual explains regression and gives many examples.w Nonlin is in use at many engineering and research centers around the world. Education Page 71 of 157 HIGHER MATH Nonlin DEMO.BAT DOS,EDUC\NONLIN\DEMO.BAT NONLIN.EXE DOS,EDUC\NONLIN\NONLIN.EXE READ.ME TEXT,EDUC\NONLIN\READ.ME NONLIN.DOC NOLAUNCH,EDUC\NONLIN\NONLIN.DOC REGISTER.DOC TEXT,EDUC\NONLIN\REGISTER.DOC NONLIN25.ZIP NAUTFILE,EDUC\NONLIN\NONLIN25.ZIP,NAUTAPPS\NWUNA.EXE,-M999 -Dw NONLINONLIN DEMO.BAT sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown DEMO.BAT 978 Click Open to demo several Nonlin plots. Note: This demo shows several graphs, then quits. However, you may quit at anytime by pressing CTRL-C. System requirements: 512K memory available to DOS. Cost: Shareware $25.00 NONLIN.EXE sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown NONLIN.EXE 233266 Click Open to run Nonlin. System requirements: 512K memory available to DOS; CGA, EGA, or VGA needed when using the optional PLOT command. An 80x87 numeric coprocessor is recommended but not required. Cost: Shareware $25.00 READ.ME sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown READ.ME 4688 This file contains a general description of Nonlin. NONLIN.DOC sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown NONLIN.DOC 126907 This is the user manual for Nonlin. Note: This file is too large to open in Notepad. Please access it with another text editor. REGISTER.DOC sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown REGISTER.DOC 2276 Use this form to register your version of Nonlin..' NONLIN25.ZIP sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown NONLIN25.ZIP 200480 This file is included for your convenience; it contains all the files found in the NONLIN directory on this disc. If you prefer to run Nonlin on your hard drive, click Open to easily copy these files now. pho_Spheres Music & Sound sectionDir SOUND sectionPrefix sectionName Music & Sound :PHYSSIZE menubar :PHYSSIZE goNext buttonUp buttonUp goNext helpText Go to the next page. index setHelp ohelpText oselectedTextLines (x = keyEnter) clickIndex leaveField enterField keyUp buttonUp enterField @setHelp helpText leaveField keyUp buttonUp buttonUp clickIndex j helpText Click once to go to the selected page. Sound Bytes Automotive Sound FX 60 Second Spots MIDI Connection Sonata Op. 81a H.M.S. Pinafore (Selections) American Gramaphone The Four Mood Groups: Dinners popSectionList (x = (x = keyEnter); buttonStillDown buttonUp keyUp buttonStillDown popSectionList buttonUp popSectionList keyUp popSectionList helpText Pop up a list of sections to Go to. doSearch buttonUp buttonUp ZdoSearch helpText Find text within the Nautilus Shell. Print doPrint buttonUp buttonUp IdoPrint helpText Print text from this page. newLinkMessage buttonUp buttonUp vnewLinkMessage helpText Create a Link Note. doHelp buttonUp buttonUp doHelp helpText Go to 'Quick Help'. upLevel goSectionHdr buttonUp buttonUp goSectionHdr helpText Go to Table of Contents. goPrev buttonUp buttonUp goPrev helpText Go to the previous page. Music & Sound Nautilus Letters snd_Sound Bytes sectionName Music & Sound sectionPrefix sectionDir SOUND Music & Sound Sound Bytes Animators and multimedia buffs take note: This month we feature 23 fresh, new automotive sound effects ... ... plus a pair of 60 second music beds. :PHYSSIZE SB_SH.DIB Page 46 of 157 snd_Automotive Sound FX sectionDir SOUND sectionPrefix sectionName Music & Sound <<< Car/Engine Pict Goes Here >>> Boyle Sonic Labs c/o Nautilus 7001 Discovery Blvd. Dublin, Ohio 43017m Music & Sound Page 47 of 157 SOUND BYTES Automotive Sound FX AUTOFX1.WAV WAVE,SOUND\SFX\AUTOFX1.WAV AUTOFX2.WAV WAVE,SOUND\SFX\AUTOFX2.WAV AUTOFX3.WAV WAVE,SOUND\SFX\AUTOFX3.WAV AUTOFX4.WAV WAVE,SOUND\SFX\AUTOFX4.WAV AUTOFX5.WAV WAVE,SOUND\SFX\AUTOFX5.WAV AUTOFX6.WAV WAVE,SOUND\SFX\AUTOFX6.WAV AUTOFX7.WAV WAVE,SOUND\SFX\AUTOFX7.WAV AUTOFX8.WAV WAVE,SOUND\SFX\AUTOFX8.WAV AUTOFX9.WAV WAVE,SOUND\SFX\AUTOFX9.WAV AUTOFX10.WAV WAVE,SOUND\SFX\AUTOFX10.WAV AUTOFX11.WAV WAVE,SOUND\SFX\AUTOFX11.WAV AUTOFX12.WAV WAVE,SOUND\SFX\AUTOFX12.WAV AUTOFX13.WAV WAVE,SOUND\SFX\AUTOFX13.WAV AUTOFX14.WAV WAVE,SOUND\SFX\AUTOFX14.WAV AUTOFX15.WAV WAVE,SOUND\SFX\AUTOFX15.WAV AUTOFX16.WAV WAVE,SOUND\SFX\AUTOFX16.WAV AUTOFX17.WAV WAVE,SOUND\SFX\AUTOFX17.WAV AUTOFX18.WAV WAVE,SOUND\SFX\AUTOFX18.WAV AUTOFX19.WAV WAVE,SOUND\SFX\AUTOFX19.WAV AUTOFX20.WAV WAVE,SOUND\SFX\AUTOFX20.WAV AUTOFX21.WAV WAVE,SOUND\SFX\AUTOFX21.WAV AUTOFX22.WAV WAVE,SOUND\SFX\AUTOFX22.WAV AUTOFX23.WAV WAVE,SOUND\SFX\AUTOFX23.WAV SFXND\SFX AUTO.DIB :PHYSSIZE AUTOFX1.WAV sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown AUTOFX1.WAV 84396 Muscle Car: Door Sequence Length 00:04 / Mono/ 8 bit/ 22 kHz AUTOFX2.WAV sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown AUTOFX2.WAV 185900 Muscle Car: Hood Opening/Closing Sequence Length 00:08 / Mono/ 8 bit/ 22 kHz AUTOFX3.WAV sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown AUTOFX3.WAV 281260 Muscle Car: Engine Sequence Length 00:13 / Mono/ 8 bit/ 22 kHz AUTOFX4.WAV sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown AUTOFX4.WAV 122412 Muscle Car: Key Insertion (Ignition Switch) Length 00:06 / Mono/ 8 bit/ 22 kHz AUTOFX5.WAV sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown AUTOFX5.WAV 217772 Muscle Car: Power Window Sequence Length 00:10 / Mono/ 8 bit/ 22 kHz AUTOFX6.WAV sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown AUTOFX6.WAV 211692 Muscle Car: Windshield Wiper Sequence Length 00:10 / Mono/ 8 bit/ 22 kHz AUTOFX7.WAV sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown AUTOFX7.WAV 228268 Muscle Car: Trunk Opening/Closing Sequence Length 00:10 / Mono/ 8 bit/ 22 kHz AUTOFX8.WAV sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown AUTOFX8.WAV 33388 Muscle Car: Short Horn Blasts Length 00:02 / Mono/ 8 bit/ 22 kHz AUTOFX9.WAV sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown AUTOFX9.WAV 30332 Muscle Car: Horn Blast Length 00:01 / Mono/ 8 bit/ 22 kHz% AUTOFX10.WAV sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown AUTOFX10.WAV 54444 Sub-Compact: Door Sequence Length 00:02 / Mono/ 8 bit/ 22 kHz AUTOFX11.WAV sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown AUTOFX11.WAV 73644 Sub-Compact: Hood Opening/Closing Sequence Length 00:03 / Mono/ 8 bit/ 22 kHzq AUTOFX12.WAV sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown AUTOFX12.WAV 316204 Sub-Compact: Engine Sequence Length 00:14 / Mono/ 8 bit/ 22 kHz AUTOFX13.WAV sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown AUTOFX13.WAV 92204 Sub-Compact: Key Insertion (Ignition Switch) Length 00:04 / Mono/ 8 bit/ 22 kHz AUTOFX14.WAV sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown AUTOFX14.WAV 194476 Sub-Compact: Windshield Wiper Sequence Length 00:09 / Mono/ 8 bit/ 22 kHz AUTOFX15.WAV sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown AUTOFX15.WAV 97772 Sub-Compact: Emergency Brake Length 00:04 / Mono/ 8 bit/ 22 kHz AUTOFX16.WAV sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown AUTOFX16.WAV 39980 Sub-Compact: Short Horn Blasts Length 00:02 / Mono/ 8 bit/ 22 kHz AUTOFX17.WAV sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown AUTOFX17.WAV 28132 Sub-Compact: Horn Blast Length 00:01 / Mono/ 8 bit/ 22 kHz AUTOFX18.WAV sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown AUTOFX18.WAV 131884 Luxury Sedan: Hood Opening/Closing Sequence Length 00:06 / Mono/ 8 bit/ 22 kHz AUTOFX19.WAV sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown AUTOFX19.WAV 260780 Luxury Sedan: Engine Sequence Length 00:12 / Mono/ 8 bit/ 22 kHz AUTOFX20.WAV sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown AUTOFX20.WAV 251180 Luxury Sedan: Power Windows Length 00:11 / Mono/ 8 bit/ 22 kHzA, AUTOFX21.WAV sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown AUTOFX21.WAV 79916 Luxury Sedan: Power Door Locks Length 00:04 / Mono/ 8 bit/ 22 kHz AUTOFX22.WAV sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown AUTOFX22.WAV 53420 Luxury Sedan: Short Horn Blasts Length 00:02 / Mono/ 8 bit/ 22 kHz AUTOFX23.WAV sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown AUTOFX23.WAV 42540 Luxury Sedan: Horn Blast Length 00:02 / Mono/ 8 bit/ 22 kHz snd_60 Second Spots sectionDir SOUND sectionPrefix sectionName Music & Sound Gracewood Studios Music & Sound Page 48 of 157 SOUND BYTES 60 Second Spots SPOT5.WAV WAVE,SOUND\60SEC\SPOT5.WAV SPOT6.WAV WAVE,SOUND\60SEC\SPOT6.WAV3 60SEC\60SEC SPOTS.DIB :PHYSSIZE SPOT5.WAV sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown SPOT5.WAV 5463596 60 Second Spot 5 Length 01:02 / Stereo/ 8 bit/ 22 kHzG SPOT6.WAV sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown SPOT6.WAV 5292588 60 Second Spot 6 Length 01:00 / Stereo/ 8 bit/ 22 kHz snd_MIDI Connection sectionName Music & Sound sectionPrefix sectionDir SOUND Music & Sound MIDI Connection We try something new this month: Operetta. Obviously we had to replace the vocal parts with instruments, but see what you think of this as a way to enjoy some of the lighter classics. :PHYSSIZE MIDI_SH.DIB Page 49 of 157 snd_Sonata Op. 81a sectionDir SOUND sectionPrefix sectionName Music & Sound Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) Music & Sound Page 50 of 157 MIDI CONNECTION Sonata Op. 81a ABOUTOP.WRI WRITE,SOUND\BEETHOVN\ABOUTOP.WRI SONATA1.MTS NOLAUNCH,SOUND\BEETHOVN\SONATA1.MTS SONATA1.MID MIDI,SOUND\BEETHOVN\SONATA1.MID SONATA1.WAV WAVE,SOUND\BEETHOVN\SONATA1.WAV SONATA2.MTS NOLAUNCH,SOUND\BEETHOVN\SONATA2.MTS SONATA2.MID MIDI,SOUND\BEETHOVN\SONATA2.MID SONATA2.WAV WAVE,SOUND\BEETHOVN\SONATA2.WAVq BEETHOVNETHOVN BEETH_A.DIB :PHYSSIZE ABOUTOP.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown ABOUTOP.WRI 3456 A bit of information about this month's Beethoven Sonata. SONATA1.MTS sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown SONATA1.MTS 43128 Sonata, Op. 81a "Farewell" 1. Adagio/Allegro This is a Master Tracks Pro (TM) format MIDI file and is intended for use by owners of that application. Other MIDI programs should be able to import the "Standard MIDI" version of this file with the ".MID" extension. SONATA1.MID sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown SONATA1.MID 28231 Sonata, Op. 81a "Farewell" 1. Adagio/Allegro This is a Standard MIDI file ready to import into your own sequencer application. Length 06:06 SONATA1.WAV sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown SONATA1.WAV 15895184 Sonata, Op. 81a "Farewell" 1. Adagio/Allegro A digitized performance of the MIDI file for your evaluation. Length 06:00 / Stereo/ 8 bit/ 22 kHz SONATA2.MTS sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown SONATA2.MTS 71050 Sonata, Op. 81a "Farewell" 2. Andante espressivo & 3. Vivacissimamente This is a Master Tracks Pro (TM) format MIDI file and is intended for use by owners of that application. Other MIDI programs should be able to import the "Standard MIDI" version of this file with the ".MID" extension. SONATA2.MID sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown SONATA2.MID 50750 Sonata, Op. 81a "Farewell" 2. Andante espressivo & 3. Vivacissimamente This is a Standard MIDI file ready to import into your own sequencer application. Length 07:55 SONATA2.WAV sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown SONATA2.WAV 20070780 Sonata, Op. 81a "Farewell" 2. Andante espressivo & 3. Vivacissimamente A digitized performance of the MIDI file for your evaluation. Length 07:35 / Stereo/ 8 bit/ 22 kHz snd_H.M.S. Pinafore (Selections) sectionDir SOUND sectionPrefix sectionName Music & Sound <<< Cool Dave Cartoon Goes Here >>> Sir Arthur Sullivan (1842-1900) Music & Sound Page 51 of 157g MIDI CONNECTION H.M.S. Pinafore (Selections) AMAIDEN.MTS NOLAUNCH,SOUND\SULLIVAN\AMAIDEN.MTS AMAIDEN.MID MIDI,SOUND\SULLIVAN\AMAIDEN.MID AMAIDEN.WAV WAVE,SOUND\SULLIVAN\AMAIDEN.WAV IMCALLED.MTS NOLAUNCH,SOUND\SULLIVAN\IMCALLED.MTS IMCALLED.MID MIDI,SOUND\SULLIVAN\IMCALLED.MID IMCALLED.WAV WAVE,SOUND\SULLIVAN\IMCALLED.WAV NEVRMIND.MTS NOLAUNCH,SOUND\SULLIVAN\NEVRMIND.MTS NEVRMIND.MID MIDI,SOUND\SULLIVAN\NEVRMIND.MID NEVRMIND.WAV WAVE,SOUND\SULLIVAN\NEVRMIND.WAV WESAIL.MTS NOLAUNCH,SOUND\SULLIVAN\WESAIL.MTS WESAIL.MID MIDI,SOUND\SULLIVAN\WESAIL.MID WESAIL.WAV WAVE,SOUND\SULLIVAN\WESAIL.WAV WHENIWAS.MTS NOLAUNCH,SOUND\SULLIVAN\WHENIWAS.MTS WHENIWAS.MID MIDI,SOUND\SULLIVAN\WHENIWAS.MID WHENIWAS.WAV WAVE,SOUND\SULLIVAN\WHENIWAS.WAV SULLIVANLLIVAN HMS_PIN.DIB :PHYSSIZE AMAIDEN.MTS sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown AMAIDEN.MTS 8700 A Maiden Fair To See from H.M.S. Pinafore (1878) This is a Master Tracks Pro (TM) format MIDI file and is intended for use by owners of that application. Other MIDI programs should be able to import the "Standard MIDI" version of this file with the ".MID" extension. AMAIDEN.MID sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown AMAIDEN.MID 6025 A Maiden Fair To See from H.M.S. Pinafore (1878) This is a Standard MIDI file ready to import into your own sequencer application. Length 02:32 AMAIDEN.WAV sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown AMAIDEN.WAV 1839212 A Maiden Fair To See from H.M.S. Pinafore (1878) A digitized performance of the MIDI file for your evaluation. Length 01:23 / Mono/ 8 bit/ 22 kHzu IMCALLED.MTS sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown IMCALLED.MTS 9440 I'm Called Little Buttercup from H.M.S. Pinafore (1878) This is a Master Tracks Pro (TM) format MIDI file and is intended for use by owners of that application. Other MIDI programs should be able to import the "Standard MIDI" version of this file with the ".MID" extension. IMCALLED.MID sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown IMCALLED.MID 6044 I'm Called Little Buttercup from H.M.S. Pinafore (1878) This is a Standard MIDI file ready to import into your own sequencer application. Length 02:10 IMCALLED.WAV sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown IMCALLED.WAV 2436140 I'm Called Little Buttercup from H.M.S. Pinafore (1878) A digitized performance of the MIDI file for your evaluation. Length 01:50 / Mono/ 8 bit/ 22 kHz NEVRMIND.MTS sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown NEVRMIND.MTS 32072 Never Mind The Why And Wherefore from H.M.S. Pinafore (1878) This is a Master Tracks Pro (TM) format MIDI file and is intended for use by owners of that application. Other MIDI programs should be able to import the "Standard MIDI" version of this file with the ".MID" extension.W NEVRMIND.MID sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown NEVRMIND.MID 21585 Never Mind The Why And Wherefore from H.M.S. Pinafore (1878) This is a Standard MIDI file ready to import into your own sequencer application. Length 02:52 W NEVRMIND.WAV sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown NEVRMIND.WAV 3843628 Never Mind The Why And Wherefore from H.M.S. Pinafore (1878) A digitized performance of the MIDI file for your evaluation. Length 02:54 / Mono/ 8 bit/ 22 kHz WESAIL.MTS sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown WESAIL.MTS 12454 We Sail The Ocean Blue from H.M.S. Pinafore (1878) This is a Master Tracks Pro (TM) format MIDI file and is intended for use by owners of that application. Other MIDI programs should be able to import the "Standard MIDI" version of this file with the ".MID" extension. WESAIL.MID sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown WESAIL.MID 8891 We Sail The Ocean Blue from H.M.S. Pinafore (1878) This is a Standard MIDI file ready to import into your own sequencer application. Length 00:58 WESAIL.WAV sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown WESAIL.WAV 1312300 We Sail The Ocean Blue from H.M.S. Pinafore (1878) A digitized performance of the MIDI file for your evaluation. Length 01:00 / Mono/ 8 bit/ 22 kHz WHENIWAS.MTS sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown WHENIWAS.MTS 13826 When I Was A Lad from H.M.S. Pinafore (1878) This is a Master Tracks Pro (TM) format MIDI file and is intended for use by owners of that application. Other MIDI programs should be able to import the "Standard MIDI" version of this file with the ".MID" extension. WHENIWAS.MID sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown WHENIWAS.MID 9669 When I Was A Lad from H.M.S. Pinafore (1878) This is a Standard MIDI file ready to import into your own sequencer application. Length 01:06 WHENIWAS.WAV sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown WHENIWAS.WAV 1431404 When I Was A Lad from H.M.S. Pinafore (1878) A digitized performance of the MIDI file for your evaluation. Length 01:05 / Mono/ 8 bit/ 22 kHz snd_H.M.S. Pinafore (Selections) Multimedia hig_Carets & Cursors Demo let_Just What I'm Looking For Nautilus Services ser_Subscribe or Renew Here snd_American Gramaphone sectionName Music & Sound sectionPrefix sectionDir SOUND Music & Sound American Gramaphone If you're looking for a little night music, look to American Gramaphone. They publish CDs to match the moods of your day. :PHYSSIZE AMGRAM.DIB Page 52 of 157 snd_The Four Mood Groups: Dinner sectionDir SOUND sectionPrefix sectionName Music & Sound Chip Davis paces his music to match the natural ebb and flow of energy during a dinner party. Music & Sound Page 53 of 157 AMERICAN GRAMAPHONE The Four Mood Groups: Dinner CD_TRACK.4 REDBOOK,4 DAYPARTS.WRI WRITE,SOUND\GRAMAPHN\DAYPARTS.WRI RECIPES.WRI WRITE,SOUND\GRAMAPHN\RECIPES.WRI DAVIS.WRI WRITE,SOUND\GRAMAPHN\DAVIS.WRI DAVIS.DIB DIB,SOUND\GRAMAPHN\DAVIS.DIB= GRAMAPHNAMAPHNc DINNER.DIB :PHYSSIZE CD_TRACK.4 sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown CD_TRACK.4 "A Strictly Informal Affair" This cut is taken from the CD "Dinner," a musical feast that follows the distinctive mood of a special dinner (whether it be an intimate rendezvous or a formal supper), from appetizers to dessert. Length: 4:17 DAYPARTS.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown DAYPARTS.WRI 157184 Learn about Day Parts, gourmet music for the four basic mood groups. Chip Davis believes that music enhances the flavor of a special occasion and adds a unique energy flow to the recipe for a perfect party or dinner. RECIPES.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown RECIPES.WRI 3200 Try some of Chip Davis' favorite recipes. DAVIS.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown DAVIS.WRI 4096 Learn more about Chip Davis, the genius behind Mannheim Steamroller and the driving force of American Gramaphone. His classic series of Fresh Aire recordings and two multi-platinum Christmas albums have brought him international recognition for creating a renaissance in contemporary sound.; DAVIS.DIB sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown DAVIS.DIB 174038 View this portrait of Chip Davis. 8 bit DIB / 373x460/ 256 colors Multimedia sectionDir MMEDIA sectionPrefix sectionName Multimedia :PHYSSIZE menubar :PHYSSIZE goNext buttonUp buttonUp goNext helpText Go to the next page. index setHelp ohelpText oselectedTextLines (x = keyEnter) clickIndex leaveField enterField keyUp buttonUp enterField @setHelp helpText leaveField keyUp buttonUp buttonUp clickIndex j helpText Click once to go to the selected page. This Issue Multimedia PC MPC Marketing Council Titles Catalog Preview WPA Samples Pixel Movie War Nightmare Storyboard Hardware Spotlightc popSectionList (x = (x = keyEnter); buttonStillDown buttonUp keyUp buttonStillDown popSectionList buttonUp popSectionList keyUp popSectionList helpText Pop up a list of sections to Go to. doSearch buttonUp buttonUp ZdoSearch helpText Find text within the Nautilus Shell. Print doPrint buttonUp buttonUp IdoPrint helpText Print text from this page. newLinkMessage buttonUp buttonUp vnewLinkMessage helpText Create a Link Note. doHelp buttonUp buttonUp doHelp helpText Go to 'Quick Help'. upLevel goSectionHdr buttonUp buttonUp goSectionHdr helpText Go to Table of Contents. goPrev buttonUp buttonUp goPrev helpText Go to the previous page. mme_This Issue sectionDir MMEDIA sectionPrefix sectionName Multimedia Multimedia This Issue; Page 55 of 157_ Last month we promised you a look at the new electronic version of the MPC Titles Catalog. We weren't able to bring it to you then, but it's here for you to preview this month. Look for the complete catalog next month.S Accompanying the catalog is the monthly report from the MPC Marketing Council's Jim Hassert. You'll also find the "Pixel Movie War" to follow last month's intro from The Movie Makers Guild, as well as a storyboard for their next project, "The Nightmare." The WPA provides three more movies available for your use. And the Hardware Spotlight features VideoSpigot from Creative Labs. mme_Multimedia PC sectionName Multimedia sectionPrefix sectionDir MMEDIA Multimedia Multimedia PC Multimedia PC Marketing Council 1730 M Street, Suite 707 Washington, D.C. 20036 202/331-0494 :PHYSSIZE MPC.DIB mpc grc Page 56 of 157 mme_MPC Marketing Council sectionDir MMEDIA sectionPrefix sectionName Multimedia This month Jim Hassert of the Multimedia PC Marketing Council provides a list of new software licensees and asks for your feedback. Listen to HASSERT.WAV for details. Also, consult the MPCQA.WRI document for more information about Multimedia PC computing, and the final three documents for specific information about the MPC Level 1 and 2 specifications. Multimedia PC Marketing Council 1730 M Street, Suite 707 Washington, D.C. 20036 202/331-0494 Multimediai Page 57 of 157 MULTIMEDIA PC MPC Marketing Council HASSERT.WAV WAVE,MMEDIA\MPC\HASSERT.WAV HASSERT.WRI WRITE,MMEDIA\MPC\HASSERT.WRI MPCQA.WRI WRITE,MMEDIA\MPC\MPCQA.WRI MPCSPEC1.WRI WRITE,MMEDIA\MPC\MPCSPEC1.WRI MPCSPEC2.WRI WRITE,MMEDIA\MPC\MPCSPEC2.WRI MPC1VS2.WRI WRITE,MMEDIA\MPC\MPC1VS2.WRI MPCDIA\MPC+ HASSERT.WAV sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown HASSERT.WAV 3067436 Listen to this month's update from Jim Hassert of the Multimedia PC Marketing Council. Length 04:38 / Mono/ 8 bit/ 11 kHz HASSERT.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown HASSERT.WRI 4608 A transcription of HASSERT.WAV, this month's update from Jim Hassert of the Multimedia PC Marketing Council. MPCQA.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown MPCQA.WRI 285184 "Multimedia PC Computing: What you need to know" MPCSPEC1.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown MPCSPEC1.WRI 8704 MPC Level 1 specification. MPCSPEC2.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown MPCSPEC2.WRI 35200 MPC Level 2 specification. MPC1VS2.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown MPC1VS2.WRI 170496 A comparison of the MPC Level 1 and MPC Level 2 specifications. pho_Preview Movie hig_Blinky let_International Link nem_Drivers pho_Jeff Morgan sectionName Photography & Images sectionPrefix sectionDir PHOTOS Photography & Images Jeff Morgan Jeff Morgan 15326 Afton Hills Court South Afton Hills, MN 55001 Jeff Morgan (a professional photographer who is available for freelance opportunities) returns to Nautilus with a selection of images titled "The Golden Touch." :PHYSSIZE MORGAN.DIB Page 33 of 157 pho_Railway Bridge sectionDir PHOTOS sectionPrefix sectionName Photography & Images Jeff Morgan Afton Hills, MN Image available for your free, personal use for non-commercial reasons. Photography & Images Page 34 of 157 JEFF MORGAN Railway Bridge RAILWAY.DIB DIB,PHOTOS\RAILWAY.DIB RAILWAY.TIF NOLAUNCH,PHOTOS\RAILWAY.TIF PHOTOS RAILWAY.DIB :PHYSSIZE RAILWAY.DIB sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown RAILWAY.DIB 169578 "Railway Bridge" Taken in Prescott, WI, at sunset. Kodachrome 25 is Mr. Morgan's favorite film for shots like this since it produces great blacks. Canon T90; 100-300mm zoom lens. 8 bit DIB / 500x337/ 256 Colors RAILWAY.TIF sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown RAILWAY.TIF 2230416 "Railway Bridge" 24 bit TIFF/1050 x 708/16 million To preview this image, open the DIB file. pho_Railway Bridge pho_Misty Morning mme_WPA edu_Mathplot hig_Mouse Warp Nemo Notes pho_Mystery Lake sectionDir PHOTOS sectionPrefix sectionName Photography & Images Jeff Morgan Afton Hills, MN Image available for your free, personal use for non-commercial reasons. Photography & Images Page 35 of 157 JEFF MORGAN Mystery Lake MYSTERY.DIB DIB,PHOTOS\MYSTERY.DIB MYSTERY.TIF NOLAUNCH,PHOTOS\MYSTERY.TIF PHOTOS MYSTERY.DIB :PHYSSIZE MYSTERY.DIB sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown MYSTERY.DIB 167578 "Mystery Lake" Taken on Caribou Lake in northern MN just before dawn. The only place to set up this shot was on a very shaky dock and the exposure was 1 second! Fuji 50; Canon T90; 35-105mm zoom lens. 8 bit DIB / 500x333/ 256 Colors MYSTERY.TIF sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown MYSTERY.TIF 2205216 "Mystery Lake" 24 bit TIFF/1050 x 700/16 million To preview this image, open the DIB file. pho_Mississippi River sectionDir PHOTOS sectionPrefix sectionName Photography & Images Jeff Morgan Afton Hills, MN Image available for your free, personal use for non-commercial reasons. Photography & Images Page 36 of 157 JEFF MORGAN Mississippi River5 MS_RIVER.DIB DIB,PHOTOS\MS_RIVER.DIB MS_RIVER.TIF NOLAUNCH,PHOTOS\MS_RIVER.TIF PHOTOS RIVER.DIB :PHYSSIZE MS_RIVER.DIB sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown MS_RIVER.DIB 129558 "Mississippi River" Taken early morning looking across the Mississippi in Iowa. Used the in-camera meter and underexposed by an extra 1/3 of a stop for the silhouette. Fuji 50; Canon T90; 35-105mm zoom lens. 8 bit DIB / 289x440/ 256 Colors MS_RIVER.TIF sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown MS_RIVER.TIF 2170566 "Mississippi River" 24 bit TIFF/689 x 1050/16 million To preview this image, open the DIB file. pho_Very Early sectionDir PHOTOS sectionPrefix sectionName Photography & Images Jeff Morgan Afton Hills, MN Image available for your free, personal use for non-commercial reasons. Photography & Images Page 37 of 157 JEFF MORGAN Very Early EARLY.DIB DIB,PHOTOS\EARLY.DIB EARLY.TIF NOLAUNCH,PHOTOS\EARLY.TIF PHOTOS EARLY.DIB :PHYSSIZE EARLY.DIB sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown EARLY.DIB 168078 "Very Early" Taken about 45 minutes before dawn around Hudson, WI. Unlike evenings, there is often a stillness and clarity to the morning air. Tripod; 30 second exposure; Kodachrome 25; Canon T90; 100-300mm zoom lens. 8 bit DIB / 500x334/ 256 Colors EARLY.TIF sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown EARLY.TIF 2211516 "Very Early" 24 bit TIFF/1050 x 702/16 million To preview this image, open the DIB file. pho_Dairy Farm sectionDir PHOTOS sectionPrefix sectionName Photography & Images Jeff Morgan Afton Hills, MN Image available for your free, personal use for non-commercial reasons. Photography & Images Page 38 of 157 JEFF MORGAN Dairy Farm DAIRY.DIB DIB,PHOTOS\DAIRY.DIB DAIRY.TIF NOLAUNCH,PHOTOS\DAIRY.TIF PHOTOS DAIRY.DIB :PHYSSIZE DAIRY.DIB sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown DAIRY.DIB 167578 "Dairy Farm" Taken near Glenwood City, WI, late one afternoon when a heavy storm was rolling in. Weather can add such interest to a photograph. Kodachrome 25; Canon T90; 35-105mm zoom lens. 8 bit DIB / 497x333/ 256 ColorsE DAIRY.TIF sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown DAIRY.TIF 2205216 "Dairy Farm" 24 bit TIFF/1050 x 700/16 million To preview this image, open the DIB file. pho_Misty Morning sectionDir PHOTOS sectionPrefix sectionName Photography & Images Jeff Morgan Afton Hills, MN Image available for your free, personal use for non-commercial reasons. Photography & Images Page 39 of 157 JEFF MORGAN Misty Morning1 MISTY.DIB DIB,PHOTOS\MISTY.DIB MISTY.TIF NOLAUNCH,PHOTOS\MISTY.TIF PHOTOS MISTY.DIB :PHYSSIZE MISTY.DIB sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown MISTY.DIB 164078 "Misty Morning" Taken on Caribou Lake in northern MN just before dawn. Fuji 50; Canon T90; 300mm zoom lens. (Same as "Mystery Lake," except a little earlier.) 8 bit DIB / 500x326/ 256 Colors' MISTY.TIF sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown MISTY.TIF 2154816 "Misty Morning" 24 bit TIFF/1050 x 684/16 million To preview this image, open the DIB file. pho_Tree & Sunset sectionDir PHOTOS sectionPrefix sectionName Photography & Images Jeff Morgan Afton Hills, MN Image available for your free, personal use for non-commercial reasons. Photography & Images Page 40 of 157 JEFF MORGAN Tree & Sunset1 TREE_SUN.DIB DIB,PHOTOS\TREE_SUN.DIB TREE_SUN.TIF NOLAUNCH,PHOTOS\TREE_SUN.TIF PHOTOS TREESUN.DIB :PHYSSIZE TREE_SUN.DIB sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown TREE_SUN.DIB 129558 "Tree & Sunset" Taken early morning looking across the Mississippi in Iowa. Fuji 50; Canon T90; 35-105mm zoom lens. (Same as "Mississippi River," but a little later and a few feet northward.) 8 bit DIB / 289x440/ 256 Colors TREE_SUN.TIF sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown TREE_SUN.TIF 2173716 "Tree & Sunset" 24 bit TIFF/690 x 1050/16 million To preview this image, open the DIB file. pho_Farm sectionDir PHOTOS sectionPrefix sectionName Photography & Images Jeff Morgan Afton Hills, MN Image available for your free, personal use for non-commercial reasons. Photography & Images Page 41 of 157 JEFF MORGAN FARM.DIB DIB,PHOTOS\FARM.DIB FARM.TIF NOLAUNCH,PHOTOS\FARM.TIF PHOTOS FARM.DIB :PHYSSIZE FARM.DIB sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown FARM.DIB 170078 "Farm" Taken near Glenwood City, WI, late one afternoon when a heavy storm was rolling in. Kodachrome 25; Canon T90. (Same as "Dairy Farm," except a 300mm lens was used.) 8 bit DIB / 500x338/ 256 Colors' FARM.TIF sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown FARM.TIF 2236716 "Farm" 24 bit TIFF/1050 x 710/16 million To preview this image, open the DIB file. pho_Farm mme_Pixel Movie War edu_The Columbus Zoo HighFive CD ROM Directory nem_Vendor Notes pho_Prescott Bridge sectionDir PHOTOS sectionPrefix sectionName Photography & Images Jeff Morgan Afton Hills, MN Image available for your free, personal use for non-commercial reasons. Photography & Images Page 42 of 157 JEFF MORGAN Prescott Bridge3 BRIDGE.DIB DIB,PHOTOS\BRIDGE.DIB BRIDGE.TIF NOLAUNCH,PHOTOS\BRIDGE.TIF PHOTOS PRESCOTT.DIB :PHYSSIZE BRIDGE.DIB sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown BRIDGE.DIB 168578 "Prescott Bridge" Taken in Prescott, WI, at sunset. Canon T90. Same as "Railway Bridge," except it was taken a little earlier and a 21mm lens was used.) 8 bit DIB / 500x335/ 256 Colors/ BRIDGE.TIF sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown BRIDGE.TIF 2217816 "Prescott Bridge" 24 bit TIFF/1050 x 704/16 million To preview this image, open the DIB file. pho_Prescott Bridge snd_60 Second Spots snd_Sonata Op. 81a mme_MPC Marketing Council cdr_Nautilus CD ROM Offers pho_ACCAD sectionDir PHOTOS sectionPrefix sectionName Photography & Images Photography & Images/ ACCAD Page 43 of 157o The Advanced Computing Center for the Arts and Design The Ohio State University 1224 Kinnear Road Columbus, OH 43212 Note: This image is not free use.# The Advanced Computing Center for the Arts and Design The Advanced Computing Center for the Arts and Design (ACCAD) at The Ohio State University has a 25 year history of research and instruction in computer graphics and animation. The center has a true interdisciplinary character and attempts to merge scientific investigation with aesthetic ideals. While it is administratively located in the College of the Arts, it provides leadership in computer graphics and animation development to support instruction and research in both the arts and the sciences. The center offers a context in which students and faculty representing both disciplines can learn the power of the digital syntax. It promotes the study of an aesthetic message design that can have an impact upon such diverse areas as computer software development, advertising and television promotion, the visual and performing arts, and scientific computing and visualization. pho_Spheres sectionName Photography & Images sectionPrefix sectionDir PHOTOS Photography & Images ACCAD Spheres (C)1992 Ferdi Scheepers The Ohio State University Note: This image is not free use. :PHYSSIZE SPHERES.DIB PHOTOS sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown SPHERES.DIB SPHERES.DIB 167578 "Spheres" was produced with ray tracing software using the technique of constructive solid geometry (CSG). With this technique, complex objects are formed from primi-tive ones using union, intersection, and difference oper-ations. The sphere was the only primitive object used in this image. It consists of 117 spheres, all scaled and positioned appropriately to create the desired result. 8 bit DIB/ 500x333/256 Colors SPHERES.DIB DIB,PHOTOS\SPHERES.DIB Page 44 of 157 2 2 2 ) gam_Icon Manager sectionDir GAMES sectionPrefix sectionName Games & Diversions Icon Manager is a powerful tool for working with icons in the Windows operating environment. The same drag-and-drop interface used by Program Manager allows icons to be easily moved, copied, and organized into files within Icon Manager. If you would like to create or edit your own icons, Icon Manager taps the power of OLE to whisk you into an edit session with Paintbrush just by double-clicking on an icon. Impact Software Leonard Gray Chino, CA 909/690-8522 Fax: 909/590-2202 Games & Diversionsq Page 21 of 157 ICONS ANONYMOUS Icon Manager SETUP.EXE APP,GAMES\ICM33\SETUP.EXE README.TXT TEXT,GAMES\ICM33\README.TXT REGISTER.TXT TEXT,GAMES\ICM33\REGISTER.TXT ICM33\ICM33 SETUP.EXE sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown SETUP.EXE 29424 Install Icon Manager to your hard drive with this file. Cost: Shareware $24.95 README.TXT sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown README.TXT 12047 Usage, installation, and revision information for Icon Manager. REGISTER.TXT sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown REGISTER.TXT 3531 A registration form for Icon Manager. gam_Icon Manager gam_The Cleaners sectionDir GAMES sectionPrefix sectionName Games & Diversions The Cleaners include ICONCLEN, BMPCLEN, and WAVCLEN. These cleaner programs can help you keep icons, BMPs, WAVs, and MIDI files better organized and keep the "junk cleaned up." In addition to previewing WAV, BMP, ICO, and MID files, you can delete, copy, and move them anywhere on your hard drive. Michael J. Murphy 1385 Majolica Road Salisbury, NC 28147 CompuServe: 71160,1275 Games & Diversions Page 22 of 157- ICONS ANONYMOUS The Cleaners CLEN.WRI WRITE,GAMES\CLEN\CLEN.WRI BMPCLEN.EXE APP,GAMES\CLEN\BMPCLEN.EXE ICONCLEN.EXE APP,GAMES\CLEN\ICONCLEN.EXE WAVCLEN.EXE APP,GAMES\CLEN\WAVCLEN.EXE CLEN.ZIP NAUTFILE,GAMES\CLEN\CLEN.ZIP,NAUTAPPS\NWUNA.EXE,-M999 -D CLENS\CLEN CLEN.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown CLEN.WRI 4352 Setup, usage, and registration information for The Cleaners. Cost: Shareware $5.00 BMPCLEN.EXE sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown BMPCLEN.EXE 25381 BMPCLEN views, copies, deletes, and moves BMP files. ICONCLEN.EXE sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown ICONCLEN.EXE 84774 ICONCLEN views icon files one at a time and lets you move, copy, and delete them or even save an .ICO file as a BMP. WAVCLEN.EXE sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown WAVCLEN.EXE 25125 WAVCLEN lets you listen to WAV and MIDI files, and copy, delete, and move them after listening. CLEN.ZIP sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown CLEN.ZIP 64503 Click Open to extract the contents of this file to your hard drive. This file contains the entire contents of the CLEN directory on this disc. gam_The Cleaners snd_American Gramaphone snd_The Four Mood Groups: Dinner vir_WSCAN Entertainment sectionDir ENTER sectionPrefix sectionName Entertainment :PHYSSIZE menubar :PHYSSIZE goNext buttonUp buttonUp goNext helpText Go to the next page. index setHelp ohelpText oselectedTextLines (x = keyEnter) clickIndex leaveField enterField keyUp buttonUp enterField @setHelp helpText leaveField keyUp buttonUp buttonUp clickIndex j helpText Click once to go to the selected page. Windham Hill Nightnoise On Tour About Windham Hill Celestial Navigations Back Porch' popSectionList (x = (x = keyEnter); buttonStillDown buttonUp keyUp buttonStillDown popSectionList buttonUp popSectionList keyUp popSectionList helpText Pop up a list of sections to Go to. doSearch buttonUp buttonUp ZdoSearch helpText Find text within the Nautilus Shell. Print doPrint buttonUp buttonUp IdoPrint helpText Print text from this page. newLinkMessage buttonUp buttonUp vnewLinkMessage helpText Create a Link Note. doHelp buttonUp buttonUp doHelp helpText Go to 'Quick Help'. upLevel goSectionHdr buttonUp buttonUp goSectionHdr helpText Go to Table of Contents. goPrev buttonUp buttonUp goPrev helpText Go to the previous page. ent_Windham Hill sectionName Entertainment sectionPrefix sectionDir ENTER Entertainment Windham Hill Steeped in traditional Irish roots, Nightnoise has pioneered the "new Celtic" sound that has so recently risen in popularity and has won over a multitude of popular music fans. Sample a cut from their latest album this month. :PHYSSIZE LOGOGI.DIB Page 24 of 157 ent_Nightnoise sectionDir ENTER sectionPrefix sectionName Entertainment The music of Nightnoise, where traditional Celtic flavors merge seamlessly with original contemporary composition, flows with a rare grace. Entertainment Page 25 of 157? WINDHAM HILL Nightnoisem CD_TRACK.2 REDBOOK,2 CREDITS.WRI WRITE,ENTER\WINDHAM\NNOISE\CREDITS.WRI NNOISE.WRI WRITE,ENTER\WINDHAM\NNOISE\NNOISE.WRI NNOISE.DIB DIB,ENTER\WINDHAM\NNOISE\NNOISE.DIB OFFER.WRI WRITE,ENTER\WINDHAM\NNOISE\OFFER.WRIg WINDHAM\NNOISENNOISE NNOISE.DIB :PHYSSIZE CD_TRACK.2 sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown CD_TRACK.2 "For You" from Shadow of Time by Nightnoise. Length: 3:00 CREDITS.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown CREDITS.WRI 1152 Recording credits for the featured cut "For You" from Shadow of Time by Nightnoise./ NNOISE.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown NNOISE.WRI 6656 By virtue of its unique melding of Celtic, jazz, classical, and pop influences, Nightnoise has created a signature sound all its own. Learn more about this dynamic group and their music in this file.O NNOISE.DIB sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown NNOISE.DIB 294200 Open this file to view a portrait of Nightnoise. 8 bit DIB / 640x458/ 256 Colors OFFER.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown OFFER.WRI 3328 Here's how to order Shadow of Time. ent_On Tour sectionDir ENTER sectionPrefix sectionName Entertainment Itineraries and show listings for Windham Hill's on-tour artists through the remainder of 1993 and into 1994. Entertainment Page 26 of 157I WINDHAM HILL On Tour BEASLEY.WRI WRITE,ENTER\WINDHAM\TOURS\BEASLEY.WRI CHILDS.WRI WRITE,ENTER\WINDHAM\TOURS\CHILDS.WRI DEGRASSI.WRI WRITE,ENTER\WINDHAM\TOURS\DEGRASSI.WRI GORKA.WRI WRITE,ENTER\WINDHAM\TOURS\GORKA.WRI HALL.WRI WRITE,ENTER\WINDHAM\TOURS\HALL.WRI HEDGES.WRI WRITE,ENTER\WINDHAM\TOURS\HEDGES.WRI NNOISE.WRI WRITE,ENTER\WINDHAM\TOURS\NNOISE.WRI PETTIS.WRI WRITE,ENTER\WINDHAM\TOURS\PETTIS.WRI PSYCHOGR.WRI WRITE,ENTER\WINDHAM\TOURS\PSYCHOGR.WRI STORY.WRI WRITE,ENTER\WINDHAM\TOURS\STORY.WRI WINDHAM\TOURS\TOURS TOUR.DIB :PHYSSIZE BEASLEY.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown BEASLEY.WRI 2944 John Beasley plays a number of U.S. and European venues this fall and winter. CHILDS.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown CHILDS.WRI 896 Billy Childs finishes his latest tour in Florida.C DEGRASSI.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown DEGRASSI.WRI 3840 Catch Nightnoise, Liz Story, and Alex De Grassi together this fall in the Winter Solstice Concerts. GORKA.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown GORKA.WRI 3968 John Gorka plays across the U.S. and Europe this fall and winter. HALL.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown HALL.WRI 2560 See where Kristen Hall is playing up and down the East coast this fall, including performances with Pierce Pettis._ HEDGES.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown HEDGES.WRI 1024 Michael Hedges' gigs this fall keep him mainly on the West coast. NNOISE.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown NNOISE.WRI 3328 Catch Nightnoise, Liz Story, and Alex De Grassi together this fall in the Winter Solstice Concerts. PETTIS.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown PETTIS.WRI 2560 Pierce Pettis plays across the U.S. this fall, including performances with Kristen Hall.e PSYCHOGR.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown PSYCHOGR.WRI 1536 Psychograss plays a few shows this fall with Anger/Marshall. STORY.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown STORY.WRI 3456 Catch Nightnoise, Liz Story, and Alex De Grassi together this fall in the Winter Solstice Concerts. Page 68 of ent_On Tour com_Nerd's Eye View com_Dr. Tomorrow ent_About Windham Hill sectionDir ENTER sectionPrefix sectionName Entertainment Information for you from Windham Hill Records.q Entertainment Page 27 of 157 WINDHAM HILL About Windham Hill WINDHAM.WRI WRITE,ENTER\WINDHAM\WINDHAM.WRI MAILLIST.WRI WRITE,ENTER\WINDHAM\MAILLIST.WRIc WINDHAMINDHAM WINDOGI.DIB :PHYSSIZE WINDHAM.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown WINDHAM.WRI 1792 Windham Hill presents this month's featured releases. Find out what people are saying about Windham Hill. MAILLIST.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown MAILLIST.WRI 1536 How to join the Windham Hill mailing list. ent_Celestial Navigations sectionName Entertainment sectionPrefix sectionDir ENTER Entertainment Celestial Navigations Slowly swinging on the back porch with your loved one, watching the world go by, remembering the sweet past.... This is the setting for "Back Porch." From the Ice album. :PHYSSIZE ICE.DIB ice grc here Page 28 of 157 ent_Celestial Navigations edu_The Mars Observer ser_Announcements nem_Cruisin' New Waters... nem_Treasure Chest ent_Back Porch sectionDir ENTER sectionPrefix sectionName Entertainment She asks, "What's the most pleasurable moment you've ever had?" He recalls precious memories as he searches for the answer. Entertainment Page 29 of 157/ CELESTIAL NAVIGATIONS Back Porch INTRO.AVI MOVIE,ENTER\CELNAV\INTRO.AVI CD_TRACK.3 REDBOOK,3 ABOUT.WRI WRITE,ENTER\CELNAV\ABOUT.WRI LEWIS.WRI WRITE,ENTER\CELNAV\LEWIS.WRI LEVNMANY.WRI WRITE,ENTER\CELNAV\LEVNMANY.WRIA CELNAVCELNAVe CELE2.DIB :PHYSSIZE INTRO.AVI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown INTRO.AVI 6845704 In this updated introduction from Celestial Navigations, Geoffrey Lewis announces an upcoming album. Length 00:54 / 15 frames per sec CD_TRACK.3 sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown CD_TRACK.3 "Back Porch" Length: 4:34 ABOUT.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown ABOUT.WRI 7680 Read this to find out more about the unique group Celestial Navigations. In the words of Geoff Levin, "We are a group. That's what sets us apart from all other storytellers. But our performances only come alive when the listener is there seeing the story with us... that's the gift we can give... that is the magic...." LEWIS.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown LEWIS.WRI 4224 Meet Geoffrey Lewis in this biography. LEVNMANY.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown LEVNMANY.WRI 3584 Read this biography of two talented musicians, composers, producers, and Navigators: Geoff Levin and Chris Many. Photography & Images sectionDir PHOTOS sectionPrefix sectionName Photography & Images :PHYSSIZE menubar :PHYSSIZE goNext buttonUp buttonUp goNext helpText Go to the next page. index setHelp ohelpText oselectedTextLines (x = keyEnter) clickIndex leaveField enterField keyUp buttonUp enterField @setHelp helpText leaveField keyUp buttonUp buttonUp clickIndex t helpText Click once to go to the selected page. About This Section Preview Movie Jeff Morgan Railway Bridge Mystery Lake Mississippi River Very Early Dairy Farm Misty Morning Tree & Sunset Farm Prescott Bridge ACCAD Spheres popSectionList (x = (x = keyEnter); buttonStillDown buttonUp keyUp buttonStillDown popSectionList buttonUp popSectionList keyUp popSectionList helpText Pop up a list of sections to Go to. doSearch buttonUp buttonUp ZdoSearch helpText Find text within the Nautilus Shell. Print doPrint buttonUp buttonUp IdoPrint helpText Print text from this page. newLinkMessage buttonUp buttonUp vnewLinkMessage helpText Create a Link Note. doHelp buttonUp buttonUp doHelp helpText Go to 'Quick Help'. upLevel goSectionHdr buttonUp buttonUp goSectionHdr helpText Go to Table of Contents. goPrev buttonUp buttonUp goPrev helpText Go to the previous page. pho_About This Section sectionDir PHOTOS sectionPrefix sectionName Photography & Images In this section, Nautilus provides you with various photographs: some simply for pleasure and some to use in your own multimedia projects. See the Free Use and You! portion of the Nautilus Services section for information regarding the Nautilus position on copyright protection and free use. The images in this section are published in two formats; read the document below for full details. Photography & Images Page 31 of 1579 About This Sectiona ABOUT.WRI WRITE,PHOTOS\ABOUT.WRI PHOTOS ABOUT.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown ABOUT.WRI 2176 A file discussing the various formats of the photographs carried on Nautilus. pho_Preview Movie sectionDir PHOTOS sectionPrefix sectionName Photography & Images Photography & ImagesS Preview Movie Click the movie icon to see a preview of this month's Photography & Images Section. movie object 4romDrive omovieName playMovie default prepMovie status = "OPEN"); drawDirect "frame" A = "CLOSE"); tonUp buttonDown buttonUp prepMovie buttonUp movieName playMovie default romDrive buttonDown prepMovie frame CLOSE frame status helpText Click to start movie. movieName EXTRAS\PHOTOS\PHOTO.MOV movie helpText Click to start movie. movie myEnabled movieName EXTRAS\TEST\TEST.AVI frame PICTURE :PHYSSIZE Page 32 of 157 gam_Domaine Chandon sectionDir GAMES sectionPrefix sectionName Games & Diversions Domaine Chandon produces four Californian sparkling wines. Learn the precise art of handling these delicate elixirs in their wine seminar. Games & Diversions# Page 10 of 157G GOURMET BYTES Domaine Chandon{ HISTORY.WRI WRITE,GAMES\FEATURE\WINE\CHANDON\HISTORY.WRI INTRO.MOV MOVIE,GAMES\FEATURE\WINE\CHANDON\INTRO.MOV METHODE.MOV MOVIE,GAMES\FEATURE\WINE\CHANDON\METHODE.MOV PINOT.MOV MOVIE,GAMES\FEATURE\WINE\CHANDON\PINOT.MOV GRAPES.DIB DIB,GAMES\FEATURE\WINE\CHANDON\GRAPES.DIB BLANC_D.WRI WRITE,GAMES\FEATURE\WINE\CHANDON\BLANC_D.WRI BRUT_CU.WRI WRITE,GAMES\FEATURE\WINE\CHANDON\BRUT_CU.WRI RESERVE.WRI WRITE,GAMES\FEATURE\WINE\CHANDON\RESERVE.WRI FACTS.WRI WRITE,GAMES\FEATURE\WINE\CHANDON\FACTS.WRI FEATURE\WINE\CHANDONHANDON CHANDON.DIB :PHYSSIZE HISTORY.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown HISTORY.WRI 92288 Domaine Chandon dates back to the 17th century. Learn about their history and the innovations undertaken by this great winery. INTRO.MOV sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown INTRO.MOV 3859071 Learn more about Domaine Chandon and their approach to wine making in this movie. Length 00:52 / 10 frames per sec METHODE.MOV sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown METHODE.MOV 1006633 Domaine Chandon makes their sparkling wine using a process called methode chapenoise. Find out more about it in this movie. Length 00:07 / 15 frames per sec PINOT.MOV sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown PINOT.MOV 3274904 What exactly goes into a fine wine? This movie talks about the grapes used in Domaine Chandon's sparkling wines. Length 00:23 / 15 frames per sec GRAPES.DIB sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown GRAPES.DIB 174078 These grapes are used to make the wine at Domaine Chandon. 8 bit DIB / 499x346/ 256 Colors BLANC_D.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown BLANC_D.WRI 116480 Here's information about Chandon Blanc de Noirs, a brut sparkling wine. BRUT_CU.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown BRUT_CU.WRI 199936 Here's information about Chandon Brut, a blend of classic Champagne varietals. RESERVE.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown RESERVE.WRI 87936 Chandon Reserve is a California methode champenoise sparkling wine offering unique flavors and textures. This information sheet describes the reasons for the different character of this wine. FACTS.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown FACTS.WRI 2048 This file contains information about the Domaine Chandon winery. ameters for an gam_Domaine Chandon mme_Titles Catalog Preview new_Newsbytes Reports let_Problems with 24 bit Color gam_Nautilus Wine sectionDir GAMES sectionPrefix sectionName Games & Diversions Enhance your Nautilus experience with Nautilus wine. No, we don't make wine. But we have found an Australian company that does. Games & Diversions Page 11 of 157= GOURMET BYTES Nautilus Wineo YALUMBA.WRI WRITE,GAMES\FEATURE\WINE\NAUTWINE\YALUMBA.WRI YALUMBA.DIB DIB,GAMES\FEATURE\WINE\NAUTWINE\YALUMBA.DIB SPKLGWIN.WRI WRITE,GAMES\FEATURE\WINE\NAUTWINE\SPKLGWIN.WRI CHRDNNY.WRI WRITE,GAMES\FEATURE\WINE\NAUTWINE\CHRDNNY.WRI MERLOT.WRI WRITE,GAMES\FEATURE\WINE\NAUTWINE\MERLOT.WRI SAUVGNON.WRI WRITE,GAMES\FEATURE\WINE\NAUTWINE\SAUVGNON.WRI NAUTVNYD.DIB DIB,GAMES\FEATURE\WINE\NAUTWINE\NAUTVNYD.DIB VNYDSIGN.DIB DIB,GAMES\FEATURE\WINE\NAUTWINE\VNYDSIGN.DIB AWARDS.WRI WRITE,GAMES\FEATURE\WINE\NAUTWINE\AWARDS.WRI FEATURE\WINE\NAUTWINEUTWINE NAUTILUS.DIB :PHYSSIZE YALUMBA.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown YALUMBA.WRI 3200 This history of the Yalumba Winery spans six generations of Australian history. The Yalumba Winery is the oldest family-owned winery in Barossa Valley, Australia's most famous winemaking region. From humble beginnings has emerged a history of quality winemaking, including "Nautilus" wine, that successfully blends tradition with technology. YALUMBA.DIB sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown YALUMBA.DIB 156598 A picture of the Yalumba Winery. 8 bit DIB / 322x480/ 256 Colors SPKLGWIN.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown SPKLGWIN.WRI 6144 Learn about the winemaking history of the Nautilus Craiglochart Chardonnay Vineyard in Renwick. CHRDNNY.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown CHRDNNY.WRI 3200 This is an information sheet about 1992 Nautilus Estate Chardonnay Marlborough. MERLOT.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown MERLOT.WRI 4224 This is an information sheet about 1990 Nautilus Merlot Cabernet. SAUVGNON.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown SAUVGNON.WRI 3456 This is an information sheet about 1992 Nautilus Sauvignon Blanc Marlborough. NAUTVNYD.DIB sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown NAUTVNYD.DIB 178578 A picture of the Nautilus vineyard in Australia. 8 bit DIB / 500x355/ 256 Colors VNYDSIGN.DIB sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown VNYDSIGN.DIB 168078 A picture of the sign in front of the Nautilus vineyard. 8 bit DIB / 500x334/ 256 Colors AWARDS.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown AWARDS.WRI 2432 A list of the award-winning wines of the Nautilus vineyard. contain gam_Your Wine Cellar sectionDir GAMES sectionPrefix sectionName Games & Diversions Wine Trakker will help you manage your own wine cellar. Games & Diversions Page 12 of 157 GOURMET BYTES Your Wine Cellar WINETRAK.AVI MOVIE,GAMES\FEATURE\WINE\YOURWINE\WINETRAK.AVI TRAKKER.WRI WRITE,GAMES\FEATURE\WINE\YOURWINE\TRAKKER.WRI FEATURE\WINE\YOURWINEURWINE CELLAR.DIB :PHYSSIZE WINETRAK.AVI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown WINETRAK.AVI 1695304 Tour Wine Trakker, a wine education and inventory program. Length 01:58 / 1 frames per sec TRAKKER.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown TRAKKER.WRI 2176 This file contains more information on Wine Trakker, including system requirements. gam_Your Wine Cellar edu_Nonlin vir_SCAN vir_VSHIELD let_Editorial Q&A nem_About This Section nem_Errata Notes nem_Windows UnArchive gam_HUNGRY FOR MORE? sectionDir GAMES sectionPrefix sectionName Games & Diversions Games & Diversions) GOURMET BYTES HUNGRY FOR MORE? Page 13 of 157 If you're hungry for more, move to this month's Music & Sound section for a little dinner music. Don't miss American Gramaphone's Dinner Music. "Music sets the right mood for any gathering, a lively party, a romantic dinner for two, or simply friends sharing their thoughts over a Sunday morning cup of coffee," says Chip Davis, the Grammy Award-winning composer behind Mannheim Steamroller. Find out what music he recommends as a perfect accompaniment to a gourmet meal. gam_HUNGRY FOR MORE? gam_GrpIcon gam_Icon Magic vir_HyperText VSUM let_MIDI Problem ser_Credits & Legal Stuff nem_Tech Notes sof_WordPerfect 6.0 gam_Icons Anonymous sectionDir GAMES sectionPrefix sectionName Games & Diversions Games & Diversions) Icons Anonymous Page 14 of 157s Many Windows users find that it's easy and fun to change icons on their applications. This trend leads to the urge to collect icons, which leads to huge icon collections, which has been known to drive a Windows user to violence.m Nautilus is attempting to provide some resources to help with this international problem, including an electronic shoulder to cry on. Here you'll find icon tools, utilities, and managers to help you assign, create, edit, and manage your icon library. You may have fun, become more organized, and save hard drive space in the process. Glad we could help! gam_Dups sectionDir GAMES sectionPrefix sectionName Games & Diversions Dups can be used to search through subdirectories for duplicate icon files (*.ico). The program is ideal for managing large collections of icon files. It will quickly find any duplicates using a 32 bit CRC number calculation. Icon files are displayed in the delete confirmation window before being deleted. Philip Bush 2025 Monks Hollow Drive Florissant, MO 63031 Games & Diversions Page 15 of 157 ICONS ANONYMOUS DUPS.EXE APP,GAMES\DUPS\DUPS.EXE README.WRI WRITE,GAMES\DUPS\README.WRI DUPSS\DUPS DUPS.EXE sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown DUPS.EXE 15442 Delete duplicate icons by running Dups. Cost: Shareware $2.00 README.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown README.WRI 3200 Feature list and registration information for Dups. e next gam_GrpIcon sectionDir GAMES sectionPrefix sectionName Games & Diversions GrpIcon lets you assign unique icons, colors, and bitmaps to your Program Manager Group windows. Its mission is to make your Windows Program Manager act just like it had the ability to customize Group windows all along, so all of GrpIcon's functions are accessible directly from Program Manager whenever GrpIcon is running. Inner City Software P.O. Box 969 Boston, MA 02118 800/538-6946 BBS & FAX: 617/536-7786 Games & Diversions' Page 16 of 157K ICONS ANONYMOUS GrpIcony SETUP.EXE APP,GAMES\GRPICON\SETUP.EXE README.TXT TEXT,GAMES\GRPICON\README.TXT GRPICONRPICON SETUP.EXE sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown SETUP.EXE 80832 This will install GrpIcon onto your hard drive and into Program Manager. Cost: Shareware $20.00 README.TXT sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown README.TXT 2119 GrpIcon usage information. gam_Icon Blaster sectionDir GAMES sectionPrefix sectionName Games & Diversions Have you ever downloaded one of those collections of 500 icons for Windows? Some you want to keep, but many are useless to you. How do you choose the ones to keep and weed out the ones you don't want? Icon Blaster is a simple utility to get rid of unwanted icons. View them within Icon Blaster and then tell it which ones to blast. Chris Irwin P.O. Box 16062 Boise, ID 83715 Games & Diversions Page 17 of 157+ ICONS ANONYMOUS Icon Blaster ICONBLST.EXE APP,GAMES\ICNBL1\ICONBLST.EXE README.TXT TEXT,GAMES\ICNBL1\README.TXT ICNBL1ICNBL1 ICONBLST.EXE sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown ICONBLST.EXE 17979 Keep the icons you want and blast the ones you don't. Cost: Shareware $1.00. README.TXT sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown README.TXT 1131 Requirements and usage information for Icon Blaster. gam_Icon Blaster Entertainment pho_Mystery Lake pho_ACCAD let_Exploring the Internet ser_Customer Service gam_ICONDLL sectionDir GAMES sectionPrefix sectionName Games & Diversions ICONDLL is designed to build a Dynamically Linked Library (DLL) out of a collection of icon files. As a DLL, the single file of icons requires less disk space than the individual .ICO files. Also, when changing the icon in the Program Manager, you only need to type out the file name once, then just keep clicking the "View Next" button until the right icon appears. James M. Curran 24 Greendale Road Cedar Grove, NJ 07009 Games & Diversions3 Page 18 of 157W ICONS ANONYMOUS ICONDLL ICONDLL.COM DOS,GAMES\ICNDL2\ICONDLL.COM ICONDLL.TXT TEXT,GAMES\ICNDL2\ICONDLL.TXT ICNDL2ICNDL2= ICONDLL.COM sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown ICONDLL.COM 11313 Make DLLs from your icons with this file. Cost: Free ICONDLL.TXT sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown ICONDLL.TXT 2352 Purpose and usage information for ICONDLL. gam_Icon Librarian sectionDir GAMES sectionPrefix sectionName Games & Diversions If you are a regular Windows user, then you have, no doubt, had to struggle to keep up with the multitude of icons available today. The Icon Librarian makes manipulation of these icons easy. You can categorize, delete, and choose icons from up to 100 user-defined categories (with up to 1,000 icons each) with intuitive drag-and-drop operations. The Icon Librarian keeps its icons in space-efficient library files, so you'll save valuable disk space too. Keith Ledbetter 4240 Ketcham Drive Chesterfield, VA 23832 Games & Diversions Page 19 of 157 ICONS ANONYMOUS Icon Librarian ICONLIB.EXE APP,GAMES\LIB11\ICONLIB.EXE ICONLIB.DOC TEXT,GAMES\LIB11\ICONLIB.DOC ILIB11.ZIP NAUTFILE,GAMES\LIB11\ILIB11.ZIP,NAUTAPPS\NWUNA.EXE,-M999 -D LIB11\LIB11 ICONLIB.EXE sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown ICONLIB.EXE 120320 Use Icon Librarian (including complete installation) with this file. Cost: Shareware $15.00. ICONLIB.DOC sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown ICONLIB.DOC 21410 Usage, installation, and registration information for the Icon Librarian. ILIB11.ZIP sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown ILIB11.ZIP 57277 Click Open to extract the contents of this file to your hard drive. This file contains the entire contents of the LIB11 directory on this disc. gam_Icon Librarian ent_Windham Hill Commentary vir_OS2SCAN let_.MOD Files nem_Media Vision gam_Icon Magic sectionDir GAMES sectionPrefix sectionName Games & Diversions Steven M. Stedman P.O. Box 1076 Stanwood, WA 98282} Games & Diversions Page 20 of 157 ICONS ANONYMOUS Icon Magic ICOMAGIC.EXE APP,GAMES\MAGIC2\ICOMAGIC.EXE REGISTER.TXT TEXT,GAMES\MAGIC2\REGISTER.TXT MAGIC2MAGIC2 IMAGIC.DIB :PHYSSIZE ICOMAGIC.EXE sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown ICOMAGIC.EXE 131648 Work magic on your icons with this file. Cost: Shareware $20.00. REGISTER.TXT sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown REGISTER.TXT 819 Registration information for Icon Magic. Viewer returnPage page id 26 of Book "M:\VOL3_6\CONTENT\NAUTILUS.TBK" helpBounds 15,4890,7650,5160 mhBounds -50,4580,7585,5140 gam_Gourmet Bytes sectionDir GAMES sectionPrefix sectionName Games & Diversions Games & DiversionsM Gourmet Bytes Good food, good wine, and good company is always a recipe for a pleasant evening. The programs and information here will help you assemble the first two. Then, invite over a few friends and stir well. movie object 4romDrive omovieName playMovie default prepMovie status = "OPEN"); drawDirect "frame" A = "CLOSE"); tonUp buttonDown buttonUp prepMovie buttonUp movieName playMovie default romDrive buttonDown prepMovie frame CLOSE frame status helpText Click to start movie. movieName EXTRAS\GAMES\FEATURE.MOV movie helpText Click to start movie. movie myEnabled movieName EXTRAS\TEST\TEST.AVI frame PICTURE :PHYSSIZE Page 2 of 157 Viewer ent_Nightnoise snd_Sound Bytes edu_Teachers' Resources edu_Higher Math hig_Cursors, Not Foiled Again let_QuickTime Sound Problem ser_Subscriber ID, Nautilus Link gam_Gourmet Bytes pho_Tree & Sunset vir_About This Section let_Planet of the Month ser_Publish on Nautilus nem_Reference gam_GOURMET GALLERY sectionName Games & Diversions sectionPrefix sectionDir GAMES Games & Diversions GOURMET BYTES GOURMET GALLERY If you can't wrangle a dinner invitation with a famous gourmet, do the next best thing: eavesdrop on the experts in the Gourmet Gallery. :PHYSSIZE GOURMET.DIB Page 3 of 157 gam_GOURMET GALLERY hig_Big Cursor ser_Free Use and You! gam_The Frugal Gourmet sectionDir GAMES sectionPrefix sectionName Games & Diversions Join Jeff Smith as he creates a perfect Italian ragout. Games & Diversions Page 4 of 157 GOURMET BYTES The Frugal Gourmet GOURMET.MOV MOVIE,GAMES\FEATURE\GALLERY\FRUGOURM\GOURMET.MOV COOKITAL.WRI WRITE,GAMES\FEATURE\GALLERY\FRUGOURM\COOKITAL.WRI SMITHBIO.WRI WRITE,GAMES\FEATURE\GALLERY\FRUGOURM\SMITHBIO.WRI FEATURE\GALLERY\FRUGOURMUGOURM FRUGAL.DIB :PHYSSIZE GOURMET.MOV sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown GOURMET.MOV 26246727 Learn how to make a classic ragout with Jeff Smith, the Frugal Gourmet. As a Nautilus subscriber you will be the first to see this segment, taken from a new series on Italian cooking, debuting Fall '93. Length 03:09 / 10 frames per sec COOKITAL.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown COOKITAL.WRI 5120 This fall, the Frugal Gourmet will host a new television series devoted entirely to Italian regional cooking. Learn what it will cover and when you can tune in to see it. SMITHBIO.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown SMITHBIO.WRI 3712 Learn how the Frugal Gourmet became the cook he is today. gam_Le Cordon Bleu sectionDir GAMES sectionPrefix sectionName Games & Diversions Le Cordon Bleu's methods reflect a melting pot of diverse international cuisines as well as their traditional specialty: French classical cuisine. Games & Diversions+ Page 5 of 157 GOURMET BYTES Le Cordon Bleu HISTORY.AVI MOVIE,GAMES\FEATURE\GALLERY\CORDONBL\HISTORY.AVI BACKGRND.WRI WRITE,GAMES\FEATURE\GALLERY\CORDONBL\BACKGRND.WRI PARIS.AVI MOVIE,GAMES\FEATURE\GALLERY\CORDONBL\PARIS.AVI JAPAN.AVI MOVIE,GAMES\FEATURE\GALLERY\CORDONBL\JAPAN.AVI LONDON.AVI MOVIE,GAMES\FEATURE\GALLERY\CORDONBL\LONDON.AVI GLOBAL.WRI WRITE,GAMES\FEATURE\GALLERY\CORDONBL\GLOBAL.WRI FEATURE\GALLERY\CORDONBLRDONBLC CORBLEU.DIB :PHYSSIZE HISTORY.AVI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown HISTORY.AVI 25037000 Learn the history of Le Cordon Bleu in this informative movie. Length 03:09 / 15 frames per sec BACKGRND.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown BACKGRND.WRI 5120 Since Le Cordon Bleu was founded in 1895, its name has become synonymous with the best of classical French cuisine. Learn more about its background and history in this file. PARIS.AVI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown PARIS.AVI 6490936 Le Cordon Bleu operates a school in Paris. Watch as students learn to create pastry. Length 00:51 / 15 frames per sec? JAPAN.AVI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown JAPAN.AVI 6514056 Le Cordon Bleu operates a school in Tokyo. Find out more about it in this file. Length 00:46 / 15 frames per sec LONDON.AVI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown LONDON.AVI 7045080 Le Cordon Bleu operates a school in London. Find out more about it in this file. Length 00:50 / 15 frames per sec GLOBAL.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown GLOBAL.WRI 6912 Le Cordon Bleu is expanding its horizons beyond classical French cuisine to encompass global and ethnic culinary styles. Learn more about it in this file. gam_Le Cordon Bleu gam_Dups ent_About Windham Hill new_Events Calendar let_CD ROM Directory let_Your Drivers Here ser_New System Requirements gam_Vegetarian Resource Group sectionDir GAMES sectionPrefix sectionName Games & Diversions Is the term "gourmet vegetarian" an oxymoron? Not according to the Vegetarian Resource Group. Games & Diversions Page 6 of 157 GOURMET BYTES Vegetarian Resource GroupY GOURMVEG.WAV WAVE,GAMES\FEATURE\GALLERY\VRG\GOURMVEG.WAV NYCVEGGD.WRI WRITE,GAMES\FEATURE\GALLERY\VRG\NYCVEGGD.WRI VEGGAME.EXE DOS,GAMES\FEATURE\GALLERY\VRG\VEGGAME.EXE README.BAT DOS,GAMES\FEATURE\GALLERY\VRG\README.BAT ABTVRG.WRI WRITE,GAMES\FEATURE\GALLERY\VRG\ABTVRG.WRI FEATURE\GALLERY\VRGRY\VRG VRG.DIB :PHYSSIZE GOURMVEG.WAV sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown GOURMVEG.WAV 1779756 Sure, vegetarian food is healthy, but is it gourmet? Find out from Suzanne Havala, M.S., R.D., a nutrition consultant and vegetarian advisor for the American Dietetic Association, an advisor to the VRG, and the author of the book "Simple, Lowfat, and Vegetarian." Length 01:21 / Mono/ 8 bit/ 22 kHz NYCVEGGD.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown NYCVEGGD.WRI 47872 The Vegetarian Resource Group recently published the "Vegetarian Journal's Guide to Natural Food Restaurants in the United States and Canada." This excerpt provides information on gourmet vegetarian restaurants in the Big Apple. Copyright 1993, VRG. Published by permission. VEGGAME.EXE sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown VEGGAME.EXE 51253 Test your V.Q. (Vegetarian Quotient) with The Vegetarian Game, a trivia quiz from the Vegetarian Resource Group. Press Control-C at any time to quit this game. This is a DOS application. README.BAT sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown README.BAT 19 This file contains information about The Vegetarian Game. ABTVRG.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown ABTVRG.WRI 3200 Learn more about the Vegetarian Resource Group, including how to subscribe and receive their magazine, "The Vegetarian Journal." gam_Vegetarian Resource Group ent_Back Porch mme_WPA Samples Industry News let_Tutorials let_What a Difference! sof_VISTAPRO let_User Tips gam_COMPUTERIZED KITCHEN sectionName Games & Diversions sectionPrefix sectionDir GAMES Games & Diversions GOURMET BYTES COMPUTERIZED KITCHEN The days of cooking with nothing but a frying pan and a spatula are gone as many people find that their computer is a necessary kitchen appliance. :PHYSSIZE KITCHEN.DIB Page 7 of 157 gam_COMPUTERIZED KITCHEN pho_Very Early snd_MIDI Connection com_This Issue let_Photography nem_TrueType Installer gam_Kitchenware sectionDir GAMES sectionPrefix sectionName Games & Diversions Whether you're planning a dinner for Joan Collins or just want to manage your kitchen, you'll find resources here to help you. Games & Diversions Page 8 of 157 GOURMET BYTES Kitchenwarek RICH.MVB APPFILE,GAMES\FEATURE\KITCHEN\RICH.MVB,GAMES\FEATURE\KITCHEN\MVIEWER2.EXE LIFESTYL.WRI WRITE,GAMES\FEATURE\KITCHEN\LIFESTYL.WRI KITCHEN.EXE APP,GAMES\FEATURE\KITCHEN\KITCHEN.EXE COOK1.ZIP NAUTFILE,GAMES\FEATURE\KITCHEN\COOK1.ZIP,NAUTAPPS\NWUNA.EXE,-M999 -D -RSETUP.EXE RCPWN2.ZIP NAUTFILE,GAMES\FEATURE\KITCHEN\RCPWN2.ZIP,NAUTAPPS\NWUNA.EXE,-M999 -D -RRECIPE.EXE FEATURE\KITCHENITCHEN ROBIN01.DIB :PHYSSIZE RICH.MVB sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown RICH.MVB 897033 Try out this demo of Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous Cookbook and find out what delicacies more than 55 celebrities set on their tables. It includes television and movie stars, professional athletes, socialites and heiresses, chefs, fashion models and designers, and European royalty. LIFESTYL.WRI sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown LIFESTYL.WRI 4864 Find out more about the recipes collected by Robin Leach in The Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous Cookbook. KITCHEN.EXE sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown KITCHEN.EXE 324700 Komputer Kitchen is a computer-based recipe manager. You can input new recipes, edit existing recipes, calculate servings, create a shopping list, and plan a menu. This shareware version comes with 75 recipes to get you started. COOK1.ZIP sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown COOK1.ZIP 204672 If you'd prefer to install Komputer Kitchento your hard drive, click Open to copy the contents of this file and launch SETUP.EXE. RCPWN2.ZIP sysLockscreen clearAccessHoofer buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp clearAccessHoofer buttonDown RCPWN2.ZIP 82048 Recipe Maker is an application designed to make weekly grocery shopping, meal planning, and recipe organization easier. To use Recipe Maker, click Open to copy the contents of this file to your hard disk, then launch RECIPE.EXE. gam_ELECTRONIC SOMMELIER sectionName Games & Diversions sectionPrefix sectionDir GAMES Games & Diversions GOURMET BYTES ELECTRONIC SOMMELIER Knowing whether you're drinking vin ordinaire or vin extraordinaire can add a great deal to your status at your next dinner party. The programs and information in this section will help you become a wine expert. :PHYSSIZE SOMLIER.DIB Page 9 of 157 gam_ELECTRONIC SOMMELIER new_Press Room ser_About Nautilus Services Software CLICKNOTE mouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter mouseLeave author enterRecordfield leaveRecordfield nterRecordfield leaveRecordfield mouseEnter enterRecordfield mouseLeave enterRecordfield leaveRecordfield mouseEnter mouseLeave title enterRecordfield leaveRecordfield nterRecordfield leaveRecordfield mouseEnter enterRecordfield mouseLeave enterRecordfield leaveRecordfield mouseEnter mouseLeave general info mouseLeave mouseEnter enterRecordField leaveRecordField mouseEnter mouseLeave enterRecordField leaveRecordField prototype 4currObject displayIt buttonUp buttonUp displayIt currObject arrows M o r e . . . "general info" <> 0) / - 1 <> 0) } - 1 stilldown buttonstilldown buttonUp buttonstilldown general info general info general info general info buttonUp general info general info general info :PHYSSIZE "general info" <> 0) / + 1 W <> 0) x + 1 stilldown buttonstilldown buttonUp buttonstilldown general info general info general info general info buttonUp general info general info general info :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE borderSytle borderSytle upLevel borderSytle borderSytle borderSytle Print borderSytle borderSytle Go... borderSytle clickList clickList utton enterButton leaveButton enterButton leaveButton showNameProp myEnabled Open... CopyFile utton enterButton leaveButton enterButton leaveButton showNameProp myEnabled Copy File... arrows Go... Go... This button activates a popup menu that provides a shortcut to each section on the disc. Hold down the mouse button until the menu appears, then drag down to the section you want to open. This is a text search function for fields within the NAUTILUS Shell. Click this button, then enter the text string that you want to search for. You will then be taken to the first page on which the text appears. he search string. Print activateScript Print Click the print button to print an image of the current card. (Be sure that your system is connected to a printer before attempting to printll then be taken to the page of the first occurence of the search string. Click this button to open a text editor to compose a message to the NAUTILUS Host. When you're finished, click "Drop in Outbox", and click the "Link" button on the Table of Contents or the "Link" item on the "Go..." menu to send the message. The modem call is free (within the continental US.) Send us a message, we'd love to hear your coments. ? Help You clicked this button to get to this Help Page. l. Click this button then enter the text string that you want to search for. You will then be taken to the page of the first occurence of the search string. UpLevel ^ Up Level Click this button to return to the beginning of the current section, or if you're already at the beginning of a section to return to the Table of Contents. to the page of the first occurence of the search string. < Previous page Click this button to go to the previous page of the current button then enter the text string that you want to search for. You will then be taken to the page of the first occurence of the search string. > Next page Click this button to go to the next page of the NAUTILUS Shell. Keep clicking this button to browse all of the pages of the shell in order. This button is used to open and run files and executables on the NAUTILUS disc. The button is activated only when you select an item in the click list below. he section you want to open. CopyFile Copy File Click this button to copy files from the NAUTILUS disc to any other volume on your system. Click and then type the full path of the volume and directory that you wish to copy the file to. This button is enabled when an item in the click list is selected..ctivated only when you select an item in the click list below. ClickList Click List The clicklist provides a way to access the contents of the NAUTILUS disc. The icons on the left help to describe each item. Click an item once to view a note which gives more information about it. When an item is selected, click "Copy File..." to copy the file to another volume. Double click an item in the list (or click the "Open" button) to open or run an item from the CD ROM..ROM.M.. Arrows Scroll Arrows If there is more text than will fit on a page, these scroll arrows will let you view all of and then type the full path of the volume and directory that you wish to copy the file to. This button is enabled when an item in the click list is selected.vated only when you select an item in the click list below. Return useLeave mouseEnter enterButton leaveButton mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter mouseLeave enterButton leaveButton buttonUp Return Text File Toolbook Windows App DOS App MPC Audio (Wave) MPC Audio (MIDI) MPC Audio (CD) Display Image MPC Animation ,anim MPC File - No Launch File The NAUTILUS Shell was designed to make it simple for you to browse the contents of each disc; the contents of each new issue will change, but the Shell remains constant. Should you experience difficulty which this Help screen does not address, please contact our Customer Service department (614/766-3150) for assistance. If you have comments about NAUTILUS, select Go... and then Link to access us electronically. HELP Page Please move the mouse over each button to learn more about how it works! goNext goNext goNext B"); enterGroup B"); leaveGroup enterRecordfield [selectedTextlines eLeave buttonUp enterRecordfield enterPage leaveRecordField enterButton mouseEnter leaveButton enterGroup mouseLeave leaveGroup enterPage enterButton buttonUp field mouseEnter button enterButton field enterField recordfield enterRecordField group enterGroup mouseLeave button leaveButton field leaveField recordfield leaveRecordField group leaveGroup enterRecordfield leaveRecordField enterButton rectangle leaveButton rectangle enterGroup leaveGroup gam_The Frugal Gourmet pho_Mississippi River nem_TrueType Fonts nem_ATI sof_Street Wizard Viewer skldf;sjd Close closeMovie buttonUp buttonUp closeMovie Close (x = closeMovie makeFullScreen resetButton 4DEVELOP, homeBook sysLockscreen setHelp 4mediaFile PlayFile default (movieIsPlaying()); prepMovie "CLOSE" status, movieType 4returnPage , = " mhList returnFromViewer tbkGetWindowRect(sysClientHandle, " units") mh - mh)),\ mh - "help" mh - rPage buttonDown keyDown buttonUp leavePage closeMovie prepMovie enterPage resetButton keyDown closeMovie enterPage lmakeFullScreen resetButton leavePage @setHelp resetButton DEVELOP homeBook mediaFile mediaFile ePlayFile default mediaFile buttonDown buttonUp movieIsPlaying closeMovie closeMovie movieIsPlaying prepMovie CLOSE prepMovie resetButton CLOSE returnPage returnFromViewer mhList returnPage movieType status resetButton page units tbkGetWindowRect close close Viewer Games & Diversions goPrev goPrev goPrev sectionDir GAMES sectionPrefix sectionName Games & Diversions :PHYSSIZE menubar :PHYSSIZE goNext buttonUp buttonUp goNext helpText Go to the next page. index setHelp ohelpText oselectedTextLines (x = keyEnter) clickIndex leaveField enterField keyUp buttonUp enterField @setHelp helpText leaveField keyUp buttonUp buttonUp clickIndex helpText Click once to go to the selected page. Gourmet Bytes GOURMET GALLERY The Frugal Gourmet Le Cordon Bleu Vegetarian Resource Group COMPUTERIZED KITCHEN Kitchenware ELECTRONIC SOMMELIER Domaine Chandon Nautilus Wine Your Wine Cellar HUNGRY FOR MORE? Icons Anonymous Dups GrpIcon Icon Blaster ICONDLL Icon Librarian Icon Magic Icon Manager The Cleaners popSectionList (x = (x = keyEnter); buttonStillDown buttonUp keyUp buttonStillDown popSectionList buttonUp popSectionList keyUp popSectionList helpText Pop up a list of sections to Go to. doSearch buttonUp buttonUp ZdoSearch helpText Find text within the Nautilus Shell. Print doPrint buttonUp buttonUp IdoPrint helpText Print text from this page. newLinkMessage buttonUp buttonUp vnewLinkMessage helpText Create a Link Note. doHelp buttonUp buttonUp doHelp helpText Go to 'Quick Help'. upLevel goSectionHdr buttonUp buttonUp goSectionHdr helpText Go to Table of Contents. goPrev buttonUp buttonUp goPrev helpText Go to the previous page. (movieIsPlaying() = (x = closeMovie; ; trap (x = (isPlaying() <> goSectionHdr (x = goPrev (x = goNext (x = (x = setPageSize 1 (x = helpText setHelp "general info" > 0) 4homeBook, mhChangesDB "Please your NAUTILUS Startup ><> " v"); ><> " default pageName sectionName clickIndex selectedTextLines = " ") sectionPrefix & "_" doSearch 4currObject, searchText ("Enter ..." e locateOnly xfound") foundField foundPage /= "ContentPage") "list") displayIT doHelp asNormal <> "5.3,3.6" "5.3,1.0"; * 1440, * 1440 noMCIMessage "You must have Windows 3.1 ( MPC extensions) installed file." disc && "more information about rstandard." popSectionList sList standardList 8& sectionList rList 8& realList popMenu( , sysMagnification, \ GOSUB subBook 4fromCD romfile(" -.tbk", "services") ErrorMessage "Unable eSubscription " &&\ & "." OutBoxFile(" (fileExists( ) = 1) copyFile( <> 1) "(" & & ")" " &&\ & "." doPrint J"allText" : " & "Title: " & J"title" & ," & printerFieldnames sysSuspendMessages mhShow tmpList ,find, ,note, ,uplevel, mhSet returnFromViewer -- START MENUS -- don't anything inbetween here unless you want nuked xpopSectionList -- END qICONS iconType leaveButton mouseLeave goNext goPrev enterPage goSection goSectionHdr keyDown clickIndex leavePage doSearch doHelp mouseEnter setPageSize enterBook noMCIMessage popSectionList leaveBook GOSUB doPrint buttonDown mhShow mhSet enterButton returnFromViewer xpopSectionList iconType keyDown movieIsPlaying closeMovie isPlaying goSectionHdr goPrev goNext goSectionHdr setPageSize setPageSize buttonDown movieIsPlaying closeMovie mouseEnter movieIsPlaying group helpText @setHelp mouseLeave movieIsPlaying @setHelp enterPage general info scrolling general info leavePage @setHelp enterBook Please start from your NAUTILUS Startup first... homeBook mhChangesDB leaveBook mhChangesDB enterButton rectangle @setHelp helpText leaveButton rectangle @setHelp goNext default goPrev default goSection default pageName goSectionHdr sectionName default clickIndex sectionPrefix default doSearch Enter text to search for... not found not found. ContentPage displayIT foundPage foundField default currObject searchText doHelp setPageSize 5.3,3.6 5.3,1.0 sizeToPage asNormal noMCIMessage You must have Windows 3.1 (or 3.0 and the MPC extensions) installed to play this file. Please see the MPC Section on this disc for more information about the MPC standard. default popSectionList standardList sectionList standardList realList popMenu goSection rList sList homeBook GOSUB sub.tbk services romfile #ErrorMessage Unable to copy Subscription form sub.tbk OutBoxFile fileExists copyFile #ErrorMessage Unable to copy Subscription form fromCD subBook doPrint allText Section: section Title: title author general info allText mhShow go,find,print,note,help,uplevel,prev,next rectangle tmpList mhSet go,find,print,note,help,uplevel,prev,next tmpList returnFromViewer xpopSectionList iconType returnFromViewer 4returnPage, mediaFile, returnClickNote selectedTextLines "list" displayIt B"Next" prepMovie status = "OPEN"); clearAccessHoofer; >= "movie {"); o = " {" -- whether xone exists... "backdrop" = "CLOSE") validClick 4currObject sysLockscreen enabled B"copyFile" doPrint J"allText" "Section: " & J"section" & "Title: " & J"title" & ," & J"general info" & tempList - " & printerFieldnames sysSuspendMessages enterPage prepMovie returnFromViewer clearAccessHoofer leavePage doPrint validClick returnFromViewer displayIt returnPage mediaFile returnClickNote enterPage prepMovie clearAccessHoofer movie object movie object backdrop CLOSE movie object backdrop status validClick clearAccessHoofer enabled copyFile enabled currObject leavePage clearAccessHoofer doPrint allText Section: section Title: title author general info field ---------- allText allText tempList System NAUTILUS VOL3_9 versionID System fD|D| gD|D| NAUTICON gD|D| Tms Rmn gD|D| Tms Rmn gD|D| Arial Gourmet Bytes gD|D| standardList nauticon Arial discFile VIRUS\NETSHLD NETSHLD NAUTFILE NWUNA.EXE NAUTFILE NWUNA.EXE NSH106.ZIP NAUTFILE NWUNA.EXE NSH106.ZIP discFile CDROMDIR CDROMDIR WRITE WRITE MINISUB.WRI WRITE MINISUB.WRI WRITE MINISUB.WRI A description of the Nautilus Mini-Subscription Kit. WRITE WRITE KITOFFER.WRI WRITE KITOFFER.WRI WRITE KITOFFER.WRI Ordering information for the Nautilus Mini-Subscription Kit. WRITE WRITE BACKPAC.WRI WRITE BACKPAC.WRI WRITE BACKPAC.WRI A description of Backpacs 1, 2, and 3. (Remember, you can use the free Intro disc available through the Backpac 1 and 3 offers to share Nautilus with a friend. When you bring a new subscriber to Nautilus, your subscription is extended by one issue -- free!) WRITE WRITE BPOFFER.WRI WRITE BPOFFER.WRI WRITE BPOFFER.WRI Ordering information for Backpacs 1, 2, and 3. WRITE WRITE MIDI2D.WRI WRITE MIDI2D.WRI WRITE MIDI2D.WRI A description of the "Best of MIDI" two-volume set. WRITE WRITE PHOTO2D.WRI WRITE PHOTO2D.WRI WRITE PHOTO2D.WRI A description of the "Best of Photography " two-volume set. WRITE In Cruisin' New Waters, you will always find a variety of new "stuff." This might include technical information and tips, ToolBook books or notes, TrueType fonts, or whatever else Captain Nemo has recently discovered. If you have contributions for this section, be sure to send them in. The Nautilus Treasure Chest contains valuable information and utilities stockpiled by Nemo and crew to make your Nautilus cruise smooth. Frequently, references and items from various sections of previous discs might show up here. These can include device drivers, additional information on multimedia and your PC, and technical information specific to Nautilus. If there is specific information or materials you'd like to see here, by all means, let Nemo know! Send a note to Captain Nemo (or the C Faring columnists) using Nautilus Link, fax, voice mail, or even regular mail. (Notes in bottles, optional.) Editor Deluxe 1.33 SUBSECTION discFile NEMO\VENDOR VENDOR WRITE WRITE LASER3.WRI WRITE LASER3.WRI MOVIE MOVIE VISTA.AVI MOVIE VISTA.AVI MOVIE VISTA.AVI Take a wild ride through a virtual landscape in this video created with VISTAPRO. MOVIE VISTA.AVI Take a wild ride through a virtual landscape in this video created with VISTAPRO. MOVIE VISTA.AVI Take a wild ride through a virtual landscape in this video created with VISTAPRO. BUILDER LOOKUP WRITE WRITE FEATURES.WRI WRITE FEATURES.WRI WRITE FEATURES.WRI Find out what features VISTAPRO offers and what landscapes are included. Editor Deluxe 1.33 CLICKNOTE Street Wizard Anti-Virus Solutions CD ROM Directory Commentary Education Entertainment Games && Diversions HighFive Industry News Multimedia Music && Sound Nautilus Letters Nautilus Services Nemo Notes Photography && Images Software discFile SOFTWARE\Wizard Wizard SETUP.EXE SETUP.EXE Startup realList Anti-Virus Solutions CD ROM Directory Commentary Education Entertainment Games & Diversions HighFive Industry News Multimedia Music & Sound Nautilus Letters Nautilus Services Nemo Notes Photography & Images Software sectionList shortest route, and print directions. not allow you to save your work. Editor Deluxe 1.33 VISTAPRO VISTAPRO SECTION HEADER sectionMediaType prepMovie status = "PLAY"); B"movie" / = "CLOSE"); doPrint "Nothing setPage ePage enterPage prepMovie doPrint leavePage setPage enterPage sectionMediaType leavePage sectionMediaType prepMovie movie CLOSE movie status doPrint Nothing to print from this page. setPage section frame audio 4romDrive sectionMedia playWAVE ( default buttonUp buttonUp sectionMedia vplayWAVE default romDrive helpText Click to play audio. myEnabled movie 4romDrive sectionMedia playMovie "frame" default buttonUp buttonUp sectionMedia playMovie frame default romDrive helpText Click to play movie. movieName EXTRAS\TEST\TEST.AVI myEnabled Click once to go to the selected page. clearAccessHoofer displayIT flushEvents validClick() c"DIB,"); (x = displayIt (x = (x = keyDownArrow); (x = keyEnter); copyIt CopyFile 4returnPage, mediaFile, returnClickNote = "!CUSTOM") " && = "MOVIE") = "DIB")) ) <> down) sysLockscreen selectedTextLines "Viewer" PlayFile default 4currObject N <> "REDBOOK"); enabled B"copyFile" Field buttonDoubleClick keyUp buttonUp copyIt playIt leaveField displayIt leaveField clearAccessHoofer buttonUp displayIT buttonDoubleClick flushEvents validClick playIT keyUp displayIt displayIt displayIt playIt copyIt validClick iCopyFile playIt validClick !CUSTOM to this page MOVIE Viewer returnPage mediaFile ePlayFile default returnPage mediaFile returnClickNote displayIt validClick !CUSTOM false REDBOOK false copyFile enabled enabled currObject Games & Diversions gam_Kitchenware gam_Icons Anonymous gam_ICONDLL Photography & Images pho_Jeff Morgan mme_This Issue pho_Dairy Farm sof_Lotus 1-2-3 Release 4 edu_This Month SECTION HEADER template gam_Nautilus Wine pho_About This Section snd_Automotive Sound FX mme_Multimedia PC mme_Hardware Spotlight Anti-Virus Solutions nem_Tseng Labs let_First Time Link User SUBSECTION menubar :PHYSSIZE section title allText buttonUp buttonUp author general info goNext buttonUp buttonUp goNext helpText Go to the next page. popSectionList (x = (x = keyEnter); buttonStillDown buttonUp keyUp buttonStillDown popSectionList buttonUp popSectionList keyUp popSectionList helpText Pop up a list of sections to Go to. doSearch buttonUp buttonUp ZdoSearch helpText Find text within the Nautilus Shell. Print doPrint buttonUp buttonUp IdoPrint helpText Print text from this page. newLinkMessage buttonUp buttonUp vnewLinkMessage helpText Create a Link Note. doHelp buttonUp buttonUp doHelp helpText Go to 'Quick Help'. upLevel goSectionHdr buttonUp buttonUp goSectionHdr helpText Go to the top of this section. goPrev buttonUp buttonUp goPrev helpText Go to the previous page. Go to the next page. SUBSECTION INFOPAGE section title textHeightProp author general info menubar :PHYSSIZE goNext buttonUp buttonUp goNext helpText Go to the next page. popSectionList (x = (x = keyEnter); buttonStillDown buttonUp keyUp buttonStillDown popSectionList buttonUp popSectionList keyUp popSectionList helpText Pop up a list of sections to Go to. doSearch buttonUp buttonUp ZdoSearch helpText Find text within the Nautilus Shell. 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,,2,22,2 2,,+, ,22,22 ,,2,, 2,2,, 2,2,2, ,2,2,, 2,,2P, ,,22,22, 2,2,2,2 2,22, 2,,2P2P2, ,,+,, ,22,2,2 ,2,2,,22 ,2,2, 22,2,2,2 22,22V 32,2,2 V2,2,2,2, 22,2,, ,,2,2,22 2V2V2W 2,2,2, 22,2,2, 2,2,2, ,2,2,,2,2, 2,+,& ,2,2,,2, ,2,2,, ,2,,2,2, ,2,,2 2,2,22 ,22,2,2,2, ,2,2,2,2 2,,2, V22P2,2 ,+,++ 2,,2, 2,,2,, 2P22,,2 2,,2,,22, P22,2,2,2, 2,,2,, ,2,,2,2,23 2,,2, 2W22V3 22322 ,2,2,2, 22W2V3V 32232232 V2V2V ,22,2,2,22 ,22,22,22, ,+,++,+,+ ,+,,+, ,++,,+ +,++,+,,+!, ,++,+,+ ,2P,2,2 ,2,2P 2,2P2,$ ,2,2P2 ,+,+,+,+,+ ,+,+, +O++_ O++O+ O++*+* O+O+O ,+,++,+ +,++,++ +,++, +,+,+ +,+,+, ++,+, ,+,+, 32232 322322 322,22, -22-2,3223 3223223 V2V22 32,22,2, 2322,22- ,2,,2,2, ,2,22 322-22-2,3 ,2322 3223,2 32232232V2 ,2,,2, 3223223223 2232232232 2-223,2322 3223223 ,2,2,2,2, ,,2,,2 ,22,22,2, ,2,2,2,2,2 2-2,2P2, 2,2,2 ,23,2- ,22,2, V23P2,2 2,22-2, 3223223232 2322-2 32V2232, ,2,2-2232, 3,2,2,, 2V22322,2 ,3,2- ,2,2,2 322V23 ,22,2, ,,2,2, V2V3V ,2,22 22322 22V2V2232 2232V V3V2V 22322 P2P2P VV2V2V V2V2V2V 2VV2V22, V2VV2V2 2VV22V ,2,2, V22V22,2,, 2P22V2 P2P2V2V22V 2V2V2 2V2V2V2 2V2V2,2 ,+,+, ,++,+,+, ,+,+, ,+,++,+, ,,+,+, ,++,, 22V322 ,+,,+,+ +,+,+,, ,++,++,+,+ ,,+,+,++ ,+,++,++,+ ,+,+,+ ,+,+,,2P2V ++,+,+, +,,+,, 2P2,2,2,2, ,2,2,2 2,2,2, P2P2P2P2P ,2,2,2,22 2,2,2,2,2 2P2,2,,2,2 ,2,2, 2P2P22P2 ,,2,2,2 2,2,, 22P2P 22,22, 2,2,2, ,2,2, 2,22,,2,2, 2,2P2P2W2W 22,22,2, ,2,22,2,2, 2,2,2,2,2P ,,2,2 2,2-2 ,2,2,2,,2, 2,2,2,2,2, 2,2,2, 2,2,,2,2 2,2,,2,,22 2,2,2,2,2 2,2,2,2,2, ,2,2,2P2P2 2,2,2,22,, 2,,2,3 2,,2,,2,22 ,2P2,2,2P2 ,,2,2,,2, 2,,2,2 ,,2,2P22,2 2,2,2 22,2, 2,2,2 2,2,2, 2,22V22 2P2P2 ,,2,,2,2,, 2,,2,2,2,2 ,2,2,2P2, ,2,,2,2,,2 2,2P2,2,2, 2,,2,2, ,2,22,2,2 2,2,2,22,2 ,22,2,2 ,,2,,2, 2,2,2 2,22,22,,2 2,,2,, 2,2,22,P, 2,,2,2 ,,2,22,2 2,,+, ,22,22 ,,2,, 2,2,, 2,2,2, ,2,2,, 2,,2P, ,,22,22, 2,2,2,2 2,22, 2,,2P2P2, ,,+,, ,22,2,2 ,2,2,,22 ,2,2, 22,2,2,2 22,22V 32,2,2 V2,2,2,2, 22,2,, ,,2,2,22 2V2V2W 2,2,2, 22,2,2, 2,2,2, ,2,2,,2,2, 2,+,& ,2,2,,2, ,2,2,, ,2,,2,2, ,2,,2 2,2,22 ,22,2,2,2, ,2,2,2,2 2,,2, V22P2,2 ,+,++ 2,,2, 2,,2,, 2P22,,2 2,,2,,22, P22,2,2,2, 2,,2,, ,2,,2,2,23 2,,2, 2W22V3 22322 ,2,2,2, 22W2V3V 32232232 V2V2V ,22,2,2,22 ,22,22,22, ,+,++,+,+ ,+,,+, ,++,,+ +,++,+,,+!, ,++,+,+ ,2P,2,2 ,2,2P 2,2P2,$ ,2,2P2 ,+,+,+,+,, +,+,+,+, +O++z O++O+ O++*+* O+O+O ,+,++ +,+,++ +,++,++ +,++, ,+,+,+ +,+,+, 32232 322322 -2,3,2-223 22322322 V2V22 ,22,2,2, ,2,22 ,2,22, 32,32,3,,3 ,23,2 322322 32232232V2 ,2,,2, 3223223223 2232232232 23223,2322 3223223 ,2,2,2,2, ,,2,,2 ,2,2,2,2, ,2,2,2,2,2 322Q2,3 -2,2, 3,23,2,22, 32,2,23,23 V32P2,,2, ,2,2,2- 2,2,23 ,2232,2,22 3,2,22,23 ,2,2,,2,2, 22V323,2, 22,2, ,232, 2232,2 VV2V2 V2V3V2 V2V22 2V2V22 22V2V2V 2V2V2V2 2V22V2V2 22V2V 2V2V 2 2,22, V2V2V2V V2V2V V2V2V22,2 2V2V22,22 22V22 2V22V 22VV22V 2V2V2 22V2V22 ,2,,2, 2,2,,22 ,+,+, ,+,+, ,+,++ +,+,, ,,+,+,++, ,++,+,+, ,+,+,+,+,+ ,+,++,+,+, ,++,,2, ++,+, ++,+,+, 22P2P2 ,P2,22P P2P2P2P2P 2P22, 2,2,2,2,2 ,,22P2P 2P2,2,2, ,,2,2,2 ,2,,2,2 22,2, 2,,22,2,2, 2,22,,2,2, 2,2P2P2W2W 22,22,2, ,2,22,2,2, 2,2,2,2,2P ,,2,2 2,2-2 ,2,2,2,,2, 2,2,2,2,2, 2,2,2, 2,2,,2,2 2,2,,2,,22 2,2,2,2,2 2,2,2,2,2, ,2,2,2P2P2 2,2,2,22,, 2,,2,3 2,,2,,2,22 ,2P2,2,2P2 ,,2,2,,2, 2,,2,2 ,,2,2P22,2 2,2,2 22,2, 2,2,2 2,2,2, 2,22V22 2P2P2 ,,2,,2,2,, 2,,2,2,2,2 ,2,2,2P2, ,2,,2,2,,2 2,2P2,2,2, 2,,2,2, ,2,22,2,2 2,2,2,22,2 ,22,2,2 ,,2,,2, 2,2,2 2,22,22,,2 2,,2,, 2,2,22,P, 2,,2,2 ,,2,22,2 2,,+, ,22,22 ,,2,, 2,2,, 2,2,2, ,2,2,, 2,,2P, ,,22,22, 2,2,2,2 2,22, 2,,2P2P2, ,,+,, ,22,2,2 ,2,2,,22 ,2,2, 22,2,2,2 22,22V 32,2,2 V2,2,2,2, 22,2,, ,,2,2,22 2V2V2W 2,2,2, 22,2,2, 2,2,2, ,2,2,,2,2, 2,+,& ,2,2,,2, ,2,2,, ,2,,2,2, ,2,,2 2,2,22 ,22,2,2,2, ,2,2,2,2 2,,2, V22P2,2 ,+,++ 2,,2, 2,,2,, 2P22,,2 2,,2,,22, P22,2,2,2, 2,,2,, ,2,,2,2,23 2,,2, 2W22V3 22322 ,2,2,2, 22W2V3V 32232232 V2V2V ,22,2,2,22 ,22,22,22, ,+,++,+,+ ,+,,+, ,++,,+ +,++,+,,+!, ,++,+,+ ,2P,2,2 ,2,2P 2,2P2,$ ,2,2P2 ,+,+,+,+,+ ,+,+, +O++Q O++O+ O++*+* O+O+O ,+,++,+ +,++,++ +,++, ,+,+,+ +,+,+, ,++,+,+, ,++,+ 32232, ,2,23,23 V2V22P 32,22,2, 22P2P2 2322,2,3, -2,2, V22V2 ,2,22 32,32,2,3, 2,322 3223223223 ,2,2,, 2,22, 3223223223 2232232232 232,3,23,2 3223223 ,2,2,2,2,2 ,2,,2,, ,22,2, ,2,2,2,2,2 2,32,2 23,,2,3,2 ,22,22,,22 ,22,2, 3223,22, 22,2, ,2,2, 32,2, ,2,2,22, 3P2,2, -2,2,,-2,2 232V3V23 223223 -22,,3,2 22, 2 ,22,2232VV 2,,2,2,23 3,2P2 2W2V2V 23V2W 22V22 V22V2 P2P2P2 2V2V22 2V2VV2V 22V2V 2V2VV2V VV2V2V2 ,2,22 V2V2VV ,2,2, 22,2,,2, 22V22 2P22V2V V2V22V22, P2P22 2V2V22 ,2,2, ,+,+, ,+,++,+, ,+,+,+, ,+,,+, ,++,+, ,+,+,, 2,2,22 2,P,2P2 ,2P2,2 ,2P22P2 ,,2,2,2, ,2P,2 ,P,2,2P 2P2P2P2 2,22,2,2,, 2,2,2,2,2 ,22,,22P2P 2P2,2,,22, 2,22,22,2 ,,2,2,2 2,,2,22P2P 22,22, ,2,2,,2,,2 2,2,2,2, 2,22,,2,2, 2,2P2P2W2W 22,22,2, ,2,22,2,2, 2,2,2,2,2P ,,2,2 2,2-2 ,2,2,2,,2, 2,2,2,2,2, 2,2,2, 2,2,,2,2 2,2,,2,,22 2,2,2,2,2 2,2,2,2,2, ,2,2,2P2P2 2,2,2,22,, 2,,2,3 2,,2,,2,22 ,2P2,2,2P2 ,,2,2,,2, 2,,2,2 ,,2,2P22,2 2,2,2 22,2, 2,2,2 2,2,2, 2,22V22 2P2P2 ,,2,,2,2,, 2,,2,2,2,2 ,2,2,2P2, ,2,,2,2,,2 2,2P2,2,2, 2,,2,2, ,2,22,2,2 2,2,2,22,2 ,22,2,2 ,,2,,2, 2,2,2 2,22,22,,2 2,,2,, 2,2,22,P, 2,,2,2 ,,2,22,2 2,,+, ,22,22 ,,2,, 2,2,, 2,2,2, ,2,2,, 2,,2P, ,,22,22, 2,2,2,2 2,22, 2,,2P2P2, ,,+,, ,22,2,2 ,2,2,,22 ,2,2, 22,2,2,2 22,22V 32,2,2 V2,2,2,2, 22,2,, ,,2,2,22 2V2V2W 2,2,2, 22,2,2, 2,2,2, ,2,2,,2,2, 2,+,& ,2,2,,2, ,2,2,, ,2,,2,2, ,2,,2 2,2,22 ,22,2,2,2, ,2,2,2,2 2,,2, V22P2,2 ,+,++ 2,,2, 2,,2,, 2P22,,2 2,,2,,22, P22,2,2,2, 2,,2,, ,2,,2,2,23 2,,2, 2W22V3 22322 ,2,2,2, 22W2V3V 32232232 V2V2V ,22,2,2,22 ,22,22,22, ,+,++,+,+ ,+,,+, ,++,,+ +,++,+,,+!, ,++,+,+ ,2P,2,2 ,2,2P 2,2P2,$ ,2,2P2 ,+,+,+,+,, +,,+,+, +O++z O++O+ O++*+* ,+,++,+ +,++,++ +,++, +,+,+, +,+,+, ,+,+, 32232 ,2232232 -2,32, V2V22 32,22,2,22 2322,22- ,2,2, ,2,22 32,32,3,2- 2,232 322322 32232232V2 ,2,,2,2, 3223223223 2232232232 2-223,2322 3223223 ,2,2,2,2,2 ,,2,,2,2, ,22,22,2, ,2,2,2,2,2 322,2,2,3 ,2-2,322 322322322, 3223223 ,32,322,22 ,22-2, ,2,2, ,2,23 ,-2,,2,2,3 2,2,,223 2-2P2, ,2,2-2, 2,,2, 23,2,2 2322, 22322 VVWVV 2V2W22 2V2V2 V2VVW2V3V2 VV2V2 22V22 2V2V2V P2P2P2 V2V22V 22V2V V2V2V2V V2V2V 2VV2V2V2,2 22VV2 2P2V2V 2V22V2V2 2V2V2 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